So Reaper is White( skin color/colour)

He is white because of the testing Moira did on him. It bleached his skin.

Was Moira another skin color/colour before she genetically altered herself?

Where did you get this idea? I mean, all right, I’m willing to consider the possibility that his skin’s a different colour NOW, but he’s very light brown at most during Retribution. We know that he looks different than he used to, but not the specifics AFAIK.

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What? He’s not white tho…

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His skin is white in his Reaper outfit. You can see his white elbows and forearm

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I think this is a good perspecti’V’e


When you’re Mexican and no one believes you.

Unlike Reaper, Moiras self experimentation was (kinda) a success with only her arm being affected.

Reaper on the other hand got heavily disfigured entirely, to the point of looking like a zombie

Moira is Irish. I’m not sure how much you know about Ireland, but if you bleached an Irish persons skin, then you’d be giving them a tan.


He is a different color now corpse white but that’s due to a lack of pigment in his skin due to its continual decay and regrowth


He’s Mexican if I recall correctly

If there’s versions of him being white they’re likely old versions of him that were designed before they decided to make him Mexican.

Oh yeah, I guess the thing that made him “Reaper” bleached him. All the skins from before he was modified are a light brown. After is super white, like vampire-white.

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Huh, maybe. I always thought those were just part of his sleeves, but looking closely it seems that he might be wearing a short-sleeved coat and long gloves, and that’s actually bare skin. :thinking:

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His skin is white now

I’m white, but I’m also Hispanic.

Big woop


They never made him mexican, that’s fanon


He is canonly mexican.

Seriously. Seriously he has a Blackwatch skin with a tan complexion and he SPEAKS SPANISH and he’s closely associated with Sombra.


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and his skin color/colour is white

He’s not mexican, he’s from America! You don’t need to be from Mexico to speak Spanish or have tan skin, there are things called Latin Americans!


He’s not white, he’s dead


Just like you don’t need to be from Mexico to be Mexican…

His skin color is white/pale in his standard skin and the recolors probably because he is like an undead wraith thing now, moreso than a human at this point.

Don’t forget he also turns into smoke

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