So, 'Tis the weekend and the question is

What tuneage have you had blasting into your ears this week. So here’s a distraction from it all. Here’s the pick of the week that’s been blasting from my Death Deck (hi fi). It’s music that my neighbors will grow to love :smiley:

  1. Alice in Chains - Man in a Box
  2. Pearl Jam - Jeremy
  3. Smashing Pumpkins - Cherub Rock
  4. Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
  5. Skid Row - 18 and Life
  6. Aerosmith - Sweet Emotion
  7. Pantera - Cowboys from Hell
  8. Type O Negative - My Girlfriends Girlfriend
  9. Danzig - How The Gods Kill
  10. Metallica - Sad But True

As it’s the weekend we all know the forums are going to be flooded by negative threads. So here’s a distraction from it all.


a lot of debussy

(im a calm person - though i like your list)

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Ah, that’s some taste. My very first experience of listening to Debussy, believe it or not, was via an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, and it was the piece Claire De Lune.

Bit partial to some of the good stuff, particularly Samuel Barber’s Adagio for Strings, and absolutely ADORE Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata.

Only piano piece I can play (I don’t play piano)…I forced myself to learn it

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I don’t usually have any particular genre or artist I listen to more than others. I usually just play all my liked songs on Spotify on shuffle and it ends up being a big mishmash of all kinds of stuff from death metal to jazz to hyperpop to noise rock to experimental hip hop, etc. But with the early access release of Hades 2 earlier this month, I have been listening to that game’s soundtrack quite a bit. My favorite tracks so far;

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There’s games out there with AMAZING musical scores. Dragon Age:Awakening, Divinity: Original Sin 2, and ofc I don’t even need to mention World of Warcraft with it’s incredible soundtracks.


Cute Bunnies and Unicorns Singing About Rainbows

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Ok, that was surprisingly catchy.

Which means it’s going to be stuck in my head and will reappear for no reason at all at 3:00 am when asleep-other than to force me to listen to it one more time lol.

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Nier and Nier automata have probably my favorite soundtracks of all time in a game and top 10 albums in general but I haven’t thought about that

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Jerry Reed, Dead Posey, Beasty Boys just to name a few. My playlist is eclectic.

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The single piece in my repertoire is Monday by Ludovico Einaudi. It’s one of my mom’s favorites so I learned it for her birthday.

Some industrial/ebm, this weekend

Noisuf X - Toccata del Terrore
Eisenfunk - Egoshooter
Dioxyde - Geist
X-Rx - the doll underground
And some kinky industrial songs which would get me banned if I post them

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Few people I know have mentioned it, will have to check it out. Saying that I’ve not even played the game yet so when i do I’ll get to experience it when I play

Absolutely love the Beastie Boys. Had me utterly hooked after hearing No Sleep 'Til Brooklyn

Years ago I got banned from a soccer forum for posting Nine Inch Nails’ Closer. In hindsight I may should have checked the posting rules lmao

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Bwahahaha, perfection
The songs on my list are on the same level, two would get banned just by the title alone :rofl:

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What I still can’t get my head around about Closer is that it was written by Trent Reznor, the same Trent Reznor that won an Oscar for the Disney movie Soul lmao

I mean it speaks for his creative and diverse talent

Very true, very true. Don’t think he’s released/composed a bad piece of music

Thought I’d post the playlist here for any 90’s metal/grunge enjoyers. Enjoy and mosh like a mofo

I’ve been listening to Drowning Pool’s Sinner album all week long. The second track really gets the blood pumping when I am playing a game. Though, it is certainly hilarious to listen to it while playing Minecraft.