So, that Matchmaker Patent

No one can say otherwise about the matchmaking now. We already knew it was rigged, but now we know Blizzard has a freakin’ patent for it. That cements that the game wont let you win until it decides to, and it also cements that every other FPS doesnt have this problem.

Well, all except CoD, because if you recall, Activision has that patent where matchmaking is tied to monetization, the less you pay, the worse matches you’ll be in. Only ActivisionBlizzard would have these kind of patents.


Just because they own the patent doesn’t mean they use it? That’s speculation beyond speculation

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What patent are we talking about exactly?

If I remember rightly blizzard owns a patent to a matchmaking algorithm that purposefully puts you into winning/losing games I assume op can enlighten more.

Recently apex was accused of a similar thing where it purposefully puts you in winning/losing games to have the most chance of continuing to play however they confirmed they don’t use it


Matches go down the way the patent says. They use it, and have been using it for 2 years. I say that, because the OWL was the start of OW not being fun anymore & favoring DPS.

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You literally have no way to prove that, if you don’t mind could you enlighten as to what the patent actually involves it’s been a while since I read anything about it

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You’re freaking out about a system that doesn’t work well with the monetization aspect of this title.

Chillax my man

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I think it was something to do with skins and cosmetics actually

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All you have to do is play the game yourself, and see the one-sided matches the game puts you in after 2 wins in a row. Three at best. The matchmaking is rigged & we now have a confirmation on that. Its ActivisionBlizzard after all, of course they’d have & use such a patent.

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Can you actually describe the patent to make the post more clear please? Also anecdotal evidence isn’t valid

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I like how you even admit that they probabky use it for CoD and still are somehow convinced that they implemented in OW two years after release.


Describe it? Just look it up. I cant post an article link on it. The news on that patent has been out for two days now. There’s also an article about Jeff talking about that patent, but of course Blizzard’s Vice President would try saying PR stuff, that Blizzard doesnt use it, after getting caught. Heck, he didnt even say how winstreaks affect the matchmaking.

One, I said that CoD has a different matchmaking patent.

Two, you certainly misread my reply. I said Blizzard uses that patent for 2 years, and specifically stated that I meant two years now, after the OWL.

Before the OWL, the matchmaking was fine. Old OW was fun. But after it, everything went downhill.

from what i can tell this has nothing to do with one sided matches, from my understanding this is about putting people with certain cosmetics in your match

Both, actually.

There’s also a section detailing how bots (or rather NPC’s) would replace teammates, something OW does not do.

That’s the thing, its a patent for a very loose catch all system. In no way is it guaranteed that all of it is being used, and there ia no actual evidence that even part of it is being used in OW at all.

Patents are essentially used to copywrite ideas should the holder decide to make a new product, they don’t necessarily guarantee anything.

No I completely understood your reply.

Overwatch has been out for 4 years. If Blizz has been using it for the past 2 years, that in turn means that the game was already out for 2 years by the time they “implemented” it.

Basic math here.

Unless you mean that they’re starting now and you somehow know they will use it for the next two years, which… Okay… That still means OW was out for 4 years before they put it in.

The news has been around for well over a year.

This only got dug up again by some conspiracy nut thwt can’t accept they legitimitely belong in their rank, and people seem to be catching on again as if it were new.

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No idea if they currently use it, but it is terrifying.
For those who don’t know, the patent says that it can secretly change variables mid-game, such as how much damage you do, how much hp you have, etc etc…
The patent says that wether or not these things are tampered with are determined by the “Skill level of the player”, so it would use the Skill Based MatchMaking we already have.
In theory with this patent, you could put a Bronze in a Masters lobby, but secretly make them take less damage and so on due to their imbalance in skill.
Pretty scary but very interesting nontheless
There was also a second patent that said that people who are “More fun to play with” will receive more games. One can only imagine this means the Endorsement System…? but who knows :woman_shrugging:


First off, lets just be on the same page, dynamic difficulty has been a thing in games for years. Its a common practice that tailors the game to the player to help make everyone feel like they’re skillfully playing the game by making it feel rewarding to beat a level while still being beatable for that specific player. The general idea of that in and of itself is nothing new.

That said, it’s pretty much never used in PvP environments because of how easy it is to spot when you’re on the receiving end. People will notice when you suddenly change the hero they’ve been playing for years without annoucement. And they’ll especially notice when they have a literal HP bar telling them how much damage, exactly, they take and deal. This is why stealth nerfs are often frowned upon in live update games like OW, because the differences are found really fast by people who know what they’re doing.

If Blizzard really is using something like this, it’s much, much more likely that they have it in a PvE system like Starcraft, WoW, or maybe even getting ready for the upcoming OW2. Its also possible that they implement it to make more “accurate” placeholder bots for leavers, which they have in HotS iirc. But again, no such bots are in the purely PvP “if you have a leaver you’re screwed” Overwatch as we know it.


Old news my dudes and dudettes. What, you think I’m rambling about nothing when I complain about the matchmaker or what.

If you go look at my post history, you’ll find I ramble about very little. It’s all pragmatic logical problems. Then I get called crazy for knowing about the matchmaker.

Blizzard’s patent has nothing to do with cosmetics. Its about putting lower level players on higher level teams, in an attempt to make matches even. Aka, pair trash players with good ones.

All Blizzard would have to do to make even matches legit, is just pair everyone against others of the same portrait lvl. Things would be 100% fair without having to deliberately pair trash players with good ones.

Matches being one-sided h*** for so long is proof that the patent is used.

As long as the matchmaking is rigged, which we now basically have confirmation of, players arent in the ranks they deserve.

I am so sick of that “they legitimitely belong in their rank” bs. That implies that are good teammates all around in every rank. That’s not the case until Diamond & up.

im currently levelling a new account and im going to record the data from the games to see if theres anything to this claim , ill make a post when ive reached level 25

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Oh please, you’ll steamroll matches just for the first few levels because you’d be up against legit newbies. But once you’re in the 10s, way before lvl25, you’ll be in matches that are Comp-level" despite your low level. I tried it out of curiosity, the fun ends quick. But those alt accounts shouldn’t even be allowed, because they’re also why the matchmaking is nowhere near balanced & fair.