So Tracer Can Blink Vertically on The PTR (Update: PATCHED!)

Tbh that’s just a benefit for small heroes. An Ana who has an A-D crouch macro is far less hittable than Winston is.

No acceleration is probably one of the most mechanical detrimental thing can happen to an fps…

This is probably why they are making the game more into moba.


Well most of the mobility heroes are also small

Pretty similar in number to any other hero, no?

Pharah, Winston, Doomfist, Hammond and DVa are all massive, Lucio and Hammond actually have movement acceleration, Mercy’s movement abilities also have acceleration (although yeah, she is tiny).

Genji, Tracer and Sombra do benefit a lot from no movement acceleration though, sure.

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I don’t think lucio have accleration 2bh…Wall skip speed bonus is instant and is due to momentum bug from no acceleration but having momentum, similar to mercy.

Hamster does but that’s a result from 100%+ speed resulting from other abilities. That being said, if they can make acceleration into grapple, why can’t they make it into awsd…

I hope it stays tbh. I’d finally have a reason to play Tracer again. Kinda sad that she’s seen as one of it not THE poster hero for the game but is rarely a viable pick.

He has movement acceleration in his general movement. He and Hammond (ball form) are the only heroes with movement acceleration when pressing wasd on the ground.

Yeah, that part yes, probably becuase they have 100%+ movement speed on the ground. That also falls into the question of why can’t they make normal movement having accelearation too.

They actually answered that a long while ago. Apparently it’s just that they tested it and it didn’t feel as good. They were also concerned that it would buff hitscan heroes.

In essence, it’s because they don’t really know how to design proper first person shooters.


2bh I’d say it would buff fast projectile too but yeah, widow would need a nerf at that point since one thing holding her back too is people just paying attention to her because ad spam can in a way disrupt hs.

They think high ttk hero shooter is fine, welp.

This is fine; she just needs to lose the 3m primary fire range buff she previously got.


I’m not sure they intended it to be quite like this lol.

First, it’s always been stupid. Second, I called it stupid back then, I’m calling it stupid now, and I’ll call it stupid the next time I see someone use it as an argument. “Go play something else” isn’t something devs or players should be demanding of anyone who criticizes their games. You can go ahead and not accept that if you want, that’s your prerogative, but the idiocy of the argument doesn’t change.


I mean this is kind of cool, wouldn’t mind if it stayed but might warrant some nerfs on tracer, perhaps ult charge

I wish raid boss brig still exist to give tracer a reality check


That’s basically my thought on the matter. Keep one or the other, not both.

I mean, she’s meta right now… what’s the point of buffing a hero that’s currently doing good? Also she wasn’t lackluster back in 2016 and during the original dive meta which lasted a full year. I’d actually consider her to be one the most balanced heroes in the game, she’s received very few balance changes and has had a healthy performance and good stats outside of tank metas.

It’s not a bug, it was included in the patch notes.

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Oh I arnt afraid of tracer at all as a sombra player tracer is fash meat to hack kill and make her live a misery

Brig was testing Tracer to determine if she’s dreaming she definitely needed the reality check

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and some heroes are not receiving play at all. some heroes have never been meta for as long as tracer was.

tracer was absurdly good in dive, but some heroes have never been as good as she has.

shall we make them game-breakingly overpowered like you want tracer to be, or do you only care when it’s tracer that hasn’t been meta?

because there are characters that have it worse off than tracer does. so by your logic, they should be far more powerful than tracer.

but once again, it only matters to you whether tracer is meta or not.