So will Symmetra get an Ult voice line?

Don’t forget those : I see a shiiiiiield generator.

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“I get the feeling they have a waaaall barrier”

“Yes junkrat we can see it.”

“I get the feeling they have a waaa-”


I’m gonna miss Junkrat’s line when there’s a shield generator, to be honest. Everyone else, good riddance.

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Please, make it be “Welcome to MY reality” (big emphasis on “my”). I suggested that as soon as I read about the Infinity Wall ultimate, and it apparently exploded in popularity (not claiming I was the only person that thought that, but it fits so perfectly, its not unexpected).

And of course, make the Red Symmetra be the same thing, but in hindi.


My guy there is no “station” or “base” for it. It is 5000 HP everywhere. Like an Orisa barrier on steroids.
And as far as I understand it, it also extends upwards virtually infinitely, so on many maps you can just look at the sky if you really want to know where it is

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It’s a joke because everyone will see it and cannot possibly ignore it like right now.

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Can’t wait for all my team mates to go frantically searching for it and waste time on the obj all at once rofl

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“We’ve built a wall. We had no choice.”

You could use both.

Allies hear: “Welcome to my reality!”

Enemies hear: “The path is closed!”

…although she would probably be better with her enemy line being in her native language. The first line still sounds hekkin epic.

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“Blocking them off!!”

Oh wait…

You’re missing the joke…

Inb4 trump wall references??

He would have paid her hush money already…

“I will build a great wall.”
-Mei, 2016

“I will construct a grand barrier.”
-Symmetra, 2018


Will Dragon Symmetra gain an alternate voiceline for her new ultimate as well?


They must give all the rosters voice in lootboxes if they delete it from the game. :sob:
Never hear Doomfist or Brigitte.

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To the enemy team: “This is my reality. You have no place in it.”
Maybe have it translated into Hindi as well

But gameplay will never feel it :
"Hey guys just go in they waste an ultimate ! "

“Find that damn barrier and destroy it”

Please don’t make the absurd ult infinite shield please