Solo queue low SR is literal ELO hell

Let me preface this: I’m in no way a great player, but I understand the basics of each role and always keen to learn.

The experience in low SR is very frustrating and often very extreme - compounded by the fact that most players in low SR have no idea what they’re doing - “Watch! Supports and tanks can go pew-pew too!” I’ve played around 10 games in solo queue competitive (support) and literally every game is filled with vulgar chat, blame games and even the occasional smurf. I was plat when I played competitive a long time ago, but the experience was so much better - people actually use voice chat, are encouraging and actually put in the effort to win (swap, move together, callouts). Drop down a few ranks and somehow suddenly everyone’s rabid and toxic - makes sense after all, OW is a team game.

Really not sure what else devs can do to better the solo queue low SR experience but I guess the scum of overwatch (toxic in both skills and manners) really just get dumped into low SR. Good luck if you solo-queued like I did.

Well, if anyone’s interested in teaming up to climb out of the cesspool that is bronze/silver, let me know!


I can coach you. Just add me on discord: Jamal#3200.

Wait till you get to plat/diamond. The matchmaker flaws come out around that rank and you cant solo climb due to the high concentration of new and old accounts that basically make make new accounts have an eaiser time climbing, by putting you more consistently with other people that are climbing. If you arent new 50% of the time you will be forced to lose. You need a duo to force some degree of consistency in every game, or to just make a new account. Blizz doesnt care because it sells more copies.

The game is pretty much team focussed.

People in average rankings can take more care of themselves so usually at those rankings people can solo queue easier.

Though at low and high rankings it’s hard because people are really reliant on each other, meaning of course solo queue will become elo hell.

If you try to play with your team it doesn’t mean they’ll try back, that’s why grouping up is sadly enough the only viable option.

If you can’t get out of low ELO unless you’re grouped, you’re getting carried.

I have solo queued bronze to gold in under 2 hours multiple times. The climb from there slows but I end up in the same ~200 SR range every time. The matchmaker is really consistent at putting you in the same place IN THE LONG RUN (before anyone says “I got an alt and placed higher” then conveniently leave out that afterwards they fell to where their main is).

But… I did


I would say the only consistent viable option.

play like there’s a smurf in your game…usually there is. actively counter the enemy, especially the one whose putting in work. shut them down by any means necessary.