Solo que climb out of gold is near impossible

The game also places other people 1-2 ranks below their skill level sometimes. It’s just for the first placement and since it goes both ways and is such a small percentage of accounts it has little effect in the long run. I placed 900 below my main account on this one and within 2 days was only like 200 below. So I only ruined like 20 games while I was way off. The initial placement matches are weighed WAY too much, when they should be factoring in your 25+ levels of QP and arcade stats.

In order to rank up beyond gold and keep going you have to devote more and more time to the game. Even when not playing the game by examining your recorded gameplay and watching high ranked players play / analyze the game. This is one reason why I have accepted the fact that I am ok staying in Silver / Gold. I can’t devote enough time and energy to get to higher ranks so there is no point.

actually you can climb out of gold just once u get to plat they don’t like your hero main oh wow will they throw u right back into gold

hidden MMR…

Probably not going to see this but I’ll post anyways because I like helping or at least trying to. Keep in mind, the people you play with are at their ranks, you can’t rely on them to do everything so if you want to climb, you gotta improve yourself. Medals aren’t a good measurement. I had gold healing back when I was solo healing as Mercy all the time so it doesn’t really say much. I realized though that I died way too much. Yes, my team could peel for me and protect their healer for a change but I couldn’t count on that every match. I knew what my problem was and I improved to the point where I almost never died. I get 3 gold medals all the time as Moira with at least 10k healing every game, doesn’t mean I’m carrying my team. If you want to get better, recognize your flaws and improve. One thing that held me back was I flexed too much. I could play tank, or on the rare occasion, dps at the sr I was at so I made it a point to instalock main healer instead of being the nice one that let everyone else pick first.

I usually don’t use LFG but if that’s your preference than be the group leader and kick those that don’t have mics and public profiles. The endorsement system is there for a reason. Look for shot callers. I’ve climbed through the ranks on both Xbox and Pc as a solo q support main. It’s possible if you want it

I wil replying to you as a 3200 Diamond player. Nowhere in the ranking from where your at to where I am at will change. People still do not use mics, people still do not want to win and I will NEVER EVER EVER Drop or game SR I have lost all 10 qualifying games on purpose ending the season at 2700 and starting it at 2900 for no reason at all. The game is broken and Blizzard has no intent on making the game fun or fair for gamers looking to get better or rank up. Overwatch is an extremely easy and casual game that is why it is on Xbox and anyone who says the game is hardcore or competitive is a dunce.

I like how you say that it’s not how it works. And then proceed to spout pure BS about how YOU think a ladder works. You’re dead wrong. I’ve seen plenty of plat and diamond vods and streams. You aim like potatoes. All of you.

Slyther is either dumb or a troll. the whole point of smurfing is to display your leet skills in a lower bracket on the ladder. None of these idiots can hard carry games, but they are very adept at griefing to prevent others from climbing.

There is no counterplay when your MMR is so freaking high that nobody else on your team is even CAPABLE of shooting a rip-tire. My teammates are literally ALL bots, and matchmaking expects me to just outright hard carry every single game because of it.

I watch diamond games where the DPS get to sit and free shoot. I have 3 or more people constantly looking for me, and I get solo ulted on a regular basis. None of this happens to anyone I’ve watched. When those players get focused they get peeled and immediately healed. That NEVER happens to me.

I’ve watched videos where Jayne is teaching master players trigger discipline, and their aim is hot garbage. So no little nublet, this ladder is broken.

Here is the thing, if you are getting solo ulted perhaps you need to change how you play - in another word, group up with your team so you won’t get solo ulted, or pick another character that can dodge out an ult when you predict it is coming. Sometimes you have to be upfront with your team and tell everyone to stop making certain mistakes, but you have to do it in a way that will make people likely to listen.

I’ve won games where I played super aggressive charging rein (trading my tank for space/pick) and I’ve won games with no tanks while the whole team bickering at each other telling each other they are trash.
In an elo like gold it is more important to adapt and figure out what can helps with the situation the best instead of forcing a set comp.

There are definitely unwinnable games (20% in my experience out of the 90 games I played), but if you are consistent you can climb, it is just a very slow process when you are hovering around 55-60% win rate.
Play at your absolute best capabilities (peak concentration, relaxed mental state so you can keep analyzing every fight you lose/why you win a game/why you lose).

I ran from 2245-2383 (peak 2407) in 94 games, so that’s about 16-17 hours of playing here and there. I regret playing on weekend prime time as most of my losses come from Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon.

