So what would Bastion mains change to fix Bastion?

I often see the “Bastion isn’t being forgotten, they’re being ignored” but not being a Bastion main I don’t know what I would change to fix them.

I know Bastion has high DPS/self healing/no mobility other than their ULT cannon jumping.

Please enlighten me, what do they need?

This is my favorite idea for him

Ironclad Rework
  • Configuration Sentry
    • Reduce maximum spread to 2° (Currently 3°)
    • Bloom added to weapon
      • Initial accuracy of 1.25°, bloom starts after 0.2 seconds of continuous fire
      • Reaches 2° after 0.3 seconds of additional continuous fire
    • Headshots added
    • Ammo count reduced to 200 (Currently 300)
  • Ironclad
    • Damage resistance removed
    • Now allows Bastion’s self-repair to over-heal him with 75 armor
    • This armor cannot be healed by other healers, only Bastion
      • The over-heal is “orange” armor, similar to Torb’s armor packs
  • Self-repair
    • No longer consumes resources when it cannot heal Bastion
    • Startup delay reduced to 0.1 seconds (Currently 0.5 seconds)
    • Able to reload while repairing
    • Healing resource increased by 25%
      • Allows for 375 healing (Currently 300)
  • Configuration Tank
    • No self damage
      • Still applies the same self knockback, but does 0 damage to Bastion
    • Tread sounds reduced slightly
    • Adds 75 normal armor
    • Instantly applies 75 Ironclad armor (in addition to the normal armor)

Change Ironclad to let Bastion overheal himself with armor, remove passive damage resistance, allow Ironclad to affect all forms, revert Sentry (or at least most of it).

Like BASTIONMAIN said, what he needs more than anything is for his damage to be consistent. His spread needs to be reverted. This idea is more to balance that out, as well as fix a few problems with his current kit encouraging Sentry more than Recon.

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Make his tank mobility an E ability :face_with_monocle:

Bastion needs an buff to his Capability to area denial while in sentry , his spread makes him useless at most ranges so he really could use less spread


The spread is just awfull.His reccon mode sucks because of low ammo,and turret mode has a high spread.

  1. Increase recon smg damage.
  2. Make turret ultimate and decrease spread.
  3. Add new ability tank cannon with splash damage (8 sec cooldown).

Putting his sentry mode on Q just makes him a worse version of Soldier. Yeah, he has more “helix rockets” with tank mode, but with the cooldown, it’s basically the same…

Sentry needs to stay the focus of Bastion’s kit. If he loses that, then he’s not Bastion anymore, he’s Soldier with a Pharah rocket launcher on E, and a much larger hitbox.

Bastion already melts shields. Would giving him less spread not make him OP?

Spread has nothing to do with shield damage…?

Yeah but it means you can aim better and take out people behind the shield ones the shields are down. I didn’t explain my train of thought very well.

I mean, if he can’t do that then what’s the point of breaking the shield in the first place?

Just being a shield breaker is a pretty useless job, Sombra can do that much better…

To allow his team to capitalise on a broken shield?

True about Sombra but Bastion can do that with his primary and Sombra does that with an ULT.

In my opinion Bastion is too easily dealt with above Diamond.

From watching Kolorblind’s stream from time to time, I know she thinks bastion actually doesn’t think he needs any changes. Something along the lines of it’s okay for him to not be easy and have his niches where he’s sometimes very strong and sometimes not

She kills all shields with her ult, but she stops Rein with her hack, which is much faster than Bastion can do it.

But again, being only a shield breaker is an extremely boring job, especially for a character that risks so much to be able to do it…

He said that Bastion doesn’t need a major rework, not that he doesn’t need any changes at all. But even so, it’s just one opinion, and arguably a somewhat biased one. If Bastion becomes more popular, it will be more likely that he gets replaced as the “best Bastion”, which has happened before and he didn’t take it too well…

I’m a Symmetra main. You’re preaching to the choir there, pal.

All I want is his sentry weapon spread to be reduced, we don’t need headshots back though, he will be fine without that.


I gave some ideas saved, do you want the wall of text?

Personally, I’d revert the spread nerf and no-headshots nerf. Should raise the skill ceiling a bit, allow better Bastions to shine a bit more. He would still be niche, but I think that’s OK.

Precisely what most Bastion mains on the forums believe. It’s fine if he’s still in F-tier, it’s fine if he’s still somewhat niche (so long as that niche isn’t “shield breaker and nothing else” like it is currently), we just want him to be playable and consistent.