So ventures dmg numbers are completely broken

Burning two cooldowns plus a primary fire shouldn’t kill?

Have you seen Junkrat?

You have to time it, but the ultimate is a touch strong.

About 10 to 15 meters. So pretty short, but there are hitscans that fall under this range too, including Reaper and Tracer.


And even then, doesn’t mean the numbers can’t be tuned a year from now.

A little bit. More shooting, less Rocket Punching. No Uppercuts or Seismic Slams, and a little more sneaky.

Pretty much have the same options, just Venture is more durable/bulky so they can survive a hit or two with that shield generation. And because of that, they’re also a little slower on the escape.

You can shorten it by 4 seconds when you use it in Burrow.

Not really, you can combo-cancel the Dash into a melee in the same way Genji can cancel an RMB into melee.

I’m seeing and getting a lot of kills with Venture. Usually in the lead (but that’s not a surprise).

In open areas, its a little harder to approach, some of the King of the Hill maps that are particularly wide (Busan, Oasis) it’s fairly difficult. You can’t approach in the same way that Reaper does.

3 direct shots to kill. 2 direct and a dash. 1 direct and a dash plus melee.

It’s a 4 shot cause people are 250 hp

Melee is the only thing insane to me thats 70 damage with a melee i get its over time but you burrow in melee shoot thats 260 damage and they they can dash out

Why main problem is so much damage with no head shots needed i think melee should do 50

I swear every thread from you is just complaining.

Do you even like anything about the game?

It’s 3 direct shots.

Alternatively, you can full charge a burrow into a direct hit and then dash into the target for a kill.

I’m not getting 3 shots in my games and I’m hitting people directly lemme check

Edit it’s 4 they are left with a sliver of hp. And yes, im shooting them point blank range

Training bots are 200 hp btw, heroes are 250

Combos do more damage, true for any hero, and we’re just talking about her normal shots.

They definitely are good at chasing people down tho

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melee and ult , i wouldnt give past 40 on melee its extremely annoying given the melee hitbox is big and constant.

which is already a buff compared to normal melee swings that are timed .

I don’t know, been watching streams of her for a couple of hours, she looks lackluster to me.

she wont work against poke teams or brawl teams, she is also extremely weak against flyers like pahrah echo, she is strong against dive.

another bad design imo, its why they have everything buffed already, will probably buff more to make her work make her op , then once everyone cries nerf her to irrelevancy,

she’s basically ow1 doomfist 2.0


Basing viability opinions on numbers is pretty silly. One of flats first playing opinions was that they would need boosting the same way weaver was.

If you pull off a burrow into a drill dash you can melt someone, but then everyone turns around and kills you. Flats is discovering that.

They need high damage cause they have to frontline quite a lot.

I know, that won’t stop me though

If it were a real person then I’d care more about saying the correct thing. As is, if you’re offended, then you’re offended over a person that doesn’t exist and has never existed.

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THEY dont need to be good in all scenarios though. Thats why theres a big roster. They should work pretty well in brawl cause the kit is based on close up fighting, using melee, similar to reaper.

Weaver had to be fixed when he came out. He controlled badly and wasnt fun. Venture is the complete opposite to that. Their kit flows really well and the abilities are really satisfying to combo so nothing drastic will need to change

Thats some immature reasoning for why you want to sound like a dick.

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Indeed it is, but you know what? I don’t care because I’m not being rude to anyone because the person in question doesn’t exist

I still call McCree McCree if it makes you feel any better

This is why we have play tests now :smiley:

Make them strong so people try the new hero and then tune them before launch.

Plus Venture will get 2 more weeks at the beginning of season 10 before hitting competitive.

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Minus the hard stuns. Super cool so far!

How do you charge burrow?

Edit: Nvm

Yeah, they want people to play them. They will get tweaked.

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Right? Is she winning games? Blizzard will have the stats on that.

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