Sojourn dream notes


  • Primary Fire
    • Pinpoint accuracy maintained for the first 12 shots, up from 9
  • Secondary fire
    • Decay begins after 3 seconds, down from 6
    • Energy can only be stored for a maximum of 6 seconds before decay begins regardless of damaging an entity (turrets, BOB, shields, players) with primary fire
    • Decay rate decreased from 50 energy per second to 35 per second
    • UI visual added to indicate remaining Railgun energy time before decay begins
  • Maximum damage scaled down to 95
  • Railgun secondary fire can no longer be effected by damage-boosting effects past 30%

Power Slide

  • Cooldown increased to 7 seconds, up from 6
  • Vertical height gain after using a jump during Power Slide increased slightly
  • Power Slide Superjump bug fixed

Disruptor Shot

  • Total damage lowered to 150 over 3 seconds, down from 210 over 4 seconds
  • Cooldown lowered to 14 seconds


  • Now increases maximum Railgun secondary fire damage to 120 during Overclock
  • Now costs 2415 points, up from 2100
  • Pierce shots now have 15% diminishing returns per target pierced
    • Piercing armored targets increases this to 20% per target

we all know it’ll never happen but it’d be nice

This doesn’t sound wise.

Starts at 8 seconds.

Not being able to refresh this is a bad idea.

What’s the base line damage and how does it scale up to 100 then?

While a nice idea, this apparently isn’t a bug.

Cooldown has to be lower than that.

None of this makes sense.

non-hero damageable entities must provide 3-5 times less charge than heroes. Boom, jojourn is fine.

You mean like Torbjorn’s turret?

It’s 1.5 charge per shot.

last time I got randomly one-shot by her and finally lost my patience, she used winston’s bubble to charge with that number near crosshair increasing by 5 with each shot on killcam.

ok, I admit my lack of knowledge
charging up using shields must be decreased even lower than that, as it is still too fast\easy. If we don’t want to plainly nerf RMB damage, which I would gladly accept as not-sojourn player, but it sounds too harsh even then. At this point sojourn is better sniper than windowfaker lol.

oh and yeah, all tanks should supply less charge (like they do with their passive that affects ultimate charge), not just armored ones.

Charging off of shields shouldn’t exist just straight up no one is rewarded anymore besides sym and she’s a close range low mobility dps who can’t one shot squishies her beam will hurt but mobile champs will get away