So the April fools D.Va "buff" made it to live

Does that mean that we have to wait at least another year until she gets changes that actually address the problems of her kit?

  • DM being super unreliable since the rework (projectiles passing right through it while you use it)

  • DM range being so short that you have to stay close to your team unless you won the fight - then you are finally allowed to use your mobility to clean up the 1-2 people trying to escape

  • Baby D.Va still getting staggered hard - the change is not going to help with that in the slightest

Here is what D.Va needs imo:

  • DM reliability fixed - idk if it is a bug or an perspective issue with the way DM is displayed in the 1st person view, but it simply can’t be that you use DM and a Moira Orb passes right through it as if it isn’t there

  • DM range increased to 12-13 m

  • when Baby D.Va dies the respawn timer gets reduced by 1 second for every 10% “Call Mech”


Yeah this is kind of sad. has been absolute garbage ever since she got the DM nerfs years ago.

And instead of actually fixing her they give her a meme buff that is the equivalent of buffing torbs hammer damage :neutral_face:


Ironically dva is most played tank in the league over even zarya winston rein. If people don’t care about OWL that’s fair, but it does go to show that if people put in effort to get good lots of heroes are not throw picks as people think.

And anyone that wants to dismiss that I’ll glad accept their admission that they suck, don’t want to improve, and simply want the game to be made easier for them.


I don’t really care about balance in OWL, but seeing stagger makes me wonder how this game is full of design flaws, they need to do something about it.


I’ll disclose that I’m nothing but a wee scrub, but doesn’t anybody else feel as though the D.Va armour buff actually helped her a fair bit?

Not that I’m opposed to her getting a couple of meters back on DM or anything.

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Dva routinely keeps getting compensation buffs. Her reduction in defense matrix? Its augmented with -2 sec reduction boosters giving her lots of effective range and control on a shorter cooldown.

The revert to 300 armor helps as it buffs healing against most tanks. Sigma has horrible overall DPS, so his burst damage isn’t as effective against her. Armor helps drastically reduce damage output Orisa, Winston, Roadhog to about 50% and a low charge Zarya can’t do much to her either with high armor in play. Even Hammond can’t do much damage until armor is broken and Reinhard himself just has low overall DPS into Dva. Armor is really powerful against pretty much every tank and minorly affects several support picks.


Orisa and Hog are basically irrelevant at this point.
Being good against heroes that don’t see much (or any) play to begin with isn’t exactly helping her.
Also the beam damage reduction is at 30%, not at 50%.

Against the damage of the top tier DPS heroes armor is barely helping at all since most of them eat through it with 1-2 crits.
It mostly helps against shotgun and automatic weapon damage and most of those heroes are very underperforming lately.

You almost make it sound as if it would be better the other way round.
Yet D.Va’s damage gets affected much more by Reinhardt’s armor than the other way round and in a shootout with a Hammond D.Va will always get the short end of the stick thanks to her critbox size and placement.

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I feel as though this is a problem for armoured tanks in general. It’s not a lot of comfort to get five whole damage points taken away from attacks that do two to three hundred damage.

I’d like an Experimental where armour also guarantees that X% damage is mitigated. Whether X should be ten, twenty or thirty is an exercise I leave to the reader, but here’s an example of what I mean:

Widow headshot = 300 damage
Current armour reduces that to 295
Experimental armour at 20% would reduce it to 240 damage instead.

Although making it a general tank passive would probably be better, so that they don’t have to deal with stripping armour away from non-tank characters.


Shhhhh… Dva garbage. DM garbage.

Faster ult charge as baby dva, shorter cast time on calling mech, hitscan pistol as baby
So many ways to prevent staggering and not adding 1 shots
Then they should have buffed DM


Don’t worry, it will help in bronze where they don’t sta-

Oh, I know, if the enemy emotes, dva can kill 4

Always happens
All the time


The simplest solution would be to give Pilot D.Va an ability that lets her force a respawn. Hold the button down 2-3 seconds in pilot form and you die. She’d still be more staggerable than other heroes, but it wouldn’t be as obnoxious as it gets now.

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I agree with you, but a buff is better than nothing.

Cant wait for her to get nerfs to random stuff instead of a revert

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So as soon as we can play competitive games with the same 5 teammates every game, with guaranteed comms for 8 hours a day - every day, she’ll be balanced?

Good to know.

…or we could stop pretending that OWL resembles the live game in any reasonable way and balance the game that people actually play. How about that? It’s not even a matter of ‘just git gud’ - it’s literally impossible to play the game ‘OWL-style’ on ladder, even at Top 500.


Top 500 ladder in Asia is legit running lots of dive comps like dva, winston, hammond while NA/EU is running Rein/Zarya.

OWL is running lots of dva/winston/rein/zarya mixture as well. Its hilarious how balanced it is that everyone is seeing usage.

Now, if you want to go and say top 500 ladder in asia is playing 8hr with the same people every day I highly doubt it.

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It is. Its amazing. I can see it… a mccree nerf! We’re almost there :confounded::persevere:


Honestly, Proper Mccree nerfs say -25 hp and reload speed revert would make fighting him bearable again.

He’s stupid strong as it stands. Oh you’re a tank? Flashbang-FTH-roll-FTH-dead.

Give mccree nerfs + Dva buffs to
DM and the game wouldn’t be so riddled with outliers. Nothing sucks worse than being perfectly in range of mccree while he ults just to have a single bullet of his go through that kills your support.


Are you new here?
Blizzard often buffs or nerfs heroes that don’t actually address their problems. Been that way since launch.


This helps eliminate forced staggers by body blocking.

It’s at least positive and something that did need to be adressed

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