So, what does the forum agree on?

But how can the match maker “sort it out” if people are throwing the games just so they can stomp latter?

You are also spot on about the ruined games.

Oo - you also can’t forget the people who think they’re doing some sort of service by being a smurf. “We’re helping you win!” “If you beat us, it means you’re really good!” No. Stop. It means you can’t find joy so you take to beating people who are way bellow your level. Find joy elsewhere, please.

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The report system is the most trash that it could be. Anything you write can be false reportes and the system will automaticly ban you.

This is abused by 4-5 stacks that false report the only one that is solo q, blaming and flaming him/her for everything. The matchmKer should never allow solo q to be mixed with premades. This onlyngets to toxicity and false bans.

The customer service is the most trashiest in the world.


Some of us have seen the previous report system… Like, it could be more trash.

I’ll put in that it could use some work though :slight_smile:

It is mixed. Very mixed.

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I suggest holy fire, holy water, stakes, silver bullets, Latin chants, and the penance stare.

I would wager that the numbers that they accumulate every season, probably has something to do with this opinion. I’d also wager that those numbers trend downwards.

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You forgot: we ALL love pineapple on our pizza.

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The heroes sure as hell do! Like it is established lore that they all do.


I’m still advocating for 2-3-2. Something they could still do after OW2 is released.


You would have to balance for 3 sniper, 3 flankers etc.

On the other hand, it would totally work, if they can make the engine support it.

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Yeah it would take work to balancing supports, tanks and dps, as well as system integration, UI modifications, additions, and all that, but it could be well worth it.

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Against the rules or not, I still think most would be able to acknowledge its bad behaviour, even if they believe its technically allowed or whatever. I understand why people do it, in this game and others its fun to dominate games. Guess that kind of thing happened all the time back when I played COD like 10 yrs ago, since there was no mmr and all.


I changed the smurf thing to make sure it was the “throwing down to wreck the noobs” definition.

I didn’t want a smurf vs alt fight.

I think the people who throw down are the lowest of the low in the game myself.

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You misspelled “was” as “is”.

I still have fun with the game, but with all the smurfs, throwers, leavers, toxicity and more, it isn’t “awesome” as it once was. I’m fairly certain Bronze across all platforms is filled with smurfs who threw their games to crap on inexperienced players.

It was full of smurfs when I was down there like, just before Dive was a thing.

Has it gotten worse? because it was pretty damn bad back then. The moment you hit mid silver, it just all vanished. But Bronze was just totally messed up by the smurfing.

I don’t know. I was thinking of making an alt account to be in Bronze just to see what its like now. I remember back in the good old days where people stood still when they were shooting and Soldier players never used his Sprint.

But now, I think those days are long gone.

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I SUSPECT that roleQ would have taken a bite out of the smurfing problem since, the smurfs are not going to wait THAT long to wreck people, and they mostly run DPS.

I was hoping that roleQ would have helped there, but I don’t know if it did or not.

You suspected wrong, because Open Queue exists, and it’s far more popular, because there’s no wait time restrictions and such. I haven’t touched Role Queue in eons, and have no real plans to either.

DPS queue times in roleQ is still pretty high, and Blizzards released data showed roleQ was more popular. Or at least, it had WAY more players.

I don’t agree with many things on that list tbh, and I’ve seen others who also don’t agree.

I would add that Winston seems pretty balanced

Ok, I’m surprised, since, I thought these were pretty widely agreed on.
So, what isn’t agreed on, so I can move it to another list?

I’ll make threads based on the stuff I thought was widely thought about, but people have said “nope”. Because they would make for interesting topics (over the next few weeks).