I still hate the MMR system, it’s frustrating that you have to get a 65% win rate to climb at all if the game’s decided to give you a crappy MMR, while other players climb with a 50% winrate because the game gave them a high MMR. There’s no reason why the gains/losses can’t be strictly from the performance in that match, rather than a super secret sauce algorithm.

It’s like if a 4th liner on a hockey team gets a hat trick and you win the game 3-2 based on him… but he doesn’t score much normally, so instead of 2 points for a win, he gets 1.5, while the league-leading goal scorer on the team who scored nothing that game gets 2.5.

Also, just a personal point… if you’re posting about how great you are and how you’re stuck because you’re great but you get stuck with bad teams etc…don’t have a private profile. That basically screams that you’re full of it.


OP makes a very valid point. There is no mathematical way that this is acceptable.

Blizz will not allow links in posts so I have posted 11s in front.


Don’t use lfg, solo q is easier, play your main(s), don’t fill, you’ll get there eventually if you’re better than a gold player :wink:
I started in gold in season 5, got plat in season 7 I think, just reached diamond last night (on my alt), only took me 8 seasons! It’s a grind but if you practice and try to improve it’s totally doable. Good luck!

Inb4 a higher ranked players says his game play is better than his own. It truley can not be your fault you are not climbing. Some times you just need to take a break and try again a few hours later. Part of ranked is rng for half decent team mates. Anyone that says otherwise is delusional and lieing.

A good way to know if you truley need improvement is by looking at your win sr gains. If you are not gaining more that 20-25+ sr on a win bellow diamond you prob need improvement.

I qualified ~1600 this season and already climbed to over 2600, solo queue maining torb. That’s over 1000 SR, including the manadatory % of games with throwers, trolls, genji/tracer mains, DC’s/leavers.

It’s actually not that hard if you disregard all the advice given here so far, so:

-ignore team composition. Play your best hero (preferably a DPS)
-ignore the abuse, VC, requests, grouping up, ignore everything and do what YOU think you need to do to get the win
-don’t throw or practice your bad heroes even when you know it’s a lost cause - stay on your main and try new things, new positions,flanks,timing etc.

And most importantly…adjust your avoid list after every match. Do NOT play multiple matches with genji/tracer mains who won’t switch, they are pure SR cancer.

You will be abused even when you hard carry the win. But you will climb.

And again…put those genjis and tracers on avoid. Even the smurf ones. They throw every 2nd match or so to make sure they don’t climb out of their bully/feel good about myself zone

One last thing - hunt down and duel smurfs on the enemy team. You’ll improve, and sometimes you’ll frustrate them into throwing/switching. Hunt them down like the terminator, let them know there’s no free ride here

edit: oh yeah, don’t be afraid to use the occasional rock hard counter, like using sombra to smash a decent/smurf hammond or doom (sombra also smashes hog). Or winston to actively hunt a decent genji etc

Medals absolutely do matter in the context of who is pulling their weight on that particular team in that particular match. I’d say it matters more not how many medals you have but which you DON’T have. To say that it doesn’t matter when a Roadhog has gold DMG and Elims when there’s 3 other actual DPS on the team is dumb. Sure, let’s say gold may only be 5 elims or damage is lower than it should be, but it’s telling you who is and is not pulling their weight. Any info is good info if you choose to actually do something with it. The other DPS on the team who are getting outshined by a Hog need to ask why. Are they dying too much and need to work on positioning? Are they just aiming badly? If you had nothing at all to go by you would never know to ask yourself these questions.

If everyone took this advice then… Uh…

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Solo queue out of any Elo is near impossible, diamond/ master isn’t any better btw

worked for me

it works because regardless of composition, people don’t work together or communicate anyway

What works higher up, doesn’t apply to gold. Usually even 5/6 stacks don’t have the discipline/comms to be much more effective than a solo 6

Your DPS is a sombra, she is hacking and finishing off people
No damage medal though, maybe only bronze Elims, but she has good Ults and hacks.
is she not pulling her weight?
Meanwhile your hog has gold Elims and damage, but the enemy Hanzo has had ult 5 times already…
Tell me who’s at fault here?

Medals tell you who’s pulling their weight. But at the same time it doesn’t tell you knows not pulling the weight. It’s also contextual. The guy could be a McCree who flanks nonstop, gets a pick, and dies immediately while their tracer one clips your zen. He may have the golds, but their genji pulls out the dragonblade and wins the teamfight. Now if he stayed with the team, with the zen, he could peel for him and the tracer will either die/not be as effective. The McCree may not be getting the medals here, but he’s doing his job and helping the team win.

While yes, medals can represent who’s doing their job, they don’t always.