So when is Reaper Getting Armor Ignore?

Yes, actually.

Reaper has needed something for a long time, now. His incredibly clunky kit with one effective range hasn’t been relevant at any time except that short Beyblade stint. The introduction of Brigitte made it worse, definitely, but it wasn’t the start of Reaper’s problems by a long shot.


Not exactly. Dive needed nerfing to bring him back into the meta. Now that that’s been addressed, ppl need to understand how to use a fka defense hero for high damage in one slot and a damage boost ultimate in one slot. Then let Reaper loose.

Yes. Reaper is still my favorite hero, but he’s very clunky to play and has a ton of inherent weaknesses.

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Yes which is why he was buffed. Twice in fact. Still isn’t enough though.

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I would love it if there was a character that could ignore armor. Reaper would be perfect since he’s melee range. I’d love it if Torb could ignore armor. He’s basically shooting lava, so why not?

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I think straight “Reaper ignores armor reduction” isn’t a good solution. I built a full rework here: Reaper Rework (Proposed, not Blizzard) if you want to see the best way I think to approach the problem.

Because he’s supposed to be a tank-buster, but can barely do his job.


A potential fix for this would be an alt fire that consumes 2 points of ammo, firing both guns at once. Have it do something like 110% of a normal shot (so like 150), but as one massive blast, but with an incredibly shot range, basically melee range.

This burst shot would munch down armor, but he has to get very very close to use it. To further balance it out give it a long CD 30-45 sec, but have the CD reduce by something like 15 sec each time he kills a target.

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I’m not convinced that armor penetration is the answer, but something needs to be done.

I.e., firing slugs. That’s not a bad idea.

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Do you even play Overwatch?

McCree stun? Brig stun? Sombra hack?

Denial is part of the game.

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I like the idea of fixing issues with more to do, rather than just passive effects. I think this could give Reaper a little more dynamism as well, he’s a good hero, but a bit 1 dimensional

he’s more of a duelist than a tank buster.

Heavily disagree here.

He can be outplayed with range, and CC’s.

He’s actually more tankbuster than duelist.

Plus, Blizzard said so.

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His thing is that he’s a tank buster.

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Never, the pros don’t want a hero that will spoil their fun like that.
After the crippling of Sombra you should know that.

something like true damage in leage of legends, not only ignores armor, but also ignores things like nano boost and orisa’s 50% damage reduction

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He shouldn’t.

He’s a shotgun hero. If he’s allowed to ignore armor, every other shotgun hero should be able to.

Including: Dva, Torb, Roadhog, Reaper, and Doomfist. Then you’d only have energy heroes (Moira, Symmetra, Zarya, Winston, Mei) and low damage high bullet count (Tracer, Sombra, Bastion, Orisa) that are heavily effected by armor.

Stop with this Reaper fanboyism. He’s fine. Just because the meta doesn’t favor him doesn’t mean that he’s underpowered.

You’re complaining about a shotgun hero having shotguns. You’re complaining about armor doing what armor does.

Complain about Armor, not about Reaper. That’s the real problem as it’s a soft counter to half the roster. When Hammond releases, that’s 1 more hero that armor heavily effects.

Why? There is no logic to this statement. Maybe Reaper uses different shells. There’s no reason to believe they all use the same ammo. In fact there’s every reason to believe otherwise. And we already know Reaper has special abilities. He materializes new shotguns from thin air. Maybe he uses wraith shells.


I’m not sure what you’re getting at.