So who’s getting nerfed for season 12?

My assumptions are:

  • Mercy
  • Brigitte
  • Torbjorn (Rework)
  • Doomfist

Who knew being attacked by 6 ppl and the most broken dps character in the game was a weakness i wonder if everyone has this issue


No, rank doesnt invalidate opinion

Its a opinion in a different context of play

That context being extremely bad players


Mercy could use some more nerfs. Everything else is fine to be honest.

Slight cough.

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The context beeing:

In bronze players have one or two (or more) of these

  • Lack of gamesense / low gamesense
  • Tunnel vision
  • lack of mechanical skill
  • No communication
  • Lack of map awareness

Or any other reason

But no matter what rank you are, an opinion will not be invalidated by that, thats toxic

Thats a big nope there

Not all bronzes are bad, some are good but are held back by a few things i could or could not have listed

to all bronzies out there, stay strong homies

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I don’t agree that my tank indicates I’m a bad player. I had some horrible placement matches this season. I literally did well as an individual but lost almost every placement match. I’m trying to improve which is more than I can say for others.

Doomfist, Brigitte and Hanzo are probably on the hit list for a nerf, given that most legitimate complaints are aimed at them.

(Also, I don’t think they will change mercy again. She is actually balanced now due to her lower healing output which makes her a niche pick again instead of being all like “everything you can heal, I can heal better”.)

As stated earlier, Mercy’s pick rate is climbing so I guess it is time for nerf number 15 or something. Outside of that I’d expect Brigitte to get nerfed hard because the DPSers don’t like her and the DPSers always get what they want.


Nah I think they have about 16 more. Honestly someone who has been meta for over a year deserves some bench time.

I love getting what i want as dps reaper w8 hes trash so i dont…

Buck up, he’s going to get buffed soon and you’ll be back to three-shoting Reinhardt in no time.

i sure hop they nerf hanzo widow and doomfist. These are the main culprit for this OneShotWatch game.

hopefully rein or pharah

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No hes not and only bad reinhards get 3 shot

What did poor rein ever do to you

Torbjorn seems ok?? I don’t see why he’d get reworked…

Poor Hog is already nerfed on the PTR. Then hopefully Hanzo’s arrow speed or a buff to Soldier, Reaper, and Mccree.

Soldier would be great. I used to play him but it seems like he’s gotten weaker? Did he get a nerf at all?