So... Was role queue supposed to be a joke?

ive had my best season yet with lfg. even if its harder i still rather 6 stack then solo any day

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Are you people doing this on purpose…?


This was not a post about LFG. As a whole I think LFG is fine. IM TALKING ABOUT ROLE SELECT AND ITS IMPLEMENTATION ONLY TO LFG. A place where it serves no purpose. ROLE SELECT ROLE SELECT ROLE SELECT.


now for the billionth time.

Role select was something a large part of the community had been asking for, for quite some time. As a way to counter act the randomness that is inherent in solo queue. Nothing quite as fun as 6 genji 1 tricks on 1 team right?!?!?!

So Blizzards happy reveal of “ROLE SELECT” with no real benefit was a punch in the face as it doesn’t offer any actual benefit.

Now I reread my initial post and my exact point may not have been as obvious as I first thought… but it should have been clear like less then half way through this… so once again


I don’t know what you mean by “role select”. Being able to slect roles is great for putting together a good group.

Now if you mean enforcing roles, the point of that is to prevent some tool from signing up as one thing and doing something else.

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Ignoring all the other nonsense bouncing back and forth here, the fact is, you can turn it off. So who cares?

If someone wants to run dive only, they make a group, enforce roles, disable heroes they don’t want. Then they, on an individual level, can control the comp they want to play in.

If you don’t want to be a part of that, don’t join that group. If you want to play your way, with no enforced roles, then nake that group. It does have a purpose. It gives players agency over the group they have to play with, in a game whose players regularly complain about lack of agency.

Yes… and thank you for adding to that nonsense ignoring the entire point and once again talking about LFG…

Yeah I get that…

Role select…

Take those 2 words… sound them out

ROLE " hero arch type"

Select “Choice of arch type”

Now that we have sorted that one out please try to keep in mind context What was this never about? LFG
What has nearly every reply been about… LFG…

Role select, role queue, role lock this post was about the pointless implementation of such a system in LFG a place where it honestly is pointless as people who group together normally will be working better together by standard… which is why people at max SR tend to opt to scrims over comp because well comp is a cess pool…
when it should have been applied to comp as a whole… Like this ain’t rocket science kiddies

Like reading comprehension is still taught in school right?

I literally put in in caps last time…

Well, there is no role select in this game, aside from forming LFG groups. But anyway, since you can’t be polite in your conversation, I really have no desire to engage you.

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Yes… thats the entire point of my post… Took you awhile to get there yeah?

Since you needed that spelled out for you… Im perfectly okay with that… Engaging with you makes me feel as if my braincells are committing suicide 1 by 1… You no joke replied with what I just explained in caps was not what I was talking about…

See, I think the issue here is that you think you can ignore the lfg in favor of focusing on the role select. Role select is an OPTION in LFG.

So, maybe you haven’t found a group to play with yet. Maybe you don’t have friends that play overwatch. Maybe you don’t want to spend the hours and hours it takes to find and filter a group of people you like to six stack. You just want to hop on once or twice a day and play dive.

So, you hop into solo Q. Somebody inst locks Rein, somebody else insta locks Brig, and now you’re out of luck.

So you go into LFG. You use the ROLE SELECT option. You wait till your dive team forms. You go play dive. That IS THE POINT. That IS WHAT it accomplishes. Like, what exactly is the confusion here?

edit- Did you maybe get stuck into a LFG 6 stack that someone left? Making you the odd one out in a role locked team? That’s honestly the only reason I can think of that you would be mad at role select…

NO REALLY??? Thats the entire point dude…

What does this have to do with anything…?

Seriously are you trying to sell me on the benefits of LFG? Why? What does that have to do with role select?

What on earth would be the problem of 2 people instalocking 2 core meta heroes…? I dont understand how that would be

The confusion is you somehow think I was talking about LFG… When in reality I was talking about well

Why do you keep blathering on about LFG? I already stated LFG as a whole is fine… Do you just skip over anything that has any relevance to my point so you can have an excuse to ramble…? Like nothing you have said has been in the ball park of this conversation despite me no joke spamming it out in CAPS

Then again Im the one stupid enough to keep replying to this… Like I spammed it out in caps and yet I keep getting people saying the same things… Im either being trolled or people are just far too dumb…

The community almost had pitchforks asking for role select. They made huge topics demanding it and calling blizzard too stupid to see what their community needs. The demands for role select were nearly endless.

Some smart people were fully against it as well as blizzard. They told the community repeatedly its not the correct thing for this game.

Sometimes you have to give people what they want for them to realize they didnt really want that.

Role select feature has been an absolute failure for this game (in my eyes). Its not a shock to anyone that could step back and see that MANY players actually DO flex. Locking roles is way too restrictive for players with a large hero pool.

LFG is amazing and exactly what this game needed to form groups. It needs a lot of refinement and qol changes but LFG is great!

