Solo que climb out of gold is near impossible

“thge system may not be fair, but it works.” WWHHHAAATTTT??? How exactly does it work and be unfair at the same time?? PLEAAASEE explain to us all how that is even logically possible.

Easy answer. You can’t. Just as much as I can’t definitevely prove that is is rigged. But if you go read countless threads about people complaining about how they are always matched with throwers and leavers and compare that to the amount of threads that say the game is fairly matched you will find that there are a SIGNIFICANT number of people who have VERY well written threads with tons of the same information and have played 2000+ hours over the last 12 seasons who will debunk all the crappy fallacies the elitist schmucks try to peddle.

Trust me, there are a LOT of people, even many pros that truly believe the system is very flawed and needs to be revised.

Nice misquote there. I didn’t say the system is great, I said it is the same for everyone. It is impossible for a system like a matchmaker to account for leavers, throwers, and smurfs. A system that did would be completely fair, but to my knowledge such a matchmaker does not exist.

I can say that the system works because you have a rating attached to your account that is entirely based on your stats from all the games you have previously played. I can say that it is fair, because everyone has the exact same system judging their skill rating, and the matchmaker (for me and most people in this thread) has functioned to give them matches of people who are of a similar skill rating than they are. It may not be completely fair (my actual words when not misquoted) due to the aforementioned leavers, throwers, and smurfs, but it does work to accomplish its intended purpose. That means it may not be completely fair due to outliers and uncontrollable variables, but it works in assigning you a rank that you earned based on your gaming experience. This is the same for everyone.

As far as the thread count for bad experiences goes… can I ask you a personal question? How many times have you told your server at a restaurant that her service was amazing and that everything was great, and that they did a good job? Now contrast that with the amount of times you complained about the service in a restaurant. Bad experiences stand out because of how upset they made you, and good experiences, or even marginal experiences, don’t stand out because they are the norm. That is why there are a significant amount of people complaining on the forums, because normality isn’t worth mentioning and bad experiences stand out. They are upset and want to vent about it, just like you are doing in this thread, but the reality is the good far outweighs the bad. That has to be true or you would have stopped playing Overwatch already.

I never once claimed that the system didn’t need tweaks or upgrades. I challenge you to find anyone that doesn’t think that part of something in a game isn’t exactly how they would like it. I just said that it is a functioning system as is evident by the fact that both of us still play the game in competitive mode, and have a skill rating attached to our profiles.

I also just want to point out that you have yet to respond to a single person about anything to do with improving your own skills, rather than cherry picking one or two sentences of their argument you don’t agree with and changing the subject.

Is your point just to be upset at the matchmaker? That through no self improvement, the matchmaker needs to be changed to give you the rank you have proclaimed you deserve? We have all been frustrated with our teammates, we have all dealt with quitters and trolls. We have all tried to carry and come up a bit short, and not known what else we could have done. These experiences are universal, and human responses to an upsetting outcome.

Go play the game, improve what you see yourself doing wrong, and one of two things will happen:

  1. You will climb, eventually.
  2. You are exactly where you are supposed to be.

Take away:
Stop attacking people who are trying to help you, and take responsibility for the fact your gameplay has the largest impact on your personal ranking. Not everyone who disagrees with you or is better than you is an elitist.


No its not the same for everyone. Wanna know why? Because some people only play 2-3 matches ina row and then quit playing for the day.

Some of us play 3-4 hours at a time and play dozens of matches in a row. Some people like myself play for 2 hours, take a break, then play again later.

The queue pools are ALSO never the same. That differs based on your rank as well as the time at which you play. There could mean there are 500,000 players in the mid-Gold queue pool between 3pm-9pm on a weeknight because people have work and/or school the next day. That probably doubles or triples on weekends when all the kids are online on Saturday and Sunday.

The queue pool also cycles out hundreds of thousands of people every few minutes.

