So whats up with counterwatch?

I got off the game for a a few seasons come back and EVERY single game is just the tank getting countered. What’s crazy is that it be the other tank that full counters the other. It be after every death even if their in the lead.

I’m a support main but I did get my tank master this season and it was so miserable, especially since I really only play 2 tanks. I don’t really get how it; why play heroes you don’t wanna play just for the win. This question is for the ones that immediately hard counter, do you genuinely have fun playing this game and what is your thoughts when countering?


It really is no exaggeration. I have had numerous games where my tank would play DVA and killed the enemy tank ONE TIME, and they instantly switch to Zarya. Even before DVA was overtuned

Not really. It’s especially not fun when you aren’t able to play the game because of 1 or 2 heroes on the enemy team who just make your hero worthless to play

A lot of the time I counter purely cus its pointless staying on a disadvantaged hero, that just turns into throwing. If the enemy are playing a hero my hero sucks into OF COURSE im going to swap to a hero that’s a counter to them to stop them…… Why would I just continue to play a suboptimal hero?

Countering is mostly done through necessity not a want. I dont want to swap heroes every 2 team fights but if I feel like my hero is useless then Im going to otherwise I may as well go afk

People say nonsense lile ‘when i play dva, the enemy team immediately all go beams and thats boring and unfair’

Like…. Yeah. Duh…. You know what else is boring and unfair, a 700hp mech flying into your face and deleting your entire tac visor or illari ult…. Thats also kinda trash to play against. If we dont go beams you stand there and delete all our damage with matrix. You fly in and out with 0 risk. We HAVE to go beams to actually stand a chance of punishing you. Why would we not go beams and instead allow you to single handedly take over the match

I DONT WANT to go ana everytime someone plays hog or mauga but like …. they DONT FREAKING DIE WITHOUT ANTI so I have to swap. If I Stay on lifeweaver, or brig, or any other support except ana, that hog will walk in for free get a hook then walk out for free with his stupid self sustain and dmg reduction.

If you want to stand a chance at punishing these raid boss tanks for poor gameplay you gotta hard counter or they just shrug your attempts to stop them off

Its not just even raid boss tanks. Its just toxic hero designs in general, which encompasses most of the tank role.

When a hero feels so oppressive to face it often leads to people having no choice but to hard counter or mirror. Think of widow. Terrible toxic hero. Often feels like you cant do anything about her shooting from the other side of the map. When widow takes over the game you either also go widow or sombra gets picked as an answer because she hard counters widow. Those are the 2 options.


because its an easy to abuse meta, just counterswap the strongest role on the other team and win

I counterswap on my alternative account from time to time just because I was only playing it for Battle Pass coins and let me tell you, it makes the game so ridiculously chill that I hardly blame the people who do it. Especially when your teammates expect you to do everything including wiping the snot from their face. It’s actually quite fun in it’s own way. You do not even get to choose who you play, so the variety is there. You get to practice heroes while being at such a huge advantage that even when you misplay, you still “diff” their tank. I guess I see the appeal.

It’s still pretty soy made.


If Tank Counters are too strong, then Tank Counters should be less strong.

Then lower Tank defences by whatever is needed.

Get rid of most the unusual scenarios where a Tank dies quickly.

I never thought about like that. I guess that make sense.

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See, that’s the smart thing to do.
Unfortunately dev favoritism go BRRRR

What should they do? Stick to a hero that is having half their damage eaten by matrix? What a fun game they would have. The problem here is DVa matrix being so directional, being up way too much, and eating everything except beams, including several ults.

If they are not going to change the function of matrix then the other team doesn’t really have much choice but to switch to beams to have a chance of winning without it being a complete grind against the odds.

Switching in this case I understand. Switching in many other cases, and repeatedly switching, I often can’t.

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When Sombra was in 80% of my games it got really annoying to play Moira every game, but that’s who I was able to counter Sombra with. Tanks defs got it the worst right now, but counter picks make sense, and it’s a big fundamental part of the game imo.

If your team composition has no one to take out Pharah effectively, are you just going to let her blow-up your team because you find junkrat fun to play?? Do you wait until you get an ult? Do you wait 5 deaths before changing? Do you assume your teammates will make the necessary change?

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Part of that blame goes to content creators that can’t wrap their head around the idea of

  • Step 1. Weaker Tank Counters
  • Step 2. Less Tank Defence

And I actually had to cover my face and internally cringe when every single person on a Group Up podcast couldn’t even do that much.

This is like 1st grade Algebra stuff…

Like why. How.

It’s almost as if countering is a core mechanic in Overwatch…

Mb devs should stop making tanks that OP, so the countering is the only answer? (Which is not as consistent as it seems)


Overwatch is supposed to be a game where you can and have THE OPTION to swap heroes at any time for a better pick.

its NOT supposed to be the game of rock paper scissors and tanks WILL get counterswapped every game we currently have.

The difference is its so much more effective and impactful. People have learned to just counterswap the solo tank in every situation no matter what even if its the dps that are taking over the lobby.

In overwatch 1 there would be dps and supports trying to swap to better picks in the situation looking at the enemy’s dps and supports. Now everyone looks solely at the tank to counterswap, sometimes instantly after a single death

It is sad to say that it is extremely rare to play a game of tank and not get counterswapped. On dps and support you can play whatever you want carefree (unless you are one of the people that lack skill to win without counterswap crutch)

Zarya isn’t much on her own against Dva though… at least the better the players get.

Screaming something that is factually true, is not true, is just weird.