So Rein in the OWL

Orisa weakness in design is mobility. Not damage range or shield.

increasing Reinhardt mobility further makes winson kinda niche. But since he cant climb walls it may work.

Rein has a very high pick rate at lower ranks. Personally I don’t think it’s possible to balance heroes across all skill levels. I think we need to wait and give 2/2/2 some time to settle and see where everyone falls then go from there.

True. Which is why the game should be balanced around the top end, in my opinion.

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Might be breaking news for some, but in pro matches Rein was only viable if he had 2 more tanks with him, or ridiculous amount of healing. 2-2-2 ensures Rein’s pickrate will be at lowest possible levels.

I know this already. I spoke about that in my post…

I will just say what I said in another post.

Orisa is better than Rein in every possible way, both in attack and defense.
The main problem with Rein, is that with all the dps powercreep, his shield melts in mere seconds and takes a very long time to recover, even if you play smart with your shield, which doesn’t give him time to reach his targets anymore in attack or be as effective in defense.

Orisa has good damage output from range, good sustain, good shield upkeep, can attack without dropping the shield (crucial vs snipers), has way less vulnerabilities and weaknesses than Reinhardt to the plethora of cc abilities such as Hack,Doom,Stun,Boop,Slows and overall has better value.

Everything in the game has evolved and increased in power, but Reinhardt remained the same, he is still balanced for a version of the game that is way in the past.

Steadfast passive knockback resistance and slow down changes are nice and all but they doesn’t do much to help Rein’s actual problems.

It takes way too long for his shield to recharge, he is too slow (unplayable without lucio) and his abilities are unreliable and buggy.
Charge is still buggy after years of reports and doesn’t work half the time and earthshatter sometimes does not register.

There is simply no reason to run Rein over Orisa ever.
This is not an nerf Orisa post, she is fine, I just want to point that some heroes have not aged well with the game with all the powercreep going on and really need to be looked at again.

Don’t expect a fix to charge or earthshatter any time soon.
It took them more than 2years and countless reports to fix the 180degree turn bug and to rework on earthshatter (read:rework, not fix).
I was going to make a megathread about charge and earthshatter bug reports, but after doing that for the 180degree turn bug for months, I realise there is no point.

Reinhardt’s problem that people do not talk about much is that Earthshatter isn’t that useful against typical teams. Also, Zarya has been slammed a little too hard with nerfs, on top of Zarya being thoroughly countered by Orisa.

I think these factors damage Reinhardt’s viability more than anything. Nothing to Earthshatter and his Zarya being shut down easily.

In the beginning, Rein was viable during the beyblade era. Back when Ana’s ultimate gave speed boost and also when Lucio’s Speedboost wasn’t nerfed heavily.

With Ana’s ult giving insta-heal now, I think it would be great to give Lucio better speed again, especially in this 2-2-2 era. It preserves his niche and would directly support melee heroes like Rein/Reaper/Symmetra/etc

Rein feels like Pharah to me where his kit is well designed but at its best when he has a hero to cover his weaknesses. Pharah has a unique kit compared to the cast but gets no sustain in a game built around melee heroes (only a few healers can even reach her) so Mercy (sustain) + Pharah feels strong while Pharah alone feels mismatched. Reinhardt has excellent cleave, damage, barrier and CC but can be outranged easily meaning any ally that can help him get in enemy’s faces faster is a blessing.

This would also help players realize that they shouldn’t just be sitting passively on Reinhardt with a barrier up waiting for their DPS to get picks. We now have two reliable barrier tanks (Orisa, Sigma) that can act independently from their barriers. Rein should play to his melee/deathball strengths instead of trying to compete with Orisa.

Listen man, Rein will NEVER be able to compete in the Orisa meta unless he gets a full auto machine gun. He is literally useless against Bunker. “Don’t worry my friends, I AM YOUR SHIELD…” for 10 seconds…then we all run out of ammo breaking Orisa’s second shield before we all die. He’s useless until Sigma drops at best.

I continue to hope that they allow damage dealt with your hammer to recover some percentage of your shield hit points. The exact percentage could always be tweaked, but it should be low enough that there is a reasonable downtime to the shield for counter-play but high enough to reward proper resource management and timely aggressiveness.