Soldier 76 changes

Hello, I have been playing soldier 76 pretty much since I first started playing the game for 4 years now, the soldier 76 “buff” is great as it makes him more consistent and great for play at the highest level but I feel like there needs to be more compensation for the veteran soldier 76 players. I got use to the mechanics of how the character works and I have made it to masters playing mainly soldier 76 in a few seasons after mastering his mechanics. Soldier was really one of the few characters that I really enjoyed playing every game, after the change with the recoil he is now just a pain to play, I understand that he is stronger in a sense but he just became very unfun to play for me, I use to never get bored of him and can play him for many games in a row and grind comp, but now I really don’t enjoy playin him for more than 1 or 2 games, please have some compensation for players that have been playing soldier since day 1, the shooting mechanics are so drastically different now it feels like I am playing a brand new character, if you want a character with recoil in their rifle just release a new one if that what people want, don’t go changing the character people love and have been playing with in the same way for literally half a decade now for some people. its frustrating but I hope you can see where I am coming from, just imagine your favorite character having a core mechanic changed drastically its really not fun. Also soldier is literally the tutorial character he is the entry to DPS, giving him recoil just makes it too difficult for players who might be brand new to shooters and overwatch to transition into the game, he is suppose to be the character with easy mechanics that you can learn the game while playing. I highly recommend you consider creating new characters as the hero pool is already small as it is, rather than changing my favorite thing about overwatch and literally the only reason I still play it.


Not really.

This game need to change more heroes to make them more skill based and for aiming based dps, this mean add recoil and other aiming and fps mechanics.

Remember overwatch was meant to be a competitive game.

Blizzard do the error to make it too much casual for years, but now seems start to fixing the problems.

Soldier is still the “entry hero”, recoil is the easiest they can add.


yeah I understand what you are saying, but you can just release a new character with the more competitive mechanic that they want, I understand I am the minority but you are still hurting the minority of player, that want to keep some characters simple and fun. some people have invested literally hundreds to thousands of hours on a single character, just add new more “competitive” fps mechanics on new characters, I don’t like when game developers change old characters that still have a role in the game rather than making new ones.


The problem is this game was meant to be competitive.

So older heroes with no skill based mechanics, specially dps, must be changed if Blizzard want to do a good competitive game.

If really Blizzard want this game to be competitive they must add recoil to other heroes can benefit from it.

Heroes like orisa, bastion or ashe, can benefit from recoil without changing their role.

Instead for example tracer or sombra not worth insert recoil because this will change how they will work too much.

You can’t keep old no skill heroes and add new skill based feature on new heroes.

The game can’t be competitive if you mix the things in this way.

Which DPS? IIRC every DPS right now has a skill based mechanic.


Not really.

Or they have random spread, or they not have any skill based mechanics and need only tracking, or not have mechanics to balance this lack of skill based mechanics(like aimpunch at least for sniper).

For example you can add aimpunch to widow, maybe even ashe to balance them instead of messing with stats with poor result.

You can add recoil to symmetra instead lowering is damage and “rate of fire”.

Most of the dps heroes can be more skill based adding feature like this.

ill give my take that ignores but agrees. I didn’t read but Iknow. the change is good because it makes the game march forward. if you disagree then you need to choose a just cause or you will be in elo hell.

I honestly don’t think it’s fair to soldier players to say “Sorry, but because we want the game to be “more competative”, you’re not allowed to keep your hero.”

Changing Soldier’s entire aiming paradigm (which is what most of his kit is based around) is essentially reworking him into an entirely new hero. Obviously people are going to be annoyed if they already liked him.

The whole “let’s make the game more competative” is honestly crap. This game was meant to be an accessible FPS game, which is obvious from the way most heroes were designed. Heroes that are easier to access are fine, and should stay that way. Overwatch appealed to me and many others because it was an FPS that didn’t require me to have insane aim in order to get started, because I could pick up heroes that weren’t high-end entry requirements.

You can make this game “Competative” all you want. Do that, and you alienate a lot of the people who liked overwatch to begin with. Characters like Soldier were never “ruining” the competative nature of the game, saying that he had to basically be deleted for a new paradigm is backwards and silly.


Blizzard said they want to make a accessible competitive fps.

And they not do this for years, was only a casual fps.

This make the game declining, because a casual fps can’t work in competitive.

The previous state of Soldier simple wasn’t adapt to a competitive game.

You know, the funny thing is, all there have been all sorts of changes that were meant to make this game more “competative” (Such as systematically nerfing Tanks/supports, the buffing of “high skill” characters such as hitscans and snipers, and the pretty much total removal of “low skill” characters from the game by nerfing them into oblivion.)

Guess what? THOSE are what drove players away, not the “casual” nature of the game. That casual nature is what attracted the original players in the first place. If this game started out too casual, it never would’ve been so very popular on release.

You’re either trying to mislead people or you just legitimately didn’t think very much about it. If people left because the game was “too casual”, then it would’ve had to be LESS casual when it was at its most popular, which is just flat-out not true in any way, shape, or form.

There’s a reason why “DELETE OWL” threads get so many upvotes. It’s not because deleting OWL is a good idea. It’s because this fixation on making overwatch “competative” is driving balance decisions that a lot of the community actually hates.