When you TRULY account for all those variables, of course it is horrible. And It clearly is unfair. Why? because mid-high Gold and I still get placed with people who clearly have absolutely no skill and got themselves boosted into Plat only to drop back down into Gold after they sank from their boosted SR level.

Another reason? Smurfs. Diamond or above players who make smurf accounts and intentionally place themselves in low tiers just to troll people 1000-2000+ SR below them or outright sabotage matches and make a mockery of the system by avoiding bans and suspensions on their main accounts with their coveted shiny rank plaques.

Want some a few more reasons??? Throwers, Leavers etc. Because Blizxard has such a vague stance on what constitutes sabotage you CANT even report someone for feeding because of the whole “play what you want” mentality, and Blizzard said “we don’t want to restrict players” which is absolutely ridiculous for a Competitive game mode.

You’re the only one delusional here. We get it. You don’t want to try. You don’t want to work on improving. You think just playing and repeating the same gold level mistakes with your gold level aim and gold level game sense should get you to plat then to diamond just by grinding. But that’s not how it works. You’re probably not a plat player. You’re definitely not a diamond player, or you’d at LEAST climb to plat.

All you have are excuses, and that’s fine as long as you’re willing to accept the fact that THAT IS THE REASON YOU ARE IN GOLD.

Math isn’t your friend either, I’m afraid. In the long run, there will be MORE leavers on the other team, unless you are causing them. So you actually GAIN SR due to leavers. You are literally at a higher rank because leavers exist.

Like everyone else in Victimland with you, leavers are always on your team, throwers on your team, smurfs deranking on your team, smurfs playing at their actual skill level on the other team, people who Blizzard placed way below their SR on the other team, and players Blizzard placed way above their actual SR on your team. Never could a thrower be on the other team. Never could a GM smurf be playing their best on your team. It’s amazing how things work in Victimland.


Here is the problem with your line of thinking. You are NOT seeing the big picture. I NEVER SAID THAT THEY ARE NEVER ON THE OPPOSITE TEAM. The match I JUST played the enemy team had 5 leavers. So that 6th player is forced to lose.


There are times where those SAME throwers and sabotagers are on the other team the VERY next match I get. So now THOSE players have to deal with the same problems I just had. YES that happens. But STOP making it sound like that NEGATES the problem, because it DOESN’T!! I feel horrible that someone else will now have a higher likelihood of losing SR due to those same players I just had the displeasure of dealing with.

This is a widespread problem that NEEDS to be addressed and fixed for the good of the COMMUNITY and not just myself. But the only thing people like YOU accomplish is making people reluctant to make threads because of your backwards logic. And any threads that DO get posted are thereafter locked because they are turned into trollish cesspools of rank shaming and “your wrong because I am higher rank than you” and other assorted elitist fallacies.

Stop peddling your bullcrap logic.

This thread is about SR. Those types of players don’t affect your SR in the long run, so that’s off topic.

Yes they do. Especially when you get them 2-3 matches in a row because there are only 3 avoid slots. You stand to lose almost 60-75 SR cause of them.

OMFG 3 matches in a row were with either 2 or 3 stacked Plat/Silver booster groups with 2500-2700 Plat boosting a 1500-1700ish Silver into mid-Gold matches. FML. The Plat player from the match I just finished was 2456 boosting a 2 Silvers that were like 1650ish. The Plat player was like 11 years old playing Hammond and feeding. One of the Silvers was a healer playing a Lucio in perpetual speed boost. Wallrunning the whole time we were on attack and was nowhere near the point…omg…and their other Silver was on Rein and was just sitting there holding up his shield and letting it break and charges in and dies!! Like WTF???

Lost a total of 60+ SR. FML.I just spent the previous 2-3 matches gaining that SR I lost this morning.

And the next time they’re on the other team and you gain 60-75 SR. Is math really that confusing to people?

And that doesn’t happen all the time dude. Yet again using backwards logic.

