So when is the granny gonna get changed

I’m sure they have plans for her for OW2 since they talked about how supports are all getting passive HP regen in their current build. They’d have to tweak her in that case since that’s one of her only weaknesses.

Well I mean there are 6 heroes to pick from after the other support picks one. Even if they do nerf her would probably still see her or just complain about someone else.


Only if Zen gets deleted from the game. When other Support goes Zen, I can handle it thanks to Ana heal…

Ditto, she’s balanced besides Anti-Nade, if we aren’t going to get a new hero to cleanse after-effects it should atleast be reduce to 80-90%.

Nade gets more uses besides the Anti Effect, literally the lowest-skillful thing is very impactful with it, and that’s increasing the healing output of your other support, it already does too much for one ability, so i don’t think slightly toning down a section of it so it’s not so game changing would be damaging to her, in fact, it could probably make room to revert some of those tiny nerfs to her from awhile ago.

We are in the middle of Hitscanwatch. Echo and Pharah cant do absolutely anything if a McCree, Ashe, Widow is on the enemy team. What are you even talking about? Pick rate DOES equal power level. Especially if you are looking at picks in the highest ranks.

People pick the meta. The strongest characters and they avoid weak ones, Otherwise youre not going to climb if enemy is playing the strongest meta and youre not. Ana is the most picked character everywhere because shes the strongest character in the game.

McCree, Ashe, Widow all have no mobility and are all strong meta picks right now meanwhile characters like Genji, Doomfist who have all the mobility are useless. You just need damage, range and strong CC. You dont need mobility. Also Ana has a tiny hit box and her jump height is higher than other characters, she can just start pressing space and become hard to hit.

McCree proves that you dont need any mobility at all to be one of the strongest heroes in the entire game. This stopped being a game of mobility a long time ago and became a game of characters who just sit in one single place playing Call of Duty.

You cant dive Ana because shes just going to sleep you and throw her nade at you and shoot you and by that point you have only like 10 hp left and her whole team has come to her aid.

It doesnt matter who you play. Ana breaks the entire game and makes it unplayable.

  • Easy to hit shots across the whole map with a big hitbox that hit even if your aim is slightly off your target
  • Extremely high damage
  • Healing higher than Mercy despite having an ability that increases heals (Nade) while Mercy has nothing to increase her healing and is stuck on 60 while Ana has 70 PLUS and ability to increase healing
  • Has 350 HP and the tinniest hitbox in the game, because she can just nade herself for more health for free
  • Can literally disable 100% of healing on you and just win a team fight with a braindead press of a button
  • Can deal damage and turn off healing with nade while having super strong damage in her gun
  • Has a broken sleep that is easy to hit and is a much stronger version of Reins shatter on a 6 second cooldown if you let them sleep the whole duration
  • Bot ultimate that wins games by doing absolutely nothing and requiring 0 braincells

Yeah Ana is busted and completely breaks the game. She counters everything and is in 100% of the games. Because she is a free win.

Mercy has to always be close, has no damage, no ability to increase her damage or her healing, a weak weapon, a rez that is gonna get you killed if you dont use it properly and is on a 30 second cooldown - meanwhile Ana is stronger in absolutely every area - Damage, Healing, Broken CC and has super short cooldowns and requires no brain to play her.

Blizz makes Mercys healing go down to 60 because of her rez, Yet the rez is basically a high noon, you go stationary for like 3 seconds, glow, cant do anything, make a loud noise. If people dont kill you while youre rezzing well thats on them. I always easily delete a Mercy when shes rezzing.

Meanwhile Ana has million times stronger abilities but her healing is through the roof and so is her damage. There is nothing about Ana that justifies her being so broken.

Then tell your main healers to switch heroes, because there’s no objective reason for them to pick Ana unless you have a Genji or Winston in your team. In short: Most players pick Ana just because they wanna pick Ana.

she is old she doesnt like changes

lol you must be one salty mercy main to be jelly of grandma…youth knows nothing

in the dessert …

I tired of seeing her purple nade…

honestly the game has too much get out of jail cards, like lamp rez shields, its nice to see everyone purple.

Ah yea great an ability that invalidate an entire role while poweringup her own team great…

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Both are not balanced.

Maybe nade is a bit overturned, but everything else about Ana is pretty balanced :balance_scale:

Nade is bloated

gives her team 50% more healing gives enemies zero healing deals damage and heals…

For most ranks, Ana still lose more games than other healers. And even for the best players in the world, Ana is still quite niche.

Try to play as a squishy DPS and you will see the severe limitation of having an Ana. Or maybe play Ana yourself for more than 10 matches and see if she is such an all powerful character.

Youre an Ana main. Your opinion doesnt matter.

“Try to play a squishy DPS” ? Yeah, Id rather have infinite 70 per second across the map and super heal nade on me than having a 60 only Mercy. Id rather have someone who can pop a sleep anytime an enemy tries to ult.

Id rather get randomly nanoed whenever Im low so I can get out of jail free. Id rather have my enemies become purple and unable to take any healing so I can get free kills. Yeah you know what? I think Id rather have an Ana on my team than a Lucio or Mercy.

PS: Ana loses more games than other healers? Whenever enemy switches to Ana they instanstly start winning cause its better than the other options. Also if you wanna talk Numbers. Anas winrate is 50% on every rank, even in QP. Her winrate is Not worse than every other healer.

You are simply making this statement up. Not backed by any statistics. As they all show that all characters have a 50/50 winrate. Stop lying.

Ana has over 2.5x times the pickrate of baptiste on an all-rank spread and better winrate.

The granny has a pending nerf long overdue.

I’d personally go for a radius affecting timer reduction for anti

Ana has been dominating the meta since 2018 because shes the only one with such broken healing, broken CC sleep with little no cooldown, infinite range on 70 per sec, and she can literally turn off healing on you to make you literally dead and theres nothing you can do. And lets not forget the broken braindead bot ultimate that is nano.

0 thinking required. Just press Q and win. Meanwhile a Reaper has to do equations in his head to know if its safe to use Death Blossom or not, otherwise hes going to die.

Says alot about people as Support players if they need all that in order to keep their teammates from dying. If only they could also make them immortal so they could make up for being so bad at the support role. Oh wait. We have Bap mains for that.