I’m having a hard time interpretting this particular sentence, but I’ll pose the same question I did in my initial post: WHY was soldier actively hurting the competative scene? There is no reason why heroes like Moira/Mercy are “bad” for competative, why on earth would Soldier have been? Heroes take different kinds of skill, Aim is not the only thing that makes a hero difficult.


You basing your assumption on a big error.

You think this forum is important and rapresentative of overwatch playerbase.

Most of players wanted a competitive game simple leave this forum and aren’t here, not a case Blizzard ignore this forum consider the behaviour of some people are here.

Again you are wrong playerbase start declining around in 2017 alot before the start of nerfing support/tanks.

Casual players hating competitive, not a surprise, they not want this game to be a competitive game.

For dps aiming skill is the more important, so they must be skill based in aiming if this game want to be competitive.

This is the official OW forum, it is the best representation of the playerbase we got.

No offence but who are these “most players”? You just said this forum is not important anyway.

Got anything to back this claim up? We do not have access to player numbers so I am not sure where you are getting this data.

If you want the game to be more competitive I would focus more on team skill than aim skill.

Unless you want it more competitive for the individual person.

Not every casual player hates comp. I would even argue there are casual comp players.

Also whether we like it or not a game needs causal players to survive.

Not for Blizzard, in fact after not even a year they started to limit always more their communication till the point to only official news.

If you played from 2016 you will see in game and around players started to talk of casual gameplay and leaved, only this forum wanted a casual gameplay for most.

You don’t try to do various big changes if the game is doing good and do discount on price so often for a game with not even a year of life, specially for a low priced game.

Not hard to understand the game wasn’t performing enough on players, is a behaviour you can see in various SH if you have experience in fps multiplayer.

I see you confused.

Fps competitive game need to be first aim skill based or in this case you are limiting the skill of players, something obviously wrong for a game want to be competitive.

On this forum there is pretty much hating on competitive and owl, is pretty evidented.

Blizzard thought otherwise, for this from 2017 started to make the game more casual, more easy heroes, more shields and so on, they thinked casual was needed is pretty evident from the changes.

Now they understand the errors, you can’t make a competitive game with casual players.

Except that this a hero shooter, having 30+ sharing the same skill is idiotic and defeates the whole point.


I’m sorry what?

However you just said this forum is not important.

What big change would that be?

We still do not know that for sure since again we lack player numbers.

Don’t take this the wrong way but your points are not really the most clear.

However OW is not a normal FPS and is more focused on teamplay. Thus I feel it should focus more on that.

Honestly anyone can aim, but not everyone can work in a team. Which is what determines a win or a lose more so than someone’s aim.

If OW did not have a heavy focus on teamplay like most other games then individual skills like aiming would be more competitive. Like in Rainbow Six or CSGO where you can just ignore your team.

In their defense OWL has brought some balance problems.

Though OW was marketed and designed as a casual experience. It is a game everyone can get into but competitive if you want to go further.

Yet you need casual players since they make up the majority of players. Also OW offers other things besides competitive play.

Welcome to how the “Bring back Sym 2.0” and “Bring back Mass Rez” players feel.
People who mastered old mechanics will never get to use those things again, I’d recommend just moving on to a new hero or learning new Soldier.
They’ve never reverted a rework.

“Honestly anyone can aim, but not everyone can work in a team. Which is what determines a win or a lose more so than someone’s aim.”

“If OW did not have a heavy focus on teamplay like most other games then individual skills like aiming would be more competitive. Like in Rainbow Six or CSGO where you can just ignore your team.”

Really after this can’t take you seriously, you lack of basic knowledge about fps competitive games.

I think you not understand the meaning of skill.

We are talking of player skill needed, not heroes skill/abilities.

Most of dps heroes are aim skill based can benefit from mechanical change can make it more skill based.

Only few can’t use for example recoil because this will change too much the way the hero work, like tracer and sombra.

Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean they lack anything. That is the classic “If you do not agree you are dumb” logic.

It means they have a different opinion from yours.

If you ask me I think you just want to make OW more like CSGO and completely miss what it is trying to be. I also feel you are bias towards “casuals” and just have some vendetta against them.

So sorry we do not fall in line with your plan to purge OW. Some of us are against the idea of making it more like CSGO. Just like you are against the idea of making it more team based and casual. See difference of opinion. Do I disagree with you, yes. Do I think you are foolish for thinking it, no.

I fully grasp what is an FPS and a competitive game. However OW is not a traditional FPS nor only competitive. Again OW is not CSGO, so we should not treat it as such.

Also why did you quote me twice?

Nor can we make all heroes equal the same skill. As there will be some outliers.

Also it is healthy in a game to have different levels of skill.



You’re not contributing anything productive to this conversation. You’ve only made two points:

  1. I think the game should be more competative
  2. Anyone who disagrees with me is wrong and stupid

You’re not providing reasoning and facts, you’re contradicting yourself all over the place, and you’re not willing to engage in actual discussion when people ask you questions or make points. If you’re not going to expand your points beyond those two, please stop spamming this thread.