THE PROBLEM IS THAT THEY EXIST AND CAUSE PEOPLE TO LOSE SR!! Stop using that crap logic. it DOESN’T MATTER what team they are on. They ARE A PROBLEM.

You need to go invest more time into the season before criticising people. You have 1 hour on your most played hero. maybe if you invested more time in the Comp season you’d see more of these situations.


No they don’t.

You’re wrong.

There are 6 players on the other team that aren’t you. There are 5 players on your team that aren’t you. 6/11 leavers are on the other team. That’s over 50%. YOU GAIN SR BECAUSE OF LEAVERS

This is 1st grade math. Are you so blinded by your NEED for a scapegoat that you forgot 1st grade math?

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You obviously failed 1st grade Math then because you cant blatantly apply that even math when there are hundreds of things called VARIABLES!!
Have fun thinking that way and using backwards logic and self defeating arguments kid.


I’m sorry, but if you are going to just dance around the facts in the book I just wrote then let me break it down for you.

It is not the fault of the matchmaker that people have different play schedules. This is about SR, and playtime is hugely related to SR. The more time you play, the more chances to improve you have, and the more skill you will accrue. At the same time, the game averages stats over 10 minute increments allowing playtime to be largely about how long you practice rather than how much comp you play.

See above as this is a re-wording of the same point. The more you play, the better you get. It’s basic skillbuilding, and not something that a matchmaker could possibly account for. Again, all your stats are based on “stat/10 minutes” as an average across all games, so different quantities of play schedules have no effect on SR gain or loss. The only difference is how much you learn while you play.

For starters, you can’t know if any of what you just said is true, because only the matchmaking programmers understand the coding that they used. The only possible takeaway from interactions with the matchmaker is that everyone (Jeff Kaplan, xQc, Surefour, you and I, as well as your supposedly trash teammates) has the exact same system ranking the exact same statistics against everyone else, this is literally the fairest way.

There is no matchmaker boogeyman, and there is no preferential treatment. We are all victims of everything you are accusing the matchmaker of, yet you are one of the vocal minority who feel they are unjustly not climbing. You are not a special snowflake that the matchmaker wants to punish, we are all in the same boat, and your inability to climb is the exact same struggle everyone else in your game is going through on their way up or down the ladder.

See above, but to reiterate: The system already does this through use of averages. For proof, see your in game statistics are accounted for in terms of “stat/10 minutes”. Also, everyone else has to overcome all of the same obstacles that you do to climb, because that is how ladder rankings work.

Smurfs don’t actually help or hurt you. There is a 1/6 chance of a smurf on the enemy team, and a 1/5 chance that there is one on your team. That’s slightly unfair, but if you are truly carrying as much as you seem to think you are, the tiny difference in probability will more than likely equal out. In other words, getting a smurf on your team is just as likely as getting an enemy smurf so this actually doesn’t effect your SR in any way.

You just don’t know you have a smurf on your team because you stomped them, and then you notice when you get stomped because it feels bad, and you blame your teammates. Also everyone else has to play against smurfs, and they are still able to climb, so yet again, you are not a special snowflake and the matchmaker isn’t out to punish you.

Though this has already been dealt with by other people calling you a crybaby, I feel the need to mention that they are correct for the same reason as smurfs were dealt with previously. They have throwers, leavers, and saboteurs on their team, you just don’t realize because you are so busy carrying your team (sarcasm). But in case you need a reminder:

Finally, can you answer the question I tried to bait you into? Your response was the exact thing I told you not to do. You cherry picked parts of the book I wrote and sidestepped answering the question. Here you go! One final time! For all the marbles:

I feel as though if you don’t answer this direct question, nobody will take you seriously from this point forward, but I digress:

Do you honestly think that you improving your skills through VoD reviews and personal reflection wont result in an increase in SR? Or are you so determined to scapegoat the system that you, a self-proclaimed 33 year old man, solely blame the matchmaker for your inability to climb?

