So mei is braindead but genji isnt?

Remember the time when orisa is popular and every complainer is calling her mains no brain?

So I don’t deserve the death for getting close to Mei, but I do in case of Mccree :thinking:.

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orissa was/is boring extremely so, apart from pull there is nothing special about a fat bastion with low damage behind shields, that said i dont recall her being called braindead.

This man(or woman idc) did not just compare Genji to release Brig holy ****. Genji is not a hero you can go from Gold to Gm with on a whim.

Non of them are braindead. All heroes are skillful just in different ways.

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Mei is one of the hardest heroes in the game and fun fact ignored by braindead people, she always required more skill to master and to be effective than Genji ever did

You don’t get close to Mei, Mei gets closer to you. Also, as a tank how many times do you die cause of a Cree stun and how many times you die cause of Mei freeze? i don’t have anything against her today and do think she needs buffs as long as they NEVER buff her primary fire again. You have no idea how infuriating it was playing against her during the times where her freeze beam was broken a few months ago.

Genji tryhards are SCREAMING right now LMAO

omg, never had this thought, and this comparison is really good lol
but tbh, ppl did complain about fan of hammer around corner alot. haha

It’s not like he can deflect bullets whilst pulling back… or dash out, climb walls, jump over things… etc…


You mean like deflect?


Cause that’s all you need to do. Why would you bother trying to snipe long distance when you can walk up to Rein and spray in his face and hit some support behind him too cause it’s got stupid pierce.

Cool story, bro. Try playing a tank, shielding your team in the frontline and you get a wall behind you, frozen and three other enemies jump out of nowhere. Stop with this “just don’t walk into Mei” argument. I have to be in the frontline as a tank and she can not only split the enemy team in half, but also has CC on primary fire for free. And then she can re-apply that CD. There’s no cooldown or other period when she can’t freeze you again. Even on Hammond, you get frozen, don’t die, but she keeps slowing you and you end up frozen again.

No, the problem is not solved, because she can run up to you. As Rein, Hog, Sigma, you have no response to that. D.Va and Winston better hope they have their mobility off cooldown and Orisa and Zayra can only last a few seconds longer. And again, she can cut you off so you’re alone, if you don’t “run into her”.

It not only heals you, it charges your ult (cause self-heal does that) and it makes you totally invulnerable to anything. It’s “contest-the-point-for-free” button. I’m on the point with three other teammates and we can’t do anything to this ice pop sitting on the point contesting, only to pop out with wall off cooldown, or even ult. And by then her whole team is threre as well. WHY can’t you break her out of it early is beyond me. Heroes of the Storm got that right and put a healthbar on her cryo-freeze.

A Mei who panics and uses Ice Block is deader than a doornail.
I main Reinhardt. It is my job to treat everyone like nails.
My peak was Grandmaster.

If you use Cryo in a poor position, you will be punished for it and swiftly killed.
Mei’s Ultimate also takes 2 whole seconds *to even activate and then takes another whole second to freeze someone.

I’m not with the whole “braindead” clan, I don’t like that argument – because it’s not an argument. But, seeing how something works on paper isn’t the same as applying it to a Masters or Grandmasters level.

Cryo’s only “broken” in that it gives her team the best resource possible. Time.


I’d like to see the wall cooldown reverted.

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Are you actually serious right now? She’s f-tier in every rank. Nobody is getting value with Mei except in the OWL. How is it that an apparent ‘low siill’ hero is only useful in the highest level? Must be due to all those low skill top 500, amirite? The M1 is also the easiest cc to counter in the entire game. Getting killed by it says more about your own gameplay, but of course, you need an excuse for losing. If only you knew how to use mobility, instant cc, shields, or you know, how to actually freaking aim. Conversely, the secondary fire is one of the hardest shots to land effectively. Compare that to your entry level hitscan.

Come back when every hero has around a 12 second cooldown for every ability. Let’s slap 12 seconds on each of Tracer’s dash, McCree’ roll and flash, Genji’s dash and deflect, Hog’s take a breather and hook, heck, let’s go crazy and put a 12 second cooldown on Rein’s shield, seeing as every hero apparently manages long cooldowns, right? What a dumb statement. She has 12 and 13 seconds respectively on her cooldowns. Only Mercy and Baptise have more, and that’s only for one ability each.

The irony is palpable. 🤦🤦‍♂️


Trying to play Mei using only her M1 is like using a bazooka in CoD. It’s a complete newbie trap nobody should fall into in the long run

Mei is overnerfed right now and needs some buffs. We should already be over this topic and not nerf any hero regardless of subjective opinions from players and only touch them when they’re statistically oppressive too. Mei didn’t perform even that well


She isn’t even close to F Tier in no rank out there, but it’s true that she has fallen from grace during the past few months. I’m talking though about Mei’s state generally in the game though, which is in no way limited to said couple of months.

She’s still useful in all other ranks as well, albeit less useful/strong than she used to be before.

She’s the strongest in Top 500 because obviously the people there are some of the best in the world and can use the hero to their full potential. The same exact phenomenon can be observed concerning all other heroes as well.

Ah, of course… The classic fundamentally flawed logic of excusing blatantly “low skill = high reward” abilities just in order to blame the players trying to counter said ability for not overperforming while using skill sets that the original ability doesn’t even require in the first place (such as aiming in this specific situation) and for not ““staying away from Mei”” (as if the main design concept of an entire role in this game isn’t to get close and create space), etc.

Congrats. One out of the 6 abilities that form Mei’s kit actually requires a significant amount of skill to use. What an achievement.

Lmaoo, if everything here wasn’t already bad enough (such as the fact that you’re somehow claiming that Mei is one of the only heroes that require cool down management and that abilities such as McCree’s Roll out of everything else have somehow the same impact as Mei’s Ice Block for example and therefore deserve the same cool downs :rofl: ), imagine if Mei had low cool downs on her abilities on top of everything else!!

Cool, baseless one - liner, but a failed one at that.

Try again.

i think the issue is that the freeze is her main weapon and if she missed a bit it doesn’t matter, the enemy still get frozen, like it’s more of a constant CC threat than flashbang is which is only a threat between cooldowns.

but i think mei is honestly fine in this type of game considering what’s in it.

I’ve seen a few ones calling her that in this forums.