So... Was role queue supposed to be a joke?

So let’s be serious here… When you are in a 6 stack at any given time…At what point do you sit there and argue about roles? Never… and if you do you shouldn’t be in the 6 stack… In any six stack I have ever been in we discuss our hero pool, we come up with strategies we talk when we swap.

What does this role queue bring to the table? Nothing… its a step backwards… It locks you in to a role with a group of people who are already committed to working together.

Is the OW team just messing with the playerbase? A system this pointless can’t possibly be a serious… Right? Oh wait… Commendations are a thing… So it may very well be possible that the OW team is so lost on what to do they are just throwing money at random stuff in hopes that something works…?

They can’t figure out how to balance their game so they’re taking pages out of everyone else’s books until something works. Pretty soon they’ll start using community proven players to oversee reports and cheaters and, knowing Blizzard, they’ll find a way to cheese that up too.

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I’m not sure what you are complaining about. Roles help immensely when creating groups.

Roles are a placebo effect mate. They are actually harms in a coordinated group it limits counter picking. My main complain is that they could have helped immensely in solo queues where the level of randomness would benefit from forced order

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Just set the roles to “ALL” or disable “Enforce Roles”. Lots of people liked it and use it. Just because it’s not useful for you, it doesn’t mean that it’s useless.

This is why we cant have nice things.

Explain to me the tangible benefit of the system? Explain to me what convenience the system actually adds?

The entire system is a placebo effect shell game made in response for people asking over and over again for a similar system to be added to solo queue to control the randomness. It wasn’t needed, it doesn’t actually offer any benefit. It just gives you the idea that it does.

Just an FYI “people use it” is not a valid response. I could go drink a cup of sugar water in hopes it cures my flu… doesn’t mean its an effective means of accomplishing that or well anything.

you have the option to enforce them or to not… idk what the deal is

…? Are you reading my entire post? Or just copy pasting a small detail that builds upon the bigger point…?

Can you provide the source and stats that show you’ve compared the role-enforced games to a baseline? Or is this all based on anecdotal evidence?

If you look at his other posts it’s just him jumping into threads trying to feel like a mid-diamond hardass. He’s not here to contribute, just berate and belittle.

you sound upset my man, am I not allowed to post on a public forum for a game I play every day?

idk how that has any correlation to my post

Posts. As in more than one. For someone as insightful as yourself you sure do suck at pluralization.

whats your problem, tell me which post I typed out to set you off

You didn’t have any point in your post mate… it was a red herring with no actual input.

Enforcing Roles leads to hilarious results at the start of the match.

okay, now im confused, is this a rant post and anyone who says anything constructive is trolling?

Was that an attempt to sound smart? Its not a pill… The system itself doesn’t actually do anything. Statistics wouldn’t need to be taken to prove a system doesn’t offer any real change.

Your confusion has been apparent for some time. You didn’t say anything constructive. You just said stuff to like a kid trying to fill an awkward silence. It didn’t have any value to the conversation.

okay what would be a constructive post then? your entire topic is ranting about an optional setting in an optional grouping system which allows to to group up in any mode… what is there to discuss??? if you dont want roles enforced then dont join those who do, if you dont want to use LFG then dont use it

It just seems to go against the statistics we do have on player toxicity, so I was wondering exactly what data you were looking at. If you don’t want to believe the Blizz reports, that’s fine. Just provide some rationale to explain why you think that the statistics is complete BS.

Seriously are you a troll? The entire point is they wasted a perfectly good system on a mode that doesn’t need it.

So what does that have to do with my post? You quoted irrelevant information… you do realize im talking about the implementation of role queue only to LFG yes? Im not talking about LFG or commendations… Commendations were a side note because they are just a feel good exp farm that will never be able to accomplish their goal.

Those statistics are a joke in the first place. They use reports of abusive chat in an attempt to imply that toxicity has been lowered… More people are in groups…Its cause an effect in the worse way possible… less people in the cess pool less people reporting their forced matched team mates… The Stats were irrelevant to my point in the first place… but bad stats are worse then then irrelevant stats… they just make you look worse.

If they used average reports per day and only included non lfg matches there would be a less well… stupid statistic. Instead they released a biased weighted statistic that ignores pretty basic principles.