So, they've deleted another hero I play

considered you agree with any orisa nerf i suppose u one of those whiny dps mains.

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Lucky part is they went so overkill with these Orisa nerfs, they will probably need to scale it back.

Iā€™m playing on PTR right now and while itā€™s only been 2 games, so far Orisa is getting shredded. Idk if Iā€™m just getting unlucky, so Iā€™m trying to stay as unbiased as possible


I actually main support.

What do you gain assuming blindly?

I also donā€™t agree with any Orisa nerf.

Iā€™m curious, why did you bother typing anything at all to me?

Because you think this wonā€™t make her unplayable

and considered i saw mostly dps mains whining about orisa(still) i was assuming u was one of them my bad then.

Oh well. I guess Orisa just goes on the pile of heroes I wasted my time with, right on top of Moira. Baptiste and Sigma though - good riddence.

I donā€™t think it will make her unplayable YET, because I havenā€™t tried to play yet.

My initial thoughts are that sheā€™s still viable, but only time will tell

Well I hope you stop assuming so much in the future.

Youā€™re being over dramatic. Moira is still perfectly fine and Sigma is still played a lot

people wanted less shields well theyā€™re getting them says hi.


To shreds, you say


tell that to off-meta players who are always deemed trash tier picks so you never get to play any of them and get attacked and berated if you do play them. Welcome to balancingā€¦ youā€™re hero isnā€™t on top anymoreā€¦ at least itā€™s given a chance and not forced bottom tier every meta, every game type, etc like some heroā€™sā€¦


I mean most of my time on her was from before she was considered good.

Whatever, I guess Iā€™m a Wrecking ball and Zarya player now. I hope you all like Mei because both the remaining main tanks are hard countered by her.

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How can I play sym 2.0 and mercy 1.0 sir?


and Iā€™m sure they realize that and also realize how oppressive mei can be. Youā€™re preaching to the choirā€¦ just give them timeā€¦ and I normally think they are doing badā€¦ but dude you guys gotta give them some time and stop being so criticalā€¦ they said they will be doing more frequent updatesā€¦ give them a darn chanceā€¦

Why give them a chance? The last patch they did killed another hero on my roster, Moira. They havenā€™t fixed her, why would they fix Orisa.

If you really love the hero youā€™ll play her through thick and thin. You might have to revaluate classic pairings and accepted synergies. Look for new ways to make the kit work, etc.

Orisa wonā€™t be worthless. This is exactly what Jeff meant by people going ā€œdoomsdayā€ so quickly lolā€¦relax and play the patch, if itā€™s bad theyā€™ll change it


I mean, I just want to play a good, effective tank. Thatā€™s why I picked her. But now it appears that allllll that time was just a total waste.

I mean, I play others. But I would like the ability to use Orisa in the situations where she fits in. Now, if Wrecking Ball doesnā€™t work, Iā€™m completely useless as a main tank because the only other main tank is Reinhardt and I canā€™t play him.

Now people will complain no one want to play shield tanks.

I find orisa more fun then reinhardt so i guess if i play tank that will either be roadhog or dva thenā€¦


moira is far from dead lolā€¦ I have another account moira onlyā€¦ 83% win rateā€¦ sheā€™s scuffed a little but not deadā€¦ heroā€™s will always get nerfed and buffed itā€™s a sway on how balancing works and when adding new variables constantly into thatā€¦ so get over it? at least your favorite hero hasnā€™t been deemed a trash troll pick since release :smiley: