So..why does Zarya do more damage than sym?

Like, Sym is in the Damage slot and has a very similar functional weapon compared to Zarya, yet she does way less damage compared to her even though she’s in the Damage slot



Because Zarya lifts.


Actual pog. Her muscles power is transferred through her weapon


Zarya does more damage than any other hero in the game. The only hero that actually comes close is Ashe.

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Most likely because she’s a support dps like Sombra.


No Symmetra main left behind 2019

sym does damage in different ways with her ramp up and turrets, also she has the teleporter for utility, zaryas entire kit is a self shield and an ally shield, makes sense to me


Not actually a sym main btw, I 2 trick sombra and widow

Never said you were. I just like saying that.

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Doesnt reaper do the most damage?

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massive spread and no way to effectively do damage at close range for long periods of time. and no aoe damage.

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Well we are talking about damage here, outputting is a different thing

so what exactly is your point? who cares who does more damage if they aren’t actually able to output that damage? just because someone’s attacks do the most damage doesn’t mean they do the most damage. A hero with 1hp yet 1000dps would not do the most damage because they wouldn’t be able to output damage before being killed.

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Reaper deals high damage too, but high powered Zarya (doesn´t even have to be at 100 %) can melt just about anyone in 2 sec

Zarya does damage in one way, has no verticality and her positioning will generally always be near the main tank.

Sym has turrets (which often are not destroyed in middle and low ranks despite the ease), an alt fire she can spam, and good mobility and utility through tp. Also a very small hitbox.

Considering all that, I don’t see the problem. If sym could do as much damage as zarya, while having three additional sources of damage that you had to contend with before approaching her, and potentially kiting you through a big shield, it would be really annoying.

With zarya fighting her is very straightforward and she can only effect you in close range


That is a very broad and contextualised generalisation pal.
Zarya has to be very effective with her bubbles to keep a constant over the top damage. Sym just has to press M1 on someone to ramp it up. Also has orbs with splash damage that do more damage and turrets.

Im going to go with “Nah” on this one.


The funny part, sym needs to stay alive to charge her beam and use it and her dmg fades so quickly. while Zarya who has shields and 400 hp can keep her dmg above 75 for the whole match.

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because symmetra offers utility…

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Tracer and Bastion do more damage, without headshots, without using abilities.

With headshots, soldier, Sombra, McCree, Reaper, Torbjorn, Hanzo, Widowmaker, basically Every DPS that can land headshots does more damage (yeah yeah there are exceptions)

Reaper does 560 dps with his primary fire if he gets two critical shots in a row.