So will Symmetra get an Ult voice line?

Please, give her this voice line:


Ideally, she should grow a white beard in the process.

“Make Overwatch great again!”


This will cement her position as the best roast-liner in game.


Ooooh I can’t wait for some new lorey content

The real question is can I make a thread where everyone posts 1 word each and we’ll just take the first 5 to make the voice line? “I am no longer throwing!”

You forgot “Do u know da wae?”

THIS! I need to hear this in game NOW :joy::joy:

Soo in that case, will symmetra have more health now?

“From Light Into Reality”

it might be “I WILL SHIELD YOU”

I’m so excited. I hope it’s similar to the “Heroes Never Die” direction instead of something like “Deploying Barrier” or something, Someone suggested, “Welcome to my Reality.” I think that’s absolutely perfect

-Behold the true reality

-The world through my eyes

-Nothing will harm us

-I think and the light bows down

-My criativity has no boundaries… SO DOES MY SHILD

I really do like the idea of “welcome to my reality” being the voice line.

Its just got enough arrogance and haughtiness that I think its the right kind of thing for her to say.

Was hoping they would change her ultimate to something more interesting and fun to use… but a voice line pretty much locks it in, doesn’t it?

Oh well. At least I like the sound of the rest of her proposed kit.

can you hear me?
I think the wall alone does not feel right as an ult.

My idea would be to start as a prism and builds up to a wall.

That would be like this:
Sym presses Q: It builds around a prism. This would fend off direct missiles, like a Pharah ult or Dva bomb.
Then, after a while, the prism would transform itself into a wall.
The back pages would disappear first and fold forward.
And at the lien where Symmetra looks ahead, the wall would extend. (Left and right)

I woudl be fine just with "I will shieeeeeeeeeeeeeld you’ + echo

Yes - my favorite line for the Goddess of Destruction…

Symmetra voice lines are she telling what she’s doing, the old ults voice lines followed the same precept. She is a very cold and technical character, so i dont see a epic voice line fitting on her personality. So the ult line could something like:
“(Ult name) Deployed, our defense is enhanced”
“(Ult name) installed, we are impenetrable”
For the enemies they could get a sound effect and the own heroes telling the ult like:
“They have a (ult name)”
Because a infinite barrier its already very atractive and there is no way of ignoring it
this would keep the tradiction, but if you want some EPIC voice-lines here are some of my ideas:
“The light protect us”
“See my reality”
“welcome to my reality”(My favorite)
“Get out of my reality”
And for the dragon skin:
“This is my domain”
just some ideas


I want her to say “Who’s throwing now?!!!”

I think you are right