So where are the balance patches?

You did a massive overhaul of the game balance back at the start of the year and then have left several sore spots of that change in the game since then with the same soft handed patches as before instead of taking a aggressive approach these major changes require. Season 10’s balance patch was a fart in the wind.

I want to like the game but since season 9 it’s felt less satisfying, balanced or fun to play. Either revert them completely or be quicker on the trigger smoothing things out, it’s been months


they just had a load of layoffs man, give them a month or 2

Playing tank is more of a joke now, half of the supports are weak, the only dps who took advantage of the changes are hitscan/fast projectile heroes.

So basically the game was “buffed” for like 15-20% of the roster but they seem perfectly fine to keep it like this for months.

At the same time there is no quick solution, except if they revert or soft/hard rework all those heroes.

I’ve never seen OW in such an unbalanced state in 4 years.

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