So Tracer Can Blink Vertically on The PTR (Update: PATCHED!)

Just casually added to the PTR, Tracer can now reach high ground with her blinks. This buff is insane and used to be a meme because of how absurd the thought of it was, but y’all are out here worried about Echo being a DPS. Stay woke :fist:t4:.


Good. Tracer need buffs.


Like in the first trailer


Tracer can blink in every direction now … like Evie :thinking:


Aren’t these ones you could do before if you just blinked at the peak of a jump? If not, I reckon that’s unintentional.

Not really, she’s actually in a well balanced state and didn’t need any changes. This’ll just make her overpowered.


Good. It’s her turn to be OP. Don’t like it? Play another game.



Are you freaking kidding me.
like I dont care about tracer getting a slight small buff.
But abuff to her mobility and giving her a new aspect that makes her better than certain heroes like genji JUST WHY?
please dont blizzard make hero ten times better at something they are not good at and ignore the hero thats meant to do that thing and sucks at it


Flying Tracers? Uh oh

So short range tanks and certian supports would have more problems dealing with flankers?
They want game to be faster, and making flankers kills easier is one way to do it. Mobility is more dangerous than dmg in many sytuations.

Still its just PTR, just like moira buff in past, this could not be added. Who knows.


What do you mean? Tracer gets shot down by almost any hero easily. Her low HP makes it superhard to compete when she dies from 2 shots…

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Good Tracers already moved unpredictability and one clipped you before you can react. Now, they can just pull a Houdini and go up and out of LOS until they get healed.


I mean thats wasnt the intent behind my question.
Genji is supposed to be good at vertical decent at horizontal movement and being the sneaky sort of assassin but HE SUCKS AT DOING that
Echo is a ten times better assassin than him.
Tracer is legitmately better than him at flanking without that buff.
now they are buffing her mobility making it contest genjis. this will make genji obsolete and useless at his job and he seriously needs a buff of any sorts that isnt a joke…

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To make Tracer haters mad


I’d like to see you doing that 1v6 one clipping stuff. :slight_smile: Since it’s kinda really really hard to do, requires high-skill and a team with more than 70 IQ wil turn around and burst you down in 0.5 sec.


I don’t deny that it’s going to be a buff, but I’m not going to panic based on videos taken in a mode where Tracer has infinite blinks.


where u see this? kabaji smurfing on gold? lol

even kabaji strugle with tracer nowdays, and switch to mcree most of time

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Base on heroes they do, its no suprise, they are making many heroes obsolete as of now. It seems like part of their way to balance q times, by making many dps just better than others. Widow vs ash, now echo vs phara in terms of controlling sky, and soon genji vs tracer, duo that was used in past to be most annoying gona be part of this.
The problem is that buffing genji and tracer gona hurt most supports a lot, but we will see what will hapepnd.

not even a buff. “BUFFS” lol.

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Yes. Is something wrong? :slight_smile: