So you know how Bastion has "Configuration" to shift modes?

What if we had an off-tank that could switch between defense and offense?
Like they have 5 abilities with one being the “Shift” button.
Two offense on one, two defense on the other.

a stance switcher. on a tank it might be neat but it’s a pretty support/damage-oriented concept in overwatch’s case. what stances would a tank swap between?

Yea, that would be nice.

Let’s make that Bastion.



Great and insightful feedback.

I’m not laughing.

In fact, I have an entire rework for such a thing… just, laying around.

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I would consider them having more defensive mode, having something like a deployable barrier and AoE damage reduction.

With the offensive mode being threatening with risky abilities.

That’s actually pretty cool.

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I’ve had a long time to piece together that information.
Years, in fact.

I cannot claim credit for it, it’s the culmination of many different ideas and views… all in the attempt at balancing Bastion.

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I’d rather he not be.

That said, have we heard anything more about D.Mon?

I’d rather it be.


I… think that’s someone on D.Va’s squad?
I don’t think we need any more D dots in the game.

I’ve got some of my own thoughts on tank bastion. His main issue now is that he needs a full team to commit to making him even a little useful, so he needs to be more useful as a self sufficient hero without being totally busted.

-move bastion to the tank category
-increase his ironclad passive back to 25 or 30%
-increase the spread on his sentry mode
basically gives him his beta frontal barrier for a few seconds, similar to OLD old defense matrix. Lets bastion tank cooldowns for a few seconds, but isnt spammable and can be baited out. probably a 8-10 sec cooldown
the devs said they initially wanted bastion to be like a transformer toy, that you can see the turret and guns and everything and how it fits together - but the tank config totally messes that up. essentially i would give him torbs old ult - lock bastion into sentry mode, but give him increased damage resistance, CC immunity, and pinpoint accuracy.

The point of this rework would be to make bastion a more self-reliant hero that maintains his original purpose of shredding through barriers, but can still be overwhelmed and played around.