I agree LFG is an amazing tool. However there will always be people who prefer solo queuing. There will always be times that people who do like grouping feel like solo queuing. Top 500 players have often grouped together in the past and yet they have largely left comp in favor of scrims. LFG and grouping in general can not be the be all end of comp reforms. The SR system is in shambles, people from every rank agree, nearly every top player agrees its a very very poor representation of skill, you tubers, content creators and ESL players all agree its bad.

You calling your people who agree with your point smart is a nice and all but lets just ignore that. Blizzards decision making doesn’t have a great track record, and they never gave us role select/queue. What they gave us was an entirely different system (LFG) that included that function.

Adding it only to LFG negates the reason people asked for it in the first place. Preformed groups have always been more likely to flex, they go in to a game with the idea of coordination and building a fluid team comp.

Now Im not saying a role queue system being added to comp would fix any issues, it may make more… but as of right now its been a constant suggestion, blizzards reasoning as to why its a bad idea is a joke, Blizzards opinions are in general that… they are still insisting their MMR system works well after all…

MistaTwistaa stop replying please… you’re having a conversation with yourself. I don’t mind letting this thread die… but I don’t want to keep reading your nonsense.

You asked what what role select accomplishes. I told you. The reason LFG keeps getting mentioned is becuase role select IS A TOOL WITHIN LFG that allows you to tailor LFG to your personal tastes.

if you want to play 2-2-2 you got it. If you want to play triple dps, or triple tank, or triple support? You got it. That is what role select does.

It not only allows you to tailor your LFG group to your personal tastes, it also allows you the guarentee you can play the role you want. Do you hate getting told to swap because two people already picked DPS? Well worry no more, just select a DPS locked role in LFG and DPS to your hearts content.

That is what it does. Role select gives you a tool to customize your LFG group to the exact specifications you want. I’m not aeguing for or against it I’m just trying to answer your question.

Then don’t… Let it die lol.

true fully bias. not denying it in any way. lol

They will never make role select for solo queue comp. Its been said by the devs its not the correct thing for this game. Not in any rank should blizzard be pre deciding the make up of teams. Theres no reason that 3 of anything cant be viable in many situations on many maps.

If you want the structure of role select make a group and enforce it. lol

Id completely stop playing if there were role select in solo queue. Some players actually do flex. I mostly solo queue or group with friends but i have lfg a few times. Its incredibly frustrating to be able to identify what your team needs but not be able to flex into it over and over and over. Its a pointless feature in any mode.

Did you just read the first post after hours? I no joke clarified in caps 1 post above your first response… Information changes… Conversations flow… if you cant be bothered to read the entire thing don’t reply. On top of that I also I have clarified this multiple times only to have you go off on insane tangents over and over again.

Good quality

The devs thought brig was the correct thing for this game… the devs thought making hanzo broken was the best thing for this game… the Devs have no clue what they are doing… thats been clear for some time.

That would defeat any purpose in the system… Role queue doesn’t bring structure it curbs randomness. The goal would be entirely different, when you join a group for multiple reasons the game changes, the way people interact with one another does, people will naturally work together, they will communicate swaps…

Solo queue on the other hand… you are rarely going to be performing top tier comps or strategies with randoms and the loss of things like that wouldn’t hurt the game mode as a whole. What you lose in tripple tanks and tripple dps and healers you gain in consistent team comps that allows team play to evolve and forces a set of boundaries.

… In the case the that solo queue does evolve that far, where team work flourishes with randoms then a very simple fix can be introduced. “Group vote” If you’re doing a 3 role queue just do a group vote on adding the third slot over X. It would take 5 seconds and the team would be in agreement of the change. Everyone likes to say it wont work because of X y Or z but they don’t ever talk about how to make it work. That’s just one idea. Im sure there are plenty more viable ways to make it work.

I personally feel triple DPS is one of the strongest comps in solo queue simply because overwhelming force picks apart 2/2/2 or 3/2/1 comps smoothly without the correct level of coordination to handle it.
On top of that comps like triple and quad tank are strong to the point of being one sided. If you don’t react quick enough with swaps you may very well end up being bodied by a comp not good play. And well in solo queue I usually find 1 person counter picking and flexing per match so thats not uncommon.

I did read it all friend, but just to prove the point I quoted a couple things. You are asking what the point of role select being implented into LFG is. You seem to think it is pointless to have role select as an available tool in LFG, and Blizz wasted the usefulness of role select by implenting it there.

How can you talk about the usefulness/pointlessness of role select in LFG without talking about the purpose and use of LFG? Role select is a tool specifically added to allow to have full control over your LFG group.

That’s it. That’s why Blizz added it. That’s the point of role select. It fulfills that job quite nicely. Role select is an awesome tool. “Everyone” wanted it, “everyone else” thought it would ruin comp.

Blizz took the opinion of both sides, and added it as an optional tool for LFG so that you can make full use of role select, or ignore it completely depending on your personal feelings of it.

I think that does it for me though. You don’t want me here, and you don’t care to accept or discuss my answer to your question anyway. Have a good night and I hope you get it all figured out.