So Rein in the OWL

I haven’t even considered this. I used to ride the ultimate out of the fight all the time. That’s actually gonna be pretty rough now -_-

I feel like if Rein being good or bad solely depends on Lucio, that is probably bad. I know you’re right, but I’m just saying.

I think Rein + Sigma is too weak to dive to be an effective comp and it won’t work. It’s an either-or type of thing, I think. (Obviously it’s too early to tell, I know).

Edit: I like your take though. Nice, well thought out, response. +1

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Oh, it will, we are already seeing the start of it. But I also think Fortify will have a longer CD, and the amount of armour in her health pool will be reduced. And, once your main tank falls, you’ve pretty much lost the fight.

I agree that he shouldn’t solely depend on Lucio, but hero synergies are always good. Pharmercy, Orisa/hog, Mercy/zen, etc etc

But also Lucio needs it reverted for any comp to be honest. Right now, he’s pretty well outshined by Zenyatta in anything except Reinhardt comps. And there is a small synergy with Lucio and Moira.

I’m not asking for Lucio buffs per se. Just saying that with Goats no longer a mathematical possibility, now revert the speed boost and let Lucio benefit the teams that choose to use him.


lucio has a significantly higher pickrate than zen in owl rn
lucio/moira and lucio/ana are strong

they’re probably afraid to revert lucio because of his dominance throughout a good portion of the game’s life (s1 until s6, and throughout the entirety of goats)

zen and lucio have fallen a bit because mercy, ana, and baptiste are the best for bunker


Rein’s passive should help… when that’s implemented…

Will it, though? One big problem with Rein is you have to choose between shielding and damaging. He’s the only barrier tank that has to make that choice.

Hell, he’s the only tank that has to make that choice if you count DVa’s E being usable during DM

While his passive will make him stronger, remember there’s another barrier tank being released alongside his buff that largely fulfills his role, and while people are saying Sigma can’t replace Rein, give people time to get used to playing him. People also said Ana wasn’t a main healer when she was released.

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One small buff for Reinhardt won’t fix his shield problems. The power creep and nerf to armor will keep at a low pick rate. So far he is the only barrier tank that is not able to deal damage while shielding.


I agree.

Also agree.

Agree times 3.

We are on the same page, my dude.

Sigma will also not be used in OWL. He doesn’t fit the way pros like to play, at least when paired with Zarya, which seems to be what the pros like to do. They love brawling, whatever the comp, and Sigma can’t brawl.

i love playing reinhardt, actually the only hero i play even being underpowered and your point is pretty fair.
after tons of hours spent on him and every different match up i have had, what comes to my mind to make him viable but not way too much stronger than the rest of the tanks is: higher move speed than the rest of the heroes (not a ton, just a bit like 15%) that doesnt stack with other move speed boost. (as the slow debuff, u will benefit on the strongest one), make his mb1 sighly faster (0.8 or 0.75) and bring back the armor working. it feels so bad to die if u decide to down the shield for push people away with your hammer, orb comes in and a big bunch of bullets hits u in less than u can shield up again.
also they should work on fix this


And before bunker, people here were saying Rein was OP and needed nerfs, while Orisa needed buffs.

And neither got substantially changes.

He’s also getting a buff against slows so they don’t slow him until past his actual shield movement speed, so there’s that too.

While this is also a good thing, it isn’t anywhere near enough. That is EXTREMELY situational, as it only helps him against Symmetra (who rarely sees play) and Mei, who will still counter him with the wall anyway.

Yes, it’s a good thing, but it isn’t gonna magically make his pickrate go back up.

Edit: also I think you’re misunderstanding that patch note. He CAN get slowed past his innate barrier slow, they just don’t stack.

The gigantic charge kill Rein has seems pretty fancy to me… and it gets you into enemy ranks fast.

Orisa has simply become 100% mandatory in all games. It has even trickled down into the lower elo games where I am. She is on every team without fail, as she just brings too much utility to the table(2x shields, Fortify, Halt) compared to him.

If Orisa / Sigma become a serious meta, Rein will be obsolete and I love playing him. All the other tanks can barrier and DPS and he can’t compete with that.

Why can’t someone like Rein have a “Fortify”-esque ability? Hammond essentially has one also with that barrier he does based on enemies present.

Gets you BEYOND enemy ranks fast lol. Not always a good thing if mishandled :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, to be fair, any ability can be wasted with bad aim or bad timing. Doesn’t mean the ability doesn’t work.

To be clear, I was joking.

Apologies, I misunderstood you.

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Lol all good, carry on.

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