So, the new defense

Very typical. The simple fact is this - pay $30/yr - reasonable by far, unlock new characters only. Then spend after that only on what you really want. Not hard folks.

Says the guy spelling monetization with an “s.” We get it, Ankh, you are a European spellchecker. Great! What was your point, exactly?

That’s been my point of view since day one. To me, it seems a bit odd to not play a game for the gameplay, and battle passes have been tedious chores in the games I’ve played that have them.

If people really get off on doing busywork, then I’m willing to accept money to give people tasks to do. Give me ten of your human dollars and sort out my pond for a hundred Potatoad Points™.

This already exists. It’s called League of Legends.

The main problem people I’ve noticed have in Overwatch is that:
a) There’s no free secondary thing to unlock free stuff (LoL’s lootboxes),
b) They feel robbed when new characters were previously free,
c) Oh and gameplay.

So I feel like if they bring back lootboxes in one way or another, drop the idea of new characters in the battle pass completely, and fix the gameplay… somehow(?) overwatch will be up to LoL’s standards (in terms of monitization and such).

If people are playing the game for the gameplay (which ultimately, is the point of playing a game), then it’s perfectly understandable they are calling this update out as there’s nothing new in terms of gameplay after a 3-year content drought that was said to be “worth the wait”.

We care about the aggressive cosmetic monetization and how they do it because it’s the very reason we’re not getting anything slightly new on October 4th, again, after a 2019-2022 period of almost nothing (except for Echo).

What the playerbase wanted was less cosmetics and optional stuff and more gameplay changing additions (more heroes, maps, game modes etc…). Simple as that.

Try and think outside of your bubble. The F2P model is indeed damaging the quality of the game and its focus on important aspects of the game.

I doubt anyone is goingvto buy those godawful skins.

They’ll try nonetheless, now that they have a tracking “which hero you play the most” system and are able to set bundle packs according to your taste.

The best way to dodge this system is playing “Mystery Heroes” only so they don’t have the data or never open the “store” menu ever but I think there will be bundles from the store popping in the menu, just like it already is the case with the Watchpoint pack that is currently advertised on Overwatch 1.

That’s the native Spanish experience for ya :weary:

(Thanks tho)

5v5… ‘nothing new’ :thinking: :upside_down_face: :rofl:

  • shorter queue times
  • less ‘shooting barriers’ more ‘actual fighting’
  • removed 2cp, new maps designed for more engaging fights
  • daily, weekly, etc challenges to motivate ppl to try different things

…seems good to me, looking forward to it, could care less about cosmetic rubbish… :wink:

Just keep ignoring the egregious prices guys. The core gameplay is still there guys. The devs just need to make money guys. You’re all just complaining over nothing guys.
And this is why they keep implementing more and more aggressive monetization. Because dumb dumbs keep saying shut up and go away

Yes, nothing new. Removing content =/= something new.

Just like 4v4 won’t be new if it becomes the standard game match composition or just like Role Queue wasn’t something really new or even hero bans. Those are restrictions that makes the game less rich and way blander.

Where ? When ? What ?

The never-ending two barriers legend… So according to you, 5v5 was the only solution to people that didn’t like sometimes playing against two shields… ?

Lack of imagination from the playerbase and lack of efforts from the devs team.

Which are repetitive. You’ll see it for yourself after 2-3 seasons. I’ve played those on Apex and stopped playing after 3 seasons. If you want people to be motivated to try new things, devs could have gone with weekly lootboxes by playing let’s say… Mystery Heroes ?

Then if you’re so happy about it, good for you, my friend. If an empty game with barely 3 heroes, a few new maps and an old game mode from 2019 that looks like Escort is enough for you, then we simply don’t have the same expectations.

Mine are decent as an Overwatch true fan :wink:.

Still a 3/10 or 4/10 for me.

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