Don’t go looking for cherries now, just answer the question.

He’s not 33. No one over 15 uses “kid” as an insult.

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Your attitude has made it less likely that I will even read what you wrote. Sorry, but when someone acts like a fool, they are indeed a fool. Perhaps you should act your age and not your shoe size. Unless your shoe size happens to be higher than your age which means you have hellishly large feet which are basically welled up with blood that should otherwise be bringing oxygen to that severely disadvantaged brain.

You realize that I did not claim that I was deserving of Master or above right? I have a realistic goal of Mid-High Plat MAYBE low Diamond if I improve more. I never denied that I need to improve. I simply believe that the people I am matched with do NOT match my skillset based mainly on simple observations after playing this game for over 2000+ hours since the Open Beta.

I know for a fact that I am currently deserving of at LEAST low-mid Plat rank and maybe even mid-high Plat based mostly on my game sense and consistence of my performance alone. Winrate is COMPLETELY dependant on teams that will win, which in turn is effected by leavers, throwers etc.

I am not some 11 year old kid who is bronze and thinks he is good enough to be Master or Top500. That is a completely delusional goal compared to my realistic goal of Plat or low Diamond. Get that assumption out of your head. I have plenty of Platnum rank friends who know that I am good enough to be in Plat. Having bad luck with the flawed matchmaker is the one hurdle that is preventing me from climbing out of this SR cesspool.

Someone with a large enough ego to claim that he only makes the same mistake once and never makes it again while his teammates constantly repeat theirs over and over in every single game doesn’t get to lecture others about their attitude.

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Actually, yes I do. Especially when you and others are using fallacies and backwards logic to try and prove your point. That may work on ignorant 12 year olds but it doesn;t work on a grown man who has a functioning brain.

Your experience may be different but it does NOT negate mine. If you play severely fewer hours and devote less time to the heros you play YOU have no cause to lecture me on how to climb when you do not deal with nearly as many toxic players that I do each day.

Private profiles are just a shroud to cover your shame. A private profile really doesn’t really protect you. It just makes it easier to identify who the real trolls are.

Yes, people will sit there and pick apart your stats. But their problem is that they look at one stat by itself and do not see a full picture. You can;t just cherry pick one stat like winrate. A hero winrate does not determine a players skill. That just determines whether they gain or lose SR. And the system the way it is, when you lose more matches than you win, of COURSE you will be stuck. And WHY do people lose matches??? You know exactly why. leavers, smurfs, throwers, griefers and trolls. Plain and simple. The game would be a lot more fun for everyone if they were perma-banned from the game.

And we all WONDER why threads get locked in the forum. Bunch of elitist and egotistical rank shamers who use backwards logic and fallacies to try and disprove peoples hard evidence and negate people who have a wealth of experience dealing with toxic players, throwers and leavers in game.

You can all have fun circle jerking each other. Muting the notifications on this thread.

You all have a wonderful evening.

Just noticed this guy is endorsement level 0 meaning he was recently (or currently) suspended. He’s stuck at his rank because he’s as toxic in game as he is on the forums I guess.

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No. You are the only one here that can’t understand that you are a low gold player and the system isn’t broken. My attitude isn’t the problem, you are the only common denominator, the x factor, the only thing that’s the same in all your delusional scenarios.

Play more, and you will improve.

It’s worked for the other millions of people who have played the game competitively. If you can’t deal, then may I suggest Fortnite for a more competitive experience?

Also, I found the ultimate flaw in your hideously flawed argument, we can see your profile. We can see your winrates, and your SR. You’re gold. Not plat. End of story.

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Dude, accept that you’re toxic and not that good. I played with you and you were nothing special beyond foul-mouthed and whiny; I will admit in those regards you were well above average. You don’t climb because your mentality is garbage as you always look outward for excuses. Btw “more agree with me than you” is an Appeal to Numbers ie a logical fallacy.