Soldier 76 kit is outdated, he need a rework

Just the new ult would be more than enough. It holds him back so much.


Yeah true. I was talking more like, maybe a bit more accuracy, or maybe 5 more rounds, or something. Just something to make his base weapon more consistent.

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I want 5 rounds so badly. They lie to my face and say he is based on Call of Duty… How? Just because he sprints? C’mon, fam! At least give him a standard 30 mag to PRETEND, just pretend. :pensive:

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you remember the most important update for Soldier?
thats why no one want to play him anymore

As long as it only permits manual headshots rather than literally doubling his ultimate DPS against heroes.

Soldier is one of the handful of balanced heroes left. We’re in this era of ow where if you’re not power creeped your kit is outdated. Winston, soldier, and zen need the cast nerfed to their levels tbh.1

actually i think his kit is decent, all but his ult
he can get positive value out of everything in ample situations. he tends to work almost anywhere in any comp

soldier gets negative usage against shield comps. but we’re in double shield meta to be fair. that’s the same for practically every hero who can’t pierce shields or maneuver around them. you just have to focus fire at shields with your team and be cognizant of breaking through this defense multiple times per round. that’s the name of the game these days.

soldier has his uses and he is very good at one-tricking damage heroes with his rocket. his only real problem is that garbage ult

edit: oh and some people have been mentioning his accuracy problems, which i agree. his primary fire shoots in a really awkward spread that should honestly be a lot tighter than it is, but to be fair it has enabled soldier to land shots around corners or behind obstacles and sometimes even get kills. so while it makes aiming more difficult it sometimes gives him free kills he otherwise won’t be getting if they change it.

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I agree with mostly everything, but his barrier damage is well above average and he has the tools to flank and disrupt double barrier fortifications. He is far from the best pick, but he is not trash in double barrier. At least not more than any dps caught in a similar predicament.

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That seems poorly reasoned then. He has above average sustained dps and per-mag damage, both of which are important in shield-break, and is largely balanced around high accuracy bloom (which has no effective cost when firing into shields). In addition to this, he is one of the most able to flank around shields, and even sustain in a disruptive position, denying enemy shields much of their positioning value.

Soldier main here;

It would not, it would be a buff despite nerfing his damage back down. Burst firing has HUGE opportunity costs to it. You’ve begun damaging a target, so they know where you are and that you are targeting them. If you stop firing to reset bloom, they have that time to shoot back, use an ability, or take cover.

For example, if you are targeting Pharah and stop to reset your bloom (which you must), they’ll either start bouncing you around with rockets or just drop and your opportunity is blown. Whereas with Widow, McCree, and Ashe… Pharah is already dead.

The bloom is severe enough that even holding down the trigger on a Roadhog at mid-range will cause quite a few missed shots. It’s pretty ridiculous really. Bastion’s machine gun feels really good for spread, I’d love that for Soldier as well.

Possibly give him a prone or tripod crouched position that reduces/eliminates spread but immobilizes him, which would be a fine balance compromise.

I would honestly just wait for OW2 to see the new skill abilities and skill trees that people can get used to in a PVE setting before pondering reworks for devs to add now for the entire community to rage about again

What? How? He shoots and has a heal. How’s that outdated?

I always saw him a the easiest dps to understand. Like the gateway dps for new people.

Give him the Genji treatment of course!
Ammo increased from 25 to 31
Primary fire spread decreased Spread reduced by 25%
Can now fire 10 rounds per second up from 9
Damage per pullet now 21 up from 20
Sprint is now cancels instantly (cancels quicker)
Now reloads while sprinting for long enough
Now soldier is strong enough to not only compete with other dps BUT BEAT THEM ALL.
his max no headshot dps with these patches has increased from 180dps to 210dps! still with rockets and a better sprint of course.

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