Solution for Smurf Accounts

It is important to remember that we as players should not worry about players who have alternate accounts. This from Game Director Jeff Kaplan earlier this evening:

Ya know, pretty much everybody in plate and below will play with this option on, since lvl 25 newbie with no idea how to play will get few first games at plate level anyway and pretty much ruin them for everybody else anyway.

It isn’t against the rules.

  1. Bob downloads game

  2. Bob starts game

  3. Bob joins Quickplay Queue. Wait time: 15 minutes

  4. Bob uninstalls game

  5. Bob mourns loss of $40

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It already heavily weights level. A year ago it took 5+ minutes to queue with a low level account as an average player, and it can only have gotten worse as a lower and lower percentage of accounts remain at low levels. You’re basically asking for queue times to be unbearable for new accounts, which will mean no new permanent players. Nobody wants to wait 10+ minutes for a game, so they’d just find another game.

Smurfs aren’t a problem and you should work on improving your game instead of finding excuses.

Good luck with that. Blizz have free weekends for the smurfs fairly often!

Please god, anything to eliminate smurfs from existence for literally ever. I despise them with every fiber of my being. And anyone who says you just have to get better - you will. It just becomes a more smooth progression when you don’t run into Undercover Diamond in silver.

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How about an option to play with only Digital Game owner and Main XBox live account?

I still think people make a big deal out of that. To me, it trickles down to:
I am playing poorly and getting destroyed.
I’m going to blame smurfing so I don’t have to improve.