Soldier-76's Journey... and Oasis/Runasapi

Let’s do a bit of step by step of the journey of Soldier 76, from when he “returned from the dead” to the beginning to today, because I would like to get to a small interesting consideration on the next narrative developments:

  • Jack is “killed” by the explosion of the Swiss base during a fight against Reyes;
  • The body is not found, but the tomb built in his memory in a cemetery in Virginia;
  • 5 years later, Morrison returns and enters the old military bases of Overwatch (Grand Mesa) to steal the equipment of the task force under the pseudonym of “Soldier-76”.
  • It seems that he has foiled a robbery in a bank in Zurich (Visible in the cinematic we are overwatch)
  • Jack faces Los Muertos in the city, probably to identify a possible connection of Talon (ARG Sombra), but in the end he can not conclude anything except understanding that he must look for this “Sombra”;
  • Jack arrives in Egypt because he suspects he is finding new connections with Talon through Abdul Hakim. He gets involved in the business of the mysterious criminal “Shrike”, who eventually turns out to be Ana. The two take refuge in a Necropolis to defeat Hakim’s gang, and from the computers we can see that Jack is looking for Reaper. Eventually, Ana and Jack leave the Necropolis.
  • They reach Mercy, who is on a humanitarian aid mission. There they seek help to heal the wounds inflicted in the webcomic “old soldiers”, but eventually they head to the Temple of ANubis for a Talon raid in the area. hypothetically it is shortly after this period that Ana meets Cassidy (New Blood);
  • Ana and Jack go to Europe in search of Talon, but they never manage to locate them. Their tracks are lost in Istanbul and Budapest. Only then does someone contact them anonymously, who asks them to head to Zurich, verifying that the informant really did know something about Talon. after their encounter with Mirembe, Ana and Soldier split up;

From here on the events of Lucky man, a short story from Ascendant book not yet published on the official website:

- Left alone, Jack finally understands that the mysterious informant was Sombra, who convinces him to collaborate to verify something among the remains of the Swiss base. Here Soldier finds a mysterious object connected to the conspiracy, and will help Sombra find the other pieces. Sombra suggests him to go to Oasis;

here we are: hypothetically soldier 76 was supposed to go to Oasis, but in the Christmas comic we find him in Runasapi to meet Illari. so I have some theories:

  • In Runasapi there are some offices of the ministries of geology and genetics of Oasis;
  • Illari, strangely, has several vocal lines in which he especially hates Moira’s research;

This makes me think that Soldier 76 arrived in Oasis… and that he discovered that he had to reach Runasapi for some reason. It makes me think of several theories:

  1. Illari knows something about genetic research, and perhaps the incident towards the Inti warriors was not a coincidence… but a manipulation of the Oasis research out of control that Illari cannot accept;
  2. Soldier is looking for something that requires Illari’s help… or something that is in the (hypothetical) Oasis research base in Runasapi, perhaps the second piece of the puzzle that Sombra asked him to look for.

this story has a small gap though: we don’t know if soldier has finally really reached Oasis as was suggested in Lucky Man, since we have only seen the events of Hazard that (in theory) have nothing to do with this search for soldier. :thinking:

at this point the future narrative could concern precisely the continuation of this search for soldier towards talon, and in some way perhaps it was part of the “talon Chapter” that we didn’t have after the invasion chapter, in addition to the short story of Maximillien that sends something not better specified.


Illarie’s energy may be the same as the IRIS. Soldier 76 and Illarie experienced the same explosion. I guess the reason for Illarie’s explosion is the same as Soldier 76, both of which are caused by the IRIS.