So, who's Ashe voice actor?

Do i know her by any chance?

It sounded like Jennifer Hale. AKA Commander Shepherd from Mass Effect.


yeah pretty sure its jennifer hale

Just adding this for those who want more info on her.


she’s pretty cool. Though i’ve always played male shepard

It seems like it is Jennifer Hale according to IMDB’s Overwatch page. She’s already listed as the voice of Ashe.

And I could not be more excited.

Damn she is a VA legend, its such an honor to have her in OW!

That was quick, I was 99% sure it was her so I checked imdb during the video and it wasn’t listed yet lol

I just checked and it’s listed on both her IMDB page and Overwatch’s. And I was pretty sure it was her based on the voice. The western edge threw me off, but wow, she always does such a great job.

She is also Leah from diablo 3.

I can list a ton of voices. Julia Carpenter Spider-Woman, on the Iron Man animated series. Catnapy from Xaiolin Showdown. Samus’ voice in Metroid Prime. June and Avatar Kyoshi on Avatar Last Airbender and Korra.

Ah yes Jenny, my one and only voice for Samus Aran

It’s Queen Jennah!!!