So the devs are done balancing Mercy?

She is the most played support in the OWL because of her ease of use with massive healing out put at the same time. Oh and she has insane mobility AND a rez mechanic.

Does Blizz really think Mercy is balanced? I fully understand that she has gone through many reworks over the games lifespan. Yet what has changed since they added valk? Valk only made her more powerful and a must pick.

I’m sure this is an unpopular opinion considering how many mercy players there are, but I feel like she is dragging this game down.


Res isn’t a central focus anymore, the game isn’t centered around it.

I don’t care if she is powerful, I’m just glad people aren’t being raised left and right👌

I think she is fine, but that’s my opinion👏


I don’t think rez is the major issue, but it certainly is a cherry on top of her other strengths.


Last we heard, they think she is in a good place and aren’t currently looking to make any more changes to her.

We’re going on 8 seasons now of Mercy being the only viable main healer. It’s getting old. Either nerf Mercy again or buff the other two main healers.


We need other healers like her, she is the only main healer.

If they realeased a couple more, it would even it out and give us some choices.

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Ah I didn’t know that. Shame honestly.


There is nothing worse than seeing your kill-cam start with a hero glowing gold (that you just killed) and they shoot you in the back.



The last thing we need right now is more supports, especially given how much of a cluster the last two have been. Ana and Moira would do great as main healers if Blizz would just buff them already.

nerfing her will lose even more of the player base. she is not overpowered but a clear choice over ana and moira. buffing other supports is probably the way to go

Ana yes, Moira no.

Moira is fine.

Ana and Lucio need buffs desperately.

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Moira and Ana both need buffs to their lack of healing consistency. I’d be fine with pulling Moira back in other areas, her self sustain for example, to make that happen.

… we need new tanks and supports. The last thing we need is more DPS

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Yes Moira is fine! I’m so tired of people justifying that nerf on the PTR which has so many bugs… i wish they would just leave her along she’s perfect right now on live servers


lucio needs a buff all the pros want to run lucio zen not zen mercy. his lack of damage and burst heals is still his issue.

you mean another healer that has a rez mechanic, very good mobility (vertical& horizontal), AOE healing, strong single target healing (by that i mean 100% accuracy) , healing through shields, ability to dmg, no ressource meter…

  • passive self heal + passive&massive self heal during ult

Honestly the pros use Mercy because of the damage boost it’s also why they use Zenyatta, they love discord orb. Even if the pre-valk Mercy was in the game you’d still see her in OWL damage boosting Hanzo, Widow, Junkrat. McCree and Pharah. She’s not the best with Tracer and Genji, but they’re not super meta anyway. And pros don’t even use res much anyway. Mercys typically get 2-4 res per match

is the #1 problem keeping her from being balanced.

Mercy was designed to be a single target healer.

Never meant to be a group healer.

She needs another rework

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Mercy’s issue is less on herself and more on the fact that other healers are pretty much off-dps heroes with mediocre or condiotinal healing and thus dont heal as much as her or arent as reliable/constant as her as healers. Mercy on realistic scenarios doesnt heal ‘‘massive’’ quantities, its just that she is the only realistic tank healer that doesnt lose effectiviness depending on meta (unlike poor Ana).

Thats why Mercy will always be the most played support hero, not because she is ‘‘OP’’ but because she is the most reliable one and the only ACTUAL healer hero that isnt also an off-dps.

Of course, the fact that her rework also made her ridiculously SAFE (on top of reducing her skill expression) is a balance issue, but we all told Blizz that and they ignored that in their obsessive ‘‘OWL PLAY$’’ mentality.

Also there is the fact that Blizz does a pretty bad job at designing healer heroes that actually heal (without being poorly veiled dps heroes) as of late (lmao bagette) because dps mains need to pick something when they all get together amirite?

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