While I understand what you are saying (Sym LMB vs Zarya LMB) Sym does more damage if more Sym players would utilize RMB and practically ignore LMB as if it didn’t exist.
Anytime I see Sym players use LMB on 200 HP heroes especially I’m just facepalming. The developers gave her a tool people think is usable but it’s really bad, you can 2 shot DPS heroes with RMB but instead people waste time attempting to charge up LMB and die in the process. It’s basically a trap on anything but tanks (and even then assuming you are being heal bot to live).
Overwatch really needs to get rid of the traditional tank/damage/support categories and opt in for something like moba’s, where each hero is graded in multiple things from support, nuke, flank, tank, heal, ect. People just can’t seem to grasp that hero’s don’t need to be locked into any one specific category. We’ve got supports like tanks, dps like supports and tanks like dps. At some point people need to figure out this isn’t an MMORPG.
More than likely they’re going to change Sym again, for worse or better, I have no idea. Her play style now is awkward, because she doesn’t have any escapes, her only shield is an ult, and her main attack is a beam that requires close encounters with the enemy. With 200hp, she’s useless on her own and forced to stay glued to Orisa/Reinhardt/Brigitte; or run around throwing sentries behind unsuspecting enemy players in hopes to get the last hit on those with low hp.
It’s ironic that one of Sym’s phrases is, “You lack Imagination,” when her whole kit is now lacking in the creativity she once had as Sym 2.0. Now she’s a mediocre sentry dispenser who can make a giant shield, thanks Blizzard.
Well they probably do tbh. It would explain why everyone’s guns somehow do more damage when they’ve been given a nanoboost. I guess in the future the amount of damage a gun does is directly related to how hard you squeeze the trigger.
Well, when you were comparing just Sym’s gun to Zarya’s whole kit with 100% charge I thought I’d correct your statement.
zarya can’t complement her damage with triple turrets though.
im sure we can give sym a ton more damage if we let go of her turrets
Easy… Symm is so busy focusing on making others see her reality, it tends to backfire when someone else proves her data wrong.
Lemme see here…
Let’s put down 3 turrets and put syms beam on full blast. I think she does more damage with her kit then even Zarya full charge.
Ok, so I went back to do some testing and actually came back with a value really close to 192 for Sym’s DPS.
I personally think I have gone crazy but an hour of additional testing has failed to replicate the ~180 dps.
Either I messed up the first tests or Sym’s damage is bugged but seems I told you 180 and that doesn’t seem to be the case after more testing, I wanted to come back and let you know.
She definitely can do upto 192 DPS with Tier 3 charge on live.
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Neither can Symmetra. Those turrets don’t last long enough to do meaningful damage. They’ll occasionally snag the last tick of damage, but so can Moira’s damage orb.
Because in order to maintain the damage, you needs to maintain your shields
Thanks for going out your way to test this. You aren’t the only person to get these results. So Sym does 192 dps due to a stealth buff or it’s bugged and does either 180 or 192 for an unknown reason.
Sym just needs to hit a target for her to get charged. Zarya needs to use all of her abilities to get charge, and even then, she doesnt get full charge form both her cooldowns.
They are also not the same hero.
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Sym needs to hit her target to get charged. That’s entirely the problem. You START an engagement at minimum damage. Once the engagement ends, so does your damage because her decharge rate is 4 seconds.
Zarya doesn’t need to engage to charge up, AND it takes over 60 seconds for her to decharge. That means she can sit at 80% charge AND have both her abilities up. She shouldn’t need to use any bubbles until she drops to 60% or if someone is about to be hit by CC or burst damage.
That’s far more reliable than Symmetra’s feast/famine configuration.