So queue times are getting worse

I talked about the game before it launched too. That doesn’t mean I was an employee of Blizzard, or that I had influence over the game.

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So…it’s your fault it sucks??

Maybe they should have had all their stuff in 1 basket and have a firm grasp on the direction they wanted to head. It feels like the current administration of America. No hope, no direction.

Apparently. If taking about a game before it launched puts it on you, when you are not working for Blizzard when you do, it means it is on you.

I think it takes someone longer than a couple of months to get into a new position, and then wildly change the direction a game is going in.


Some are speculating that they will do extreme balance changes to support once the support bottle-neck reaches critical mass.

I’m inclined to agree, they wouldn’t just let the game’s population collapse… would they?

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That was their choice, ow2 is still early access. They knowingly launched a incomplete broken game, they had Beta data and records, yet it still launched in the same sorry state.

OW and OW2 were supposed to be compatible for pvp. They were supposed to be seperate games, they were supposed to be pve. You forgive me if i no long trust the devs lies.

I’m trying to figure out what is this support bottle neck. All my games <1min support <1min dps <5min tank.

What does suck is that you might go 5minutes without getting a backfill. That is what sucks.

It should, the game is trash now. It needs to be redone. This is subparr in everyway.

They joined in Oct, the launch date was already set.

They joined in Oct, two months ago. Do you think he had a time machine and went back and changes the designs? make the choices around launch dates, etc?

Again, what do you expect he was able to do from mid Oct to now? Rewrite the game which Blizzard was launching?

It is the shift in numbers of support players. Not that support players have to wait a long time to queue (because they don’t, because people have been moving away from playing support).

Quit defending an anti consumer company, they deserve all the flack they get and more so.

Where have I been doing that?

All I can saying is blaming a person who joined the team 2 months ago for the choices made for the year before that is madness.


It only became public knowledge 2 months ago, no way thwy weren’t working together before that.

He was working for Riot before that.

Like a big industry name couldnt work 2 jobs?

Stop trying to die on this hill, the mental gymnastics is embarrassing. Collusion? Really :man_facepalming:

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I dont remember asking you.

Product lead for two different companies (which is more than a full time job for either one)? on games which are in competition with each other?

Seriously, what the hell?

That is weapons grade crazy.

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Why is collusion so hard to believe? They are a company charging $20 for old skins. They clearly have no morals.

Lol like blizzard doesn’t have ahistory of overworking employees. Mmmkay

I am sure he is overworked. As he would have been at Riot. But there is no way he was working for both at the same time.

Seriously, you have gone off the deep end here. This is the strangest hill to die on I’ve seen in a while.