Soldier kinda fell off

I don’t know what changed but he feels pretty meh nowadays

Playing against him and as him. Maybe it’s the dps passive being nerfed but he doesn’t feel as oppressive to play against. He kinda just exists. Unless he has a Mercy pocket he’s kinda faded a bit in terms of dominance. Still a good solo queue hero but Tracer and Sojourn are just busted beyond belief and make Soldier kinda just an okay hero now

I feel like this is where he should be, not #1 but still a safe pick for most people. Solid B

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maybe because dive is a bigger thing now with health buffs and healing passive. dive is really popular and i think the new venture hero destroys soldier right?

i dont play venture so i dont know that matchup… also i dont play soldier (much if at all… if i play him start trying to sprint on sojourn later, hate that)

yea pretty much. it kinda feels like the dps doom -soldier matchup

Well idk about you but I constantly see him in all my games and he gets so much reward for such little effort.

No team comp, or heck no hero even counters him. He does not get countered by dive anymore than any other squishy DPS does. He actually has a pretty good anti dive kit. Him and Cassidy are still dominating in terms of competitive pick rate so idk how you got the idea that he fell off.


not really. especially against dive tanks he doesn’t do well into them at all

soldiers pretty bad against doom monkey or dva, ball is eh he doesn’t have good damage

against echo, its neutral, loses out to tracer and genji, sombra plays well into him too

He does though. He has self healing, something most DPS don’t have, and he has good mobility. A single dive tank literally cannot dive him and kill him before he presses E, or runs to his team.

But if it takes 2 or more dive heroes to kill Soldier, then it is no different with the majority of squishy heroes either. He doesn’t get countered by dive anymore than pretty much any other hero does. I honestly couldn’t count the amount of times I have been dived as Soldier and simply… ran away.

Dva is probably his biggest counter but out of defense matrix he absolutely destroys her health bar.

Hp increase means you shoot more.

Tracer and Sojourn are just that strong that Soldier fell off slightly

And I mean slightly

As he’s right behind Sojourn

Mega OP characters are not good benchmarks

Kill threshold of S76 are always low except rocket direct hit
If it was not the case then he was OP

Soldier has not fallen off at all.

At least not compared to the half of the DPS that isnt favored by the devs. He might be very slightly less overwhelmingly effective and easy compared to S9, but that is nothing compared to to sheer obsoleting of other DPS heroes like Junkrat, Symmetra and Mei.

S76 is only scary if he has a mercy pocket. Even as echo in a 1v1 I’m not afraid of him. Even with a mercy pocket if I have one too I’m confident in winning that duel.

I don’t think that you can call B a solid =) Having over 2k hours on that hero I may say this is a waste of dps slot, as the most dps heroes having no solo-carry potential. Even though tracer and soj are busted on such a background, you still can’t do equal impact compared to tanks and supports. Dps need either giga buffed TTK, or the same value abilities that supports and tanks have: immos, CC, escapes on short cooldowns, high burst damage.

TTK buff may be achieved via falloff revert to 50% state + minor damage numbers change.

I see no reason for hitscans such as Cree to shoot 4 shots out of 6 to be able to kill something in a game where you can’t peek or initiate something w/o being insta-punished for the initiative.

OW2 encourages passive playstyle for dps which has never been a thing about this role before OW2. I can outdps any damage character with Bap/Zen/Moira/Kiri/Illary just because I can outlast them and have same damage numbers in the kit or even better.

I also see no reason for Ashe in this game to be required hitting 4 consequtive shots (sometimes 5) or not being able to two-tap kill in the head because of falloff distance. This character had 85 original scoped damage and this should be brought back asap, and the mercy damage boost is not an issue anymore considering it does not provide one-tapping breakpoint anymore with new HP pools of 250. She is freaking slow, long cooldowns, low damage output on primary and low firerate on scope – all of that in a game about mobility and fast-pace.

And soldier…well he’s just tickling and not even to death anymore. Most of the time he feels doing negative damage, yeah, like you literally heal enemies, kinda, while shooting them.

Thank GOD!

He was so annoying. Now he is tolerable.

Watch them buff him soon enough and its back to hitscan being Gods again for no reason other then headshot spam.