So, what does the forum agree on?

Fair enough.

I’d still hate the red team even if I changed mine around.

People were concerned that queue times would be made much worse in role q I think. Now that people see that concern didn’t come to pass, I haven’t seen anyone that actually wants it removed and would be surprised if the no votes remained as “high” as it was back then.

I would guess same poll now would probably be like a 90/10 split personally.

I think most people would agree these forums are largely ignored by the devs. Some think that’s a good thing, but most seem to agree that they don’t listen much here.

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-Nanoblade is a strong synergy, but ppl forget how it requires 2 Ultimates to work it out.
-Bastion is just baby-OW design, and has been in best case the emergency to pull out when your team needs a little miracle. Works like a charm sometimes.
-Mei was meta for months, i hope they dont buff her to the same extent so she becomes the monster she was
-I dont see enough Sombra on ladder to really judge her. But she is very good in OWL outside of double sniper, and meh on ladder. I assume this is not what Blizz wanted. A rework is very much gonna happen with her when OW2 has been released.
-Doom? Awful design through and through.
-Full agree on MM, but nothings gonna change till OW2.
-DPS q is long, true, but a much needed sacrifice so we get at least decent setups with 2-2-2
-Not gonna happen any news regarding ow2 till Blizzcon. This time i wish they would get leaked like last time, just because they leave us in the dirt for over a year!!!
-Lore? What dis? I only know retconning stuff, and putting out amazing tweets like furry shipping, and what nonsense that dude tweeted.
-Throwers need to be harder punished, also not gonna change anything till Ow2
-Brig is still a problem
-Moth Mercy is a timeline we dont talk about this anymore
-Hitscan favorism is to real. Every of those are top picks at DPS since months
-Report system can be abused pretty easily since its automated
-They began to late with faster balances and patches, but im still happy and grateful, even though i dont agree with them (lol)
-We all have phones, soon playing OW mobile !!
-No they dont, that is a dirty lie!

That Jetpack Cat has the least toxic players.

I would also add that people disagree on whether this is even an issue. A character being heavily focused around their ult is not necessarily bad design.

I’d buttress this by saying

  • adding heroes specifically to counter something broken only makes everything even more broken

And also I’d add

  • Mobility is one of the most powerful attributes in the game, since it makes the natural health pool of a hero that much stronger via making it that much harder to hit

The disagreement stems from the definition of smurfing being very blurry. Is it every single new account after your original account? Are new accounts made with specific restrictions considered smurfing? Does an account need to be deranked first to be considered a smurf or is it a smurf simple because it is a fresh account?

You could find 100 different takes on what smurfing ACTUALLY is on the forums.

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All of this! I mean it should be obvious on how we got here, but people don’t like to admit it.

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I’ve seen that before and it’s outrageous. “You can learn from us!” - What a stupid and inaccurate excuse.

I pity smurfs. They are the most sorry people the Overwatch community has to offer alongside cheaters. Although I suppose they are cheaters. Funny that.

You know what, this is true. I don’t have a single good thing to say about their customer service.

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I can see where the are coming from - you can learn from what you are doing wrong & hopefully change it to make it better. And with people who are better, there’s a lot you can do wrong and thus learn from. Or learn from watching them.

But there comes a point where the difference between the players is too much, and very little is learned. It would be more beneficial if the lower ranked player were to just watch the higher ranked player play. Against people who are also higher ranked, mind you.

Oh no! Not more Talon victims!
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Scratch that out I’ve seen people on the forums defending release Brig.

maybe not a decay nerf but perhaps a charge nerf

Yah pretty much that’s what we can agree on. Buuut. Ok hear me out. Sym. Trash. Needs buffs or a rework. I know that’s said a lot but still. Eh. Ehhh.

That the soundtrack is pretty dang good(?)

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Yeah, ok.

Was it she wasn’t a problem kind of defense or she was less of a problem than what she was there to fix?

I mean I am in that camp. Brig was a God damn problem, but she is there because we had a bigger god damn problem.

If they were willing to fix flankers, rather than release brig, then sure, but people were willing to fight to have flankers unchanged, thus brig.

I don’t disagree she was a problem, but I am willing to defend her release if that makes sense.

  1. Shield Bash passed through barriers back then so it became a game of brig stun rein shatter. Also was 5 seconds
  2. Rally gave 150 temp armor instead of 100. Literally made everyone unkillable.
  3. Specifically designed to counter Tracer 100% of the time with minimal effort, which also allowed her to counter every other flanker.
  4. Only true weakness was Pharah, but hitscans exist
  5. GOATS

Depending on rank. But here is the thing , up till dive tracer / Genji were top of the 3 DPS picks every single week.

They were broken as hell, so of course brig was going to be broken, but if you were not willing to nerf flankers, what other option was there?

She was a problem, but blizzard didn’t have a lot of choices.

I’d prefer they fixed the flankers, but people argued VERY strongly against that, so we got brig.

I don’t see a lot of brig defenders not recognising she WAS a problem, and she was. But people should get why she was released.

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Well for one, Genji was replaced by other heroes like Widow and Pharmercy if my memory serves near the end of dive when Moira was introduced.

Another, this is 100% the playerbase’s fault. We complained that Tracer was too broken, but also that Tracer shouldn’t be nerfed. And guess what we got. And guess what we complained about for the next 1.5 years.

I’ve seen more than 10.