So, what does the forum agree on?

Hmm… maybe every one agrees zen isn’t OP then?

I think he’s balanced, but I don’t think everyone thinks that as he is rising hugely in pickrate and has a very strong pickrate. His winrate is a bit concerning to be fair.

Honestly I’d say everyone agrees orisa isn’t OP tho lol

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Huh, most people are trying to move power from his ult to his base kit, so he fights more and relies on ult less.

Yeah, you can turn the match around, PERSONALLY I think the matchmaker is good, but I have written them in the past, so I know how much work they have put into theirs.

You don’t see a lot of forums say it is good though.

Not universally agreed upon.

Zen and Hog are doing pretty well right now. Every hitscan that people think of as hitscan has a projectile component. There’s a lot more to projectile than the F tiers people are thinking of, but framing it as such removes blame from the hitscans and apparently people don’t like that.

The longer this list gets, the less people will agree. I already disagree with 2 of them: I don’t find Sombra or Mei annoying to play against. I also don’t think release Brig was a problem. Yes, I know I’m the devil.

Heh heh… I dunno about that one… There were a whole lot of people who were adamantly opposed to the inclusion of open Q… If you go back through some of my old threads and the poll I conducted there was so many people who voted against it…A certain “Dr” springs to mind… Shall we say, a “dangerous” doctor… It’s sad the lengths some people will go to to prevent other people from enjoying the game the way they like even when a change does absolutely nothing to harm their experience…

I think we can all agree that Jeff beard looked badass.


You know, I’ve never heard anyone say a damn thing against it.

The beard is awesome.

Man, I never liked openQ but I was happy it was added, and I pushed for its inclusion.

Like, getting the excess DPS players out of roleQ is a good thing in itself, and that was before I was DPSing myself.

Do you think they just wanted to punish DPS players?

I remember people really not wanting roleQ to go away, and there was big fights over which was more popular right up till blizzard released the data on it.

But like to be upset at a alternative main comp mode? That is just weird.

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Hitscan is definitely not better than projectile.

:upside_down_face: Laughs in n7

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I don’t agree with this at all, Genji’s kit is actually very strong, it baffles me that anyone would think it’s weak at all.

This is only true for specific heroes so it depends on who you ask. For me all of those heroes are easy to deal with because of the heroes I play so they are not annoying in the slightest.

The matchmaker is perfectly fine, once you remove the bias you see it for what it is. I say this as someone who used to get angry at it because I thought it was bad, but I changed my mentality and now I see that it is very fair in general, is it perfect? No, but for the most part it works very well. Most people who complain about it have the wrong mentality and have a tendency to look at it in a negative way.

Not sure if I should include this one but I still want to make a comment because I think why this is up here. I think people nowdays have become too impatient, for example they want to be showered with content or else the game is not “fun”. That is the wrong way to approach a game, the game is either fun or it isn’t, it’s not like risk stops being fun because there is no new content being thrown at us every week. When it comes specifically to OW2, we know they are working on it, we have a very good idea of what it is, what they are trying to do with it and an estimated guess on when it’s coming, anything else is just a luxury. Again people are just impatient, there is no need for the developers to constantly throw news or info about it to us.

This is plain false, they are just different.

Is it perfect? No, but people exaggerate on this one a lot. In my experience the report system works great, whenever I report someone who I believe deserves to be punished, they almost always are punished. The problem IMO is that a lot of people out there are not actually objective about this and because the system doesn’t do what they want it to do then they say it doesn’t work.

I’m not sure what this means so I can’t say for sure if I agree or disagree, but if I take the words literally, then this is false, the OWL plays on the same patches than the ladder, yes there have been some exceptions but in general it’s the same.


Genji bad

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My enemies are orange.

Lucio is the most balanced hero in the game and pretty much everyone universally likes him.

Colorblind options right? :wink:

“Look at our team mate, his wearing skates. To a gun fight.”

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Yup. I wanted to change things up a bit. I made my allies purple.

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Fair enough.

I’d still hate the red team even if I changed mine around.

People were concerned that queue times would be made much worse in role q I think. Now that people see that concern didn’t come to pass, I haven’t seen anyone that actually wants it removed and would be surprised if the no votes remained as “high” as it was back then.

I would guess same poll now would probably be like a 90/10 split personally.

I think most people would agree these forums are largely ignored by the devs. Some think that’s a good thing, but most seem to agree that they don’t listen much here.

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