So whos the next hero the forums will jump on?

Considering enough complaints will eventually get a hero nerfed, what will the forums go after next?

Damage boosted Ashe? Doomfist again? Whatever is being played in OWL? If it isn’t Widow, its something else until the game becomes one massive pillow fight.

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Mei due to OWL. However i think her primary is too effective on tanks.


It’ll be Mei, certainly.

Shinyhero will be next =[ dark days ahead of us all.

Then Mccree
Then Doomfist again
Then Genji/Hanzo

Pretty much any DPS that becomes the flavor of the month.

To be honest, even if Widowmaker is nerf people are still gonna complain about her.

Hopefully Orisa still.

Probably whichever hero is the strongest when pocketed by an amazing team.

I would bet MONEY.
That Bastion is going to get another, direct, nerf.

This will always be the answer even if the hero is only valuable when played in coordinated teams.

I think they should nerf the low age rating on this game to get rid of the screaming tantrum rage babies who think getting a hero nerfed by spamming the forum is the way to get ahead in the game rather then self improvement and learning to counter said hero.


Mei, becuz she is too “OP” even tho she is STILL the same old F tier hero for the past 3 years. Just becuz when an infamous hero get used in OWL, they are considered as OP even tho deep inside they are garbage.


i don’t think any hero is OP people just throw immature tantrums like a bunch of babies and instead of taking personal responsibility and trying to get better the throw a tantrum on the forum… god damned punks!

OP heros, Smurfs and cheaters in literally every game… these are all excuses to protect their fragile egos!

Because god forbid anyone should actually take a self critical look at their replay footage and question if their positioning was bad or they did a stupid mistake… no blame everyone else!

and its oh so cosy going to the echo chamber of the latest delete hero x thread and have similar rage babies re-affirm your bulls¤%t excuse and all gang up to protect their fragile egos!

There is also an element of tribalism and schadenfreude involved which is kinda sick…
(role queue is probably going to make the tribalism even worse and more toxic too)

this is why the ow community is trashy and pathetic!

I mean, screaming gets people what they want in this community. So it is only natural that people catch on to that fact.

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Probably mei/reaper

Isn’t moira also picked in owl? Impossible!

But i bet sniper hate will stay and once tracers pickrate goes a percentage up the forums will be filled by anti tracer and dive posts.