So unbalanced it aint even funny anymore

I’m a mid diamond support on console, and I recently switched to pc. After unluckily losing like 4 placements I got placed in low gold. I was climbing with a 70-75% win rate on Mercy and Moira until the last few games which have been one of the most unbalanced games I’ve played in my life. Enemy dps absolutely destroy my team and my dps play like their borderline bronze. The games were mid gold rated but enemies were million times better than my teammates for some reason, even if there wasn’t “smurfs”. This is so stupid, no matter what I do, my team just is worse than the enemies. Until these games I’ve been mostly carrying games with ease since it is just gold, but now I’m kinda losing hope. And what annoys me the most, is their game sense. Our Ana doesnt nade zen ult, but when I play Ana and pop off, no one focuses the slept mercy, but then they somehow manage to wake up the ulting Genji for example. Happens a bit too often at this point. I usually try to tell my team stuff in the chat, but it’s not like they listen. I’m just tryna help n win :confused: . Am I the only one who’s getting games like this?


The matchmaker is busted. If you perform far outside of what’s statistically normal for your MMR or if you begin a streak, the matchmaker will essentially start giving you test matches. It’ll start placing you against much stronger competition to see how you fare against them. If you win against that environment of increased difficulty, it will continue to increase the difficulty. But the system doesn’t really consider variables that are common sense to you and me, like making sure that both teams have DPS of similar MMR, it might distribute the MMR differences between roles, so you get a diamond Lucio player, while the other team gets a diamond Widow.

Also, the problem is that there are a ton of alt accounts, smurfs, and great players (who for whatever reasons have not ranked out of your rank) distributed all throughout gold, plat etc. So you can essentially be having a high level plat game in gold. You are getting better, and may be playing well, but the matchmaker will abruptly place you against better opponents too. The system is busted, and is not created around the fairest possible system to match players, but is instead based around a system that keeps people playing and engaging with the game for the longest period of time possible.



I am not diamond. Never reached there but I am trying to get there by solo queuing as support. I play main Mercy and I switch to Moira or Lucio when its needed or when my team mates ask me to.

I was 1900 like a month ago, and I was sure I could be much higher, I got until 2500 (first time ever plat) like a week ago, after seeing some videos of positioning, learnt how to do the high jump, who to focus etc. I really try every game. But now I am down to 2200 and I am loosing hope too, its always win 3/4 in a row and loose 6-10 in a row something like that. Its never win 1, lose 1 or win 2 lose 1.

Had once 9 looses in a row. One I had a hammond killing himself all the time falling to the cliff. Everyone gets throwers in solo queue, so fair enough, I reported him plus all the other throwrs I get in other game, if that does anything at all. Another one my team was (2 unraked, 2 silver, 1 gold (me), 1 plat) enemy team (3 plat, 2 gold, 2 unraked) we were completely thrashed.

Had another game where I was telling my team mates on voice chat like 10 seconds in advance that roadhog and reaper where coming behind to flank us, noone saw them, they manage to flank us and killed our Ana and Ashe, only to find out that none of them where on voice chat. I didn’t have time to type in mid fight, don’t know if it would help, but maybe if they were we would have won that fight, who knows. Nevertheless I never force anyone to be on voice chat, just have game sense. but I noticed when I got to high gold, low plat most of the people are.

Yesterday out of the all comps I did, I had 3 leavers, in 3 different comps, daily record. On two occasions we were winning against the enemy team actually, so maybe they DC? Which is unfortunate. But lost all of them, and all the rating I climbed was lost.

And another game we were defending payload, enemy team reaches third point. One of our tanks raged and left because we didn’t defend payload well. Enemy team had 1minute 24 seconds left. Lol?

I make mistakes. I am no pro in this game but I know I can be in high plat at least. I check my games to see where I failed (both the ones I lost and won) to see if I could to that extra save there or there. I try to improve, I kill sometimes their healers or a dps when I valk with the pistol. With Moira I do that extra dps but stay behind my tanks to keep them alive. But yet, I get queued with potatoes many times, and I dont know what else I can possibly do as support to climb.

I only ask for 5 team mates that at least are trying. If I loose but know that we all tried I am okay with it, but like this its exhausting.


Yea been there as well, like 7 losses today with two draws. My teammates could not counter one hog which is why we lost. Meanwhile i literally solo killed their supports and dueled dps with ana. And i’m sure u could be in plat based on what u said, most gold or under mercy’s dont even know how to superjump or never pick the supps with pistol in valk which is useful af. And i get like variety of ranks in my game too, two dia smurf dps on enemy and my team with two silvers. I’m lowkey offended :DD


ow matchmaking is programmed to keep you at a 50% win rate, so you can’t climb our of a rank without being the skill level of the rank 2 above yours, the only good way to climb is with a group


I love how common of a saying this is despite how innaccurate it is. It’s like one of those random facts everybody says despite being so untrue, like that the great wall of China is visible from space, Einstein failed math, or bacon is good. Wait a minute…


idk man bacon is pretty good

its acctually pretty accurate, but its not that the game understands that, its just sort of the bar that seems to let you crawl out by carrying that hard. i know tons of people who were masters and diamon who are now low gold or just barely plat because of their matchmaking, as they stomp everyone with full golds, they just cant carry to a win because its 5 potatoes and then them vs 6 plats or 3 diamons and 3 golds and so on. the balancing makes no sense. if it did, you would get those overperforming players in one match and the potatoes in theirs, so they can acctually play against others performing like them and have some degree of fun in the game. the whole needing to be two ranks higher is just usually how high you need to have been to carry hard enough and win those abysmally balanced games.


It can be accurate on a match by match basis. It’s not universally true.


Exactly. It’s like the matchmaker’s confidence-level (±3) went out the window. I play regularly, yet the MM thinks I’m plat some days, and silver other days. It’s really annoying.

My gm friend experienced this a few times smurfing in gold.

He’d wreck enemies with 90+ elims several matches and still lose.

I duoed with him a few games on gold. We faced other smurfs or got utter sub bronze tier potatoes to drag us down.

He told me that trying to carry in gold is harder than playing in gm.

So much for smurfs rising up the ranks quickly…


Okay, so let me get this straight.

You have to be 2 ranks above your own in order to climb, right?

Well, you can’t place into GM. Not on a fresh account or an existing ranked account. The highest you can place is 3900 now.

That means that every single person in GM is actually two ranks above GM. So we’ll call all existing players that are 4k+ “GM++”

So, where are the GM players? Well, they’d actually be in Diamond, as per that “2 ranks” rule I hear so much about, so now all players that climbed to Diamond are actually GM.

This means that most of the people in Diamond are either Diamond players, or GM players.

But, wait a second. That doesn’t add up, where are all the other diamond players? I guess they’d be in Gold, huh? All of those players that climbed to Gold had to be playing like Diamonds to do so.

So we have the players in GM, 100% of which are actually GM++, because every single one of them has to climb to GM.

Then we have the players in Masters. Because the highest you can place is 3900, that cuts out about 20% of placeable Masters, meaning only about 35% of Masters players are actually Masters, and the rest are “GM+”.

Then Diamond is a bit messy. It has a good mix of players that are Diamond and GM, but it also has all of the players from “GM++” down to GM that are in the process of climbing, too. This means that a small minority of players in Diamond are actually Diamond level players, most of them are actually GM and above.

This kinda creates a weird vaccum though. It places all of these incredible GM++ players that climbed to GM directly above normal Masters players that placed into Masters. What’s the deal with the 2 rank gap that exists within a span of only 100 sr?

Wouldn’t that cause the entire ladder to collapse, and we would just call all of the people that climbed into GM, I dunno, something like “GM”. Then that would collapse the stack further, so now all of those players in Masters aren’t “GM+”, but probably something more logical like “Masters”. And, huh, I guess we’d have to keep collapsing the stack downward in order to rectify the rank vacuum that’s being pushed down until it’s quashed.


it’s a hyperbole mate

It doesn’t sound hyperbolic to me.

I hear a lot of people say that you have to play like you’re 2 ranks above your rank in order to climb. A lot of them state this as a matter of fact: the reason it’s so difficult to rank up is because you are a rank better than you’re placed, but isn’t it so darn unlucky that you aren’t the 2 ranks needed to actually climb?

It’s a ridiculous sentiment. In order to climb you need to play like you belong in the rank you’re climbing to. That’s how climbing works. Play better than your current rank, and as good as your desired rank.

If everyone had to play even better than that, then every rank would just be shifted down by one, and we’d be right back where we started: with everyone one rank below what they want to be.


I also think that like most diamond games have been easier for me, because my team is actually doing stuff and they have somewhat decent game sense.


I climbed with 80% wr on support from 1700 to 2000 just by trying to frag the opposition.

As my teams got better I shifted to enabling my team mates.

Hit plat a while back. Dropped to gold now as not good enough anymore.

Similar on tank. Climbed 82% wr playing tank as fat dps and not worrying about team mates too much.


Gold is inherently going to be a broken rank as it’s the catch all rank. No previous comp record? No problem, let’s shove you into Gold. Did you lose your first placement? No problem, you’re gonna stay in gold until you’ve finished your placements, even if you should be in Bronze. After that you still have to lose 5 games just to lose that Gold icon once you drop below 2000.

Seriously the skill discrepancy in Gold is massive.

The other side is the Solo queue vs group queue. I got to play a few games with a full stack the other day and it was absolutely pathetic how badly we rolled the enemy teams. It wasn’t even remotely fair.


This dude is Diamond in console. Kind of a far cry from being Diamond on PC. The level of mechanical skill is significantly different.

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Well obviously there is some difference with the mechanics, and i never said i should be diamond on pc too, but i don’t think it’s too far fetched at this point. I think my mechanics are pretty good, way better than most gold/plat players ive seen now, at least on the heroes i main which are ana, moira and mercy.

I mean… Mechanics on Mercy/Moira? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Game sense and Kit understanding perhaps.

Most Diamond (support only) players have low-mid gold aim at best… Just my experience.

Like… I’m a DPS/Tank player but I definitely respect my support counterparts when I can observe their decision making is very strong.

Right now, it seems like there’s a piece missing that you’re not providing. If you give replay codes there’s like 6 or 7 diamond-GM support players here who will give you a solid VOD review.

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