So what DPS characters are people gonna be happy with?

When other DPS got nerfed down to Bastion recon’s level, the perception will change, they will then consider recon mode is OP…

That’s what always happens with the forum.

… or people are voicing legitimate balance concerns. I find it hypocritical if this narrative is getting flopped of “when will you stop witch hunting dps” seeing how from memory supports were saying the same thing to then be bashed by dps players.

I want to make it clear as well, I wasn’t one of those people and recognize the strengths of supports and why nerfs were needed, just as I recognize the strength of dps currently and I’m sure others do as well. Yes there are people that get frustrated with dieing and post garbage on the forums but that’s nothing new and spans every role not just dps, but there are also a lot of people that recognize potential balance issues and wish to discuss it.

Let’s not forget that both the tank and the support roster received heavy nerfs during GOATS (and tanks even more so after sigma) era mostly to survivability with little to no reverts or complimentary buffs (or buffs to damage) while most dps were significantly buffed, some still getting buffed, and if they’ve gotten nerfed it’s been pretty minimal especially comparing to tanks, so it’s pretty reasonable to conclude that dps feel pretty damn strong at the minute or at the very least there is significantly more damage in the game and far less means to defend against it. Additionally people are noticing trends like even in the dps category it’s mostly dominated by double hitscan there might be (key word there being might) some balance issues.

Well… that is what happens when you get rid of barriers and if double barrier is coming back, it will not stay that way. So I honestly do not understand your point, but yeah, their balance has been problematic for awhile. Agreed…

No one shot, no stun-to-kill one shot combos. Generally no one shots.

Getting killed by a Torb turret, Tracer, Echo, etc is fine. Being one shot spammed by a Hanzo dancing on the corner making 0 attempt to aim or a Mccreee walking around with stun/spam the hammer one shot? No.

I mean, its nice he got buffed, the question is was it too good? There is nothing wrong or incorrect with people calling out a buff that is too good… why do you predicate it as if everyone is wrong? I admit people need to adjust, but he does feel a bit too good with the buff.

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If dive is dominant all that does is change projectiles being made irrelevant by hitscans to projectiles being made irrelevant by dive and hitscans.

How about we don’t keep protecting snipers/dive at the expense of absolutely everything else. Neither should be “dominant” over everything else in almost every situation. Or are we just going to drop the pretence of attempting to balance at all?


I’d rather just drop the idea that all damage heroes can be meta.

Some will have lower ELOs where they are strong.

Which is the case with all the projectile heroes.

Although they could use some minor buffs here and there.

This is just promoting a form of favoritism ultimately.


The point being that they’re remaining dominant despite double barrier coming back.

Being meta isn’t the same as being viable. Your solutions are starting to completely disregard viability.

As it stands hitscans are performing better than projectiles at pretty much every rank. It’s no longer a matter of “skill” it’s a matter of imbalance. Your “solution” would make the situation worse not better.


Well, neither claim is statistically true. And that is the real problem, devs cannot fix perception.

The forum cried nonstop about McCree not too long ago, even when he only killed them with primary fire with no stun involved.

And people is crying about Tracer still.

Tbh, there’s a lot more important things to get fixed than projectile heroes right now.

But it’s not like I haven’t put any thought into projectile hero balance.

Exactly, all bets are off if people complained about that. They should have done what they should have done awhile ago and stopped listening to faux outrage.

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Some players will probably never get used to the ideal of being killed by a mere DPS’s primary fire. They think they should only die if the enemy drop 6 ults on them.

Projectiles being so weak even in their traditionally most viable ranks is a sign of how imbalanced hitscans have become.

The solution isn’t to start buffing dive to God status to counter them. Have you learned nothing at all from Brig? You cant buff or counter your way out of imbalance. You nerf the problem directly or the situation gets worse.

Any hero or comp strong enough to deal with high levels of imbalance will ultimately end up imbalanced itself because everything else is still just as relatively weak.

With all due respect, anything you’ve previously suggested is irrelevant to the strength of your argument in this case.

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I’m aware, buffing something doesn’t give an Impervious comp a weakness to exploit.

But you can nerf DoubleBarrier antiDive, then fill in the gaps with Dive buffs.

Tracer having cheap defensive movement will always be a problem though. She’s truly the root of many of the games problems.

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Which is buffing your way out of the problem. Address the hitscans directly instead of trying to change everything else.

The end result would still be hitscans being better than everything except dive which is now even stronger. The games balance is then worse.

No the real problem is the devs are the only ones with meaningful statistics, the best we have is overbuff and that’s not entirely accurate either so we’re left with lackluster stats heavily relying on perception to give those stats context.

Also from the stats we have available are hitscans + tracer/echo are the top dps picks, sigma is most popular tank pick shortly followed by ball but most tanking combinations appearing to be between sigma, ball, hog, and orisa.