So, what does the forum agree on?


If everyone’s goal is the same then a focal point is sometimes needed to get results.

I know it’s a bunch of old videos but Ragtag used to do forum cries video and they are hilarious.

Shame he gave me two different voices, wtf no lack of consistency lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’ve added it to the list.

OpenQ. Even the people who don’t play it seem to think it is a good idea because it soaks the excess DPS out of roleQ to some degree.

I don’t see a lot of people who don’t think having it as an option is a bad thing. Some people think it should be the ONLY option, but I don’t see anyone saying it should be removed.

You think I can add it to the list?

OW2 news would be appreciated.


Release Brig ruined the state of the game
Release Sigma did heavy damage to the state of the game
Pretty confident in that first one at least


Totally a thing.

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I see a lot of people saying the game sucks and talking about how they’re gonna uninstall, etc etc. I dont think this is true :slight_smile:

I believe this, but, It is not a generally held view. The roleQ games on PTR were SO MUCH BETTER before he was added.

But that is a personal thing. Brig though? I think that is at least widely held.

Moth was OP as well… we can add that safely.

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Ah, how unrecognized the 0.01% is! I've seen some Bastion haters. Luckily, they're rare. Unfortunately, not as rare as Bastion himself, apparently.
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True, I’ve decided to move things from 100% of the forum to 99%+ of the forum (moved smurfing as well because of it)

Honestly, I’m not sure on my position with Bastion. I think I need to try to one trick him on an account to see how far I get.

He has a good win rate to quite high up, but I don’t know if that is “try bastion and switch off quickly if it doesn’t work” - because that is a thing, and would effect win rate quite a lot.

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I don’t even fully agree with those.

Bastion is fine at what he does, he’s just niche – as someone who transforms into a machine gun turret probably should be.

Genji’s blade is also fine, it’s Ana that is the problem. I don’t see a reason to ruin a prefectly good ultimate just because it synergizes too well with Nano, give it the Mercy damage boost/Hanzo dragon route and give it a special exception or something.


Being unhappy with the state of the game doesn’t mean the game isn’t awesome! I’m not too happy with the state of my favourite hero Symmetra, but I can’t deny how great of a game Overwatch is :ok_hand:

Yes, but an Ana nerf, IS taking power from Blade. I should put in an explanation there I guess.

People agree NANO Blade should be weaker, but, not where the weaker should be.

I’ll update the post.


I think the forums in general have a pretty set view though.

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Everyone agrees to disagree with Egryn


Nah, I’ve run into a few people who will proudly say they smurf, and then will insist that it’s not against the rules. Even though what they have to do as a smurf is.

Probably not because we’re all different people with widely varying opinions. Even the most agreeable statements will be considered false by someone

I think we can get a kinda agree on set up though. like 99% of forums, rather than 100% I think we can do, and some things which would be surprising.

I mean, having the Genji haters and Genji mains agree on something is amazing, and that should mean a thing :slight_smile:

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Well, they’re not wrong. Blizzard has taken a very soft spot on smurfing in this game, only saying something lame like the match making rating will sort it out quickly. Nothing about about the ruined games while it figures it out.


I’ve seen a number of people explicitly say the game isn’t good, not just that the state of the game is bad.

Hitscans are stronger


I’m not going to add that to the list.

Egryn has a special way of getting the community together though…

I’ll say hitscan TENDS to be stronger to cover my bases there :slight_smile: