So uh, Reinhardt's shield is curved now?

You should put things like that in the patch notes guys -.-
THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION. It’s a buff to his angles of blocking.
Not an insanely big buff, but it’s a slight buff that will help maybe 0.5% of the time.
And Brigitte shield bash bug fix WHEN? I can’t wait for you to stop that tiny woman shield bashing me out of charge without her getting stunned too, like you said it was meant to be like.

EDIT: False alarm guys :smiley: Don’t worry I am just dumb :slight_smile:


I’m pretty sure it has always had a slight curve to it


Always thought that it was curved around the edges. Is it now curved like Orisa’s?

Actually, after the initial acclimatisation period and especially after her Shield Bash CD nerf, i seldom have much of an issue with Brigitte outside of Total Mayhem. When i see her stomping towards me, i would risk a Fire Strike at a her to get her outta the way and if i can, i would just Charge her. If not, i would get keep my distance.

This isn’t new, he’s always had a slight curve to his shields at the ends.


Transcribed from the patch notes:


Barrier Field
Decorative insignia no longer protrudes from the shield’s surface.

Developer Comments: By smoothing out Reinhardt’s Barrier Field, he will now be able to consistently block enemy abilities and projectiles that could sometimes unintentionally sneak through (eg. Junkrat’s grenades).

its also curved inward at the top and bottom though, and it does look strange to me, you think I’d have noticed it before with 650 hours on him right?

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Can you take a screencap? I’d like to see and I’m not home yet.

It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

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I’m not on right now though ;.; If anyone ELSE could though >.> Currently running my rounds.

And uh it was confirmed as a bug and they said a fix is on the way. Just like, I was hoping it would be in this patch. They said it’s meant to be like a doomfist punching a charging rein or rein charging a rein.

It is on the slate to get gone, but I’D REALLY LIKE TO SEE IT GONE SOON.

I was making a joke earlier, but I want this gone too since the current interaction is wacky.

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Ah, you see I am just dumb and I NEVER UNDERSTAND SARCASM.
NoT UnLeSs SoMeOnE tYpEs LiKe ThIs!

But yeah how he picks her up with charge for a moment THEN gets stunned, the interaction is really bad xD

Give me a minute.

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Seems normal to me.


That doesn’t look the same as my one >.> I do play on high graphics though, maybe it’s just a graphical alteration and not anything that actually effects the game, this does highlight though, low model detail looks jagged af :stuck_out_tongue: Thanks for the help morrov C:

Yeah, trying to point to your hours on a hero doesn’t do you any good if I have no clue who you are lol.

I’ve been playing him and I didn’t see anything new other than the part where they moved his barrier forward in front of the crest. Apparently that was the part that made him take damage from attacks he clearly blocked.

I could whack it to ultra and take another set of screens tomorrow, but the shield itself didn’t change.
Also, sorry for screenshots on low, that’s how I prefer to play xd

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We’ve had Reinhardt chats in the past, and As Morrov pointed out, it still looks the same on low models so I am guessing it’s just got a bit of a curve that never used to be there before on higher graphics with this insignia being moved behind the barrier.
False alaaaarm.

I’m really bad with names so sorry if I don’t recognize yours. Very few tend to stand out, and it’s usually people who are famous, like Jelly, RichC or Fragerhardt. Either famous, or people who I think are excruciatingly dumb, whose names I won’t mention.

I usually play on higher graphics and only recently got a new GPU to play on the max settings, so I guess if it’s only really noticeable when changing between low and high settings I wouldn’t have noticed it.

Idk, I could be going crazy, but it probs has a lot to do with the insignia being moved in, and the barrier being more protrusive in the center for that “smoothing out effect” they talked about. This whole post is a false alarm :stuck_out_tongue: SORRY GUYS, I guess you can add me to that list of people who are excruciatingly dumb >.<
But yeah bless Fragehardt JellyAndJam and RichC, those guys are a blessing to these forums :slight_smile:

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lol no, you don’t go on the “Excruciatingly Dumb” list for honest mistakes. It’s like winning a medal, you gotta earn that.