So the rein soft nerfs are they getting fixed?

Hes one of 3 main tanks in the game the only one who can push and has enough barrier to protect his team all that chart shows is we never need a new dps again and we need more main tanks


It tells me Roadhog and Orisa need buffs.

Orisa in particular could be a more viable option compared to Rein.

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She cant push very well and she already puts down more shielding than Rein by alot and hog is what you would call a Bruiser not a main tank more of a high health dps tbh you have your bunker down tank you have your high Mobility tank and you have your pushing slow comp tank we need more main tanks rein works better with unorganized teams he is slow and has a giant wall to keep you alive thats the only reason he is picked more we need more tanks

Well maybe if he didn’t have a 2000 HP Shield, and was Less Mobile, then maybe MAYBE he’d compare better with the other tanks?

I don’t think the other tanks are particularly weak, I certainly don’t see many complaints about any of them being weak either.

Bizarrely, it’s the tank with 2x the pick rate of the next picked Tank that people complain have shortfalls. Yet, in spite of those shortfalls - which the other tanks have various tools to cover he still has 2x the pick rate.

The problem is not shortcomings elsewhere, the problem is Reinhardt Reinhardt Reinhardt.

Rein is broken AF and as soon as this community accept that, the sooner we can see some real balance between the tanks.

The Tank class needed that mass rebalance patch far more than Supports did, yet, because of the insanity and double standards of the community regarding these obvious issues Mercy and Rein objectively share, they went after the Support first, even though Tank balance is, and always has been in a much, much worse state.

Reinhardt is a “keystone” species in the aspect that he is intended to be the main idea and be picked in most situations. The game without him would be broken.

They literally made Orisa so that wasn’t supposed to happen.

The game wasn’t broken either when Winston was more viable.


The tanks, as a group, haven’t been touched.

When Bridgette was added and Mercy was altered, dive become a more risky composition. Months later for the community, but almost over night for high skill bracket, the tanks were swapped immediately. Instead of D.Va/Winston you got Reinhardt/Other.

Nothing happened to that tanks, so why is it the tanks who are the issue?

All tanks are viable in all but the top tier of the player base.

I have said this before, pretty sure told you at least once, a Reinhardt who stands there and hold his shield up and does nothing else isn’t playing well, but still adds value to the team. The only equivalency between Mercy and Reinhardt is the fact they are the premier “starter” heroes in the game. Much like Soldier 76 is for DPS.


Yeah but…
Orisa isn’t exactly like that.
She isn’t someone who can push up front.
But I mean come on…
What’s broken about him exactly?
Saying him having a mobile shield is broken is simply wrong.

Wasn’t it not that long ago before the brig/Hanzo/tracer changes that people thought Rein was underpowered?

Not saying it can’t be balanced, but in its present state, it is not balanced.

And they’ve all been nerfed to more ‘normal’ levels, and Reinhardt is still a deity amongst Tanks.

How is he OP dude?
Having a mobile 2000 hp shield is like the bare minimum with everyone spamming it.
It provides like 5 seconds of cover under heavy fire.


Because you fix bugs and then if the hero needs a downtune afterwards, you can do that. But you don’t just leave players with inconsistent behavior.


Because it’s literally clearly better than anything anyone else can provide? I mean, that’s the very definition of unbalanced.

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All of the tanks are mechanically unique and suit a different playstyle.

Phrase that a little different, why is he picked so much more than any other tank at every skill level.

You must have missed the last 2 years where Dive was the only viable comp and only Winston and Dva were played. Reinhardt was absolute trash.

Now he is more viable due to the addition of Brigitte and a different meta, but he hasn’t really changed ever since the launch of the game.

He has a big list of hard counters and is vurnerable to a lot of things.
It just so happens that on ladder where everyone is disorganized, having a big mobile shield helps a lot.

Regardless of anything, that doesn’t mean that if there are bugs on a character, they shouldn’t be looked at and fixed.

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Literally any character can do that?
Genji is (or use to be) one of the best flanker options or most versatile DPS.
Brigitte is like the best 1v1 character.
I don’t see your point.

Cuz not everyone has a shield.
They must have had some sort of plan with this maybe…

But why was Rein nearly a troll pick pre-brig, and now he’s a must-pick?
