So they are nerfing Sym...but not doom?

I dont even play sym, but this billion dollar company needs to get their act straight. It seems like every patch they focus on reworking/nerfing/buffing sym when other heroes like DOOM, needs a big tune. Id rather sym be deleted from the game so we can stop worrying about her kit and focus other heroes. NERF DOOM AND ANCHOR SHIELDS.

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I dont see sym coming out of the sky every 2 seconds 2 shotting everyonone while gaining shields Simply so he can fly around more to escape.


Because Sym in 2/2/2 charges up super fast and melts down everything with the help of tank and healers.

Doomfist can get in and kill 2-4 people IF he is very skilled and gets support from teammates which is exactly what Symmetra could do, but Symmetra has 0 defensive abilities while Doomfist can very easily get to 300+ health.


Have you seen his hitbox? You just get CCed to death. He also jumps in solo in the middle of the enemy team and is super easy to hook and sleep. And Sym usually plays behind a shield and near tanks.

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Yeah she plays with her team because she HAS to to get any value at all because she’ll die, Doomfist however CAN get 2~ kills without any support from his team.


Yeah how about no.

You remember when he got overnerfed last time? It’s pretty damn hard to nerf hero like this again without making him beeing ‘‘useless’’ after it.

Also, git gud. He has more counters (on all 3 roles) than you think he has.

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Blizz don’t nerf the OP heros. Why would they do that?

Their main balance guy is a genji main so they nerf symm.


exactly, she needs to be protected and babysat to do that.

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You kidding? Sym is safely behind barriers and near her tanks and healers charging up that beam in 2 seconds while Doomfist exposes himself in the middle of the whole enemy team. Also honestly at least Doomfist has a high skill cap. If a Doomfist can get in my team, dodge all the CC and win the fight for his team then he deserved it. Sym has a massive spread and requires tracking even less than D.Va.

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Doomfist doesn’t need a nerf.

You’re right, he needs several

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The devs are so biased towards Doom and Hanzo that they wont even hide it.
Sym nerfed after just 3 days of being useful all the while Doom kills entire teams over and over… its revolting…

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He’s gotten 6+, he’s been nerfed more than any character since his inception. Doomfist is balanced

Pretty sure Mercy and brig are the most nerfed characters


Symmetra using 30 second worth cooldowns to MAYBE kill one person with high risk and high counterability was too strong though and turretbombing had to be obliterated. :’)

Not the doom jumping around, spamming ohko cooldowns with 400hp though.

He should get a complete rework. If he’s anywhere near viable he’s horrible to play against. Even when he was considered bad he was still horrible to play against - you just played against him less… because the people that jump from OP hero to OP hero stopped playing him.

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and imagine if sym didn’t surround herself with her team and relying in them to coddle her as she tried to do that esp with her to bring unavailable, guess how that’d end up. easily dead and unable to do anything? yeah that’s exactly the point being made here. doom can get the same if not value independently and sym’s independence is literally worse than zen’s to do her job.

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“BuT hE tAkEs SkIlL tO pLaY”

Sym isn’t as weak as people make her look. Doomfist isn’t as powerful as people say. Hint: that’s why people don’t post videos of them playing sym or a doomfist destroying a team all game

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Sym requires more aim than Doomfist.
