So....whats Sombras purpose?

She disables prime targets for her team, very useful in pushes.

Infinite time isn’t strong at all. There are very few situations where having more time in stealth would be beneficial.

Now tell me, what is the advantage to having longer stealth?

Which she has never had an issue doing; it’s after that first hack where she becomes useless.

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Its how you utilize the first hack and the chaos that ensues afterwards that determines if you are going to useful on your next hack, and when you are going to use your EMP.

the speed loss made her unable to reach some platform she’s able to on Live

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Depends on maps so cant be really sure. It is a small advantage. Maybe better at zibralter.

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All right, that image made my night :joy:

How? Defend yourself. Give me a situation where having infinite stealth with the speed reduction would be better.

All they got to do is remove this and she will be viable again. I’m sure enough time has passed people are used to the new hack times now and realize you just need to shoot her a little and she’ll stop trying to hack you. She can finally get back to glory days where you could hack the target THAT NEEDS TO BE HACKED in middle of a teamfight to add value back to sombra.

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Just my imagination but enemies are defending G(thought is was Z)ibraltar First point in second floor.
If you run from the spawn I guess stealth will first runout under the bridge. Restealth after 6 seconds. and go under one of lower entances and go to the stair to get their back. But run out of time so wait 6 again at the stairs. Then stealth and go second floor from behind. Or wait for your team sometimes.
Infinite stealth just takes 1 in this case. Why not jump from the front? Enemies will be lurking there not to lose that high point.
It is just imagination so needs some test. Just a possibility


I dont think people will get used to infinite hack attempts. It is a channeling skill and your only hope is cancelling it.
I think hack should have been a projectile that cant be reflected or DM. This way feels more like flashbang and can also gets some range buffs maybe

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Thats a fair argument but but devs description of sombra is a hacker/harasser. They never really say she’s an assassin, we kinda made the image up as players. And that 2 second hot-fix is what really kills her potential in teamfights. You could do it so much better before the channel time was reduced, especially vs tracer. Before the 2 second hot-fix sombra was one of tracers few hard-counters now that she’s pretty much unhackable the tracer is more of a hard counter to sombra.


Yeah that was good . Hack itself seems bad as a skill. Easy cancels to her most important skill. Almost feels like when Ana cant heal when dva blocks her.
Needs some fix
But one thing is I think she cant be a bully hacker. Sees you hack you isnt right.

More like a opportunist. But current Sombra has to be too picky maybe…

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My big problem is that they are focusing too much on the “1st hack” once you hack a target the enemy is on full alert and your team is rushing in. They arnt removing the 2 second cooldown which is stopping the 2nd & 3rd hack from working which wins fights. It may help you kill/cripple 1 player early on but need to be able to keep it up in a fight. +2 seconds (more if you count channeling time) everytime you get shot in the middle of fight on an 8 seconds cooldown means your only team supporting skill is pretty much gone in a teamfight unless they decide not to focus on sombra, and that almost never happens once sombra is in a fight she’s as much of a priority to kill as mercy in a teamfight if not higher then mercy.


Hack cd 8 seconds do seems pretty strange for her current kit. What is she suppose to do? Translocate around every 4 seconds for nothing?

Im actually 100% ok with the 8 second cooldown. Hack last for 6, so it give the enemy 2 seconds at least to fight back against sombra in a fight or use a skill to retreat. If it was 6 second hack and 6 second cooldown you could keep someone hacked forever and thats not good. The only way hack could get reduced cooldown is if hack lasted for less time then it’s wouldnt too be useful. The 8 seconds is fine but when your cooldown is 8 seconds + 2 +2 +2 etc until your can actually use it again it’s not good. Random pellets and splash damage can inflict enough to start the cooldown.

I’ve made multiple topics of IF the hot-fix is here to stay it needs a damage threshold like 30 damage (a melee hit) to cancel hack in progress. Her entirely kit is so counter able by 0-1 point of damage… 5 if you count the the translocator but who honestly hits less then 5 hp?

It could be better maybe, if she can hack more targets in exchange of the 6 second duration. Like hack last 4 sec and CD is 6 maybe. Maybe overpowered?

nah i’d much rather have 6/8 cause once your actually get a hack off you need to tell your team who hacked and they need to acknowldge the info an find the target you set up.

im glad emp bot is gone. it made no sense and it was really inconsistent. pros didnt have problem with all the sombra changes. they didnt like the fact that hack was so fast that it was basically impossible to react to, which it was. thats what got nurfed.

the changes to hack los was to help sombra, the only problem is theyre still a bit buggy.

perma invis is NOT much slower. she went from 75% speed boost to 50% which is better half the time cause you are perma invis so you cover more ground. AND perma translocator is a pretty big deal i think. you can spend more time in the backline without having to worry about the timer on it.

“aside from her EMP and machine pistol, and both of those are severally underwhelming on their own” LOL? have you played the hero?

But yet, the hack speed hasn’t changed at all, and its still in the game as we speak. The 2s forced cooldown is completely detrimental to her kit.

No, it was to help other players. Her old LOS worked to help make sure her hack landed smoothly and not to be cut off by small objects, put people were getting hacked when going behind walls before the hack would cut off, giving the illusion that they were getting hacked behind walls. Thankfully SOME of the bugs are getting fixed in the PTR.

A 25% reduction in anything, especially in speed, is HUGE. It means she has a larger window to get accidentally shot when moving through enemy lines, and combined with the fact her entire kit has delays, it makes her feel more sluggish than ever.

But the fact it can be destroyed by a single point of damage hurts her hard. If shes attempting to escape, and a D.VA, reaper, or anyone with a high spread is shooting her, her translocator will die, and so will she.

With 136 hours spanning across two accounts, and ranked top 3% in weapon accuracy with her, I’d say I play her just a little bit :stuck_out_tongue:
Bants aside, her EMP is heavily team dependent. If a majority of your team is braindead, the EMP is useless. Machine pistol is her only form of damage (aside from melee), and its decent on its own…but , its Sombras only form of damage while every other DPS have a secondary damage, or burst damage. With that in mind, it leaves Sombra with extremely low damage compared to her offense class counterparts.