So what if Ana is the most picked support?

I guess thats true

Realistically skill is a completely abstract term and idea, there’s no real way to quantify it.

I’ve had friend come from CS:GO who were amazing widows but simply couldn’t grasp Moira, I’ve also had people who understood moira completely but had no clue on how to use Bastion

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Someone has to be first. Better Ana than a hero like Brigitte or Moira.


You mean I said this. Bro just go harass me in the thread if you disagree.

Bap, Lucio, and Zen all say hi. Not to mention 90% of Ana’s supposed skill floor is much easier than people giver credit for considering how large her scoped shots are and how easy it is to get value from both nano and grenade.

No, I hate watching nano’d targets wipe the entire team no matter which side I’m on.

But that brings up a good point–ana won’t get nerfed it’s true, because OWL exists and Nanoblade is somehow considered hype.

They’ve literally been needing healing across the board so that healers can outsustain everything. Why should Ana be exempt?

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Maybe people should of thought of this before the hate mob yelled and kicked for the other healers to be nerfed :man_shrugging:

Fun is entirely subjective. I find Ana to be a bore, there is little challenge in playing her, she’s just a support version of widow minus the satisfaction of being able to dink heads.

Baptiste on the other hand, very fun.


I mean yeah? She’s overpowered because she’s the best support.

That’s why she’s the most picked. Because she’s better than her alternatives.

It’s good that you recognise that.


Damn I knew Neecy got ruined but not this bad

Unlike DPS, supports and tanks don’t have the amount of characters to favor the “most skilled”. You can try that argument after the roster doubles in size.

Well every other support gets murdered immediatly the second they reach her pickrate%

but ana is ignored. which is complete bias.

plus ana has been like that for most of the ladder throught a year


Man, it’s the same 3/4 people who constantly ask for Ana nerfs on forums here.

I’ll skip.

Sadly, mercy mains will never realize that lmao

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Ah yes more stereotyping woop woop

No one said Mercy was hard to play, just that Ana’s difficulty is greatly overexaggerated


Having one hero be unquestionably better than everyone else removes variety from the game and is very unfair to anyone who likes other heroes.

The support category has seven heroes, not two. Don’t let them make it a defacto two.


Burst heal on nano is fine, its just the anti nade that people have a problem with

It’s because this isn’t a game where you pick up with godtier aim and instantly make it to T500. Too often people use the “skill” argument when all they mean is “AiM!!!” And that’s why people make fun of the skill argument.


Ah yes, the majority of the game’s life, except she wasn’t usable in comp until S2 (so that’s already 3.5 months out of the window) and was a throw pick in Dive (which lasted around 2 years, and naturally, throw picks have low pickrates) and the Moth meta (which lasted 9 months) where Mercy was a must pick and Zen the most viable off healer. That’s already more than half of the game’s lifespan where she wasn’t viable or picked very often (or not available to play) and had sustained a negative winrate. She wasn’t picked all that much during GOATS either (she was either the 4th or the 5th most picked support back then, 3rd at most, only above Bap and Mercy and sometimes Moira), which lasted for about a year itself. So she’s enjoyed high pickrates & winrates for like what, 8.5 months of OW’s total lifespan?

If Ana is the most picked support, it’s fine and dandy, perfect even.

But when anybody else dares to get close to Ana’s pickrate, they get huge nerfs for daring to be meta.

It just shows that Ana is the golden support granma favourite of the devs.


More of a statistical likelihood than anything. Support nerfs have been a rotating bat to the knees, aimed at whoever takes the top spot since dinosaurs pulled the payloads. So far Ana has mostly avoided that. Possibly because she’s favored, possibly because she always seems to come in to fill the spot after other people get taken down a peg and the viable support roster is always so small, you can’t afford to send more than one person to the dust bin at a time. Let alone a ‘main’ support.

Subjective, subjective, subjective, and subjective. Also so was genji but you know, yall wanted him killed

It’s really not. She’s the hardest support by far.

Its funny that the only people who complain all the time about Ana are almost all Mercy and Moira mains and they don’t understand how really hard Ana is compared to them.


Ah yes, Ana got most of her buffs within 2 weeks of her release, making her very much useable. Which brought Beyblade meta, that lasted until speedboost was gone. After that we came to triple tank. She was even used at the beginning of dive.
During moth meta, she was still a very strong pick. Mercy was the only constant meta support during that time.

She was played a lot during GOATS. Brig and Lucio were the number one. Zen coming second, but Ana GOATS, was more than viable and overtook the original Moira GOATS.

After Lucio, she is easily the Support that has been meta the longest. Espcially since the Moth Meta Era ended.