So McCree's pickrate just gets higher and higher

I mean, McCree literally is one of the best counters to Ball.

He got 2 meta’s back to back that he’s always been great in :woman_shrugging:

Zarya was just included in like 3 meta’s back to back and nobody says anything. Same thing with Bap


Sombra, mei, junkrat, bastion, hog, torb are all much better ball counters.
And doom, mei, reaper are all much better rush heroes.

Yet mcree still dominates both metas by far.

I feel like I’m pretty fair when it comes to mcree, but let’s stop trying to make excuses eh? He’s not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but there’s definitely something wrong when he’s dominating a roster with 17 heroes for 6 months.

He’s even dominating OWL. That should say something, should it not? Because despite the fact that he’s a dps he’s also being picked more than rein, lucio, winston, and nearly picked as much as bap. Rein and bap just got nerfed btw.

Maybe it’s time to accept the 4 buffs he got tipped him a little over the edge. Not much, just a little.

I understand he would of been a solid pick in the metas we’ve had, but not dominating.

Zarya is a tank, Baptiste is a support. DPS roster has about 3x more heroes. And definitely people said something lol.


im talking generally not just GM

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Are any of you surprised? Because I am not. Not in the slightest. He is hitscan.

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Yo guys you remember how fast genji was nerfed ? Fun times.


As if Genji was the only one. Genji, Symmetra, mei, reaper, doomfist, etc etc.


How dare any hero other than a hitscan one be meta for a couple of weeks!
Projectile and weaker heroes have been gutted when they were meta whilst Cree and Ashe are slightly touched and are given compensation buffs…
Anyone who thinks hero bias isn’t a thing then you’re just wrong and I hate you.

That’s blasphemy! This cannot go any further!

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I mean, to be fair, genji was more overpowered.
Genji also negatively impacts the game way more when he’s overtuned (whether we like it or not… it’s the harsh truth… Same goes for sombra, mei, bastion, sym, etc.)


You need to stop with this “he’s annoying when he’s strong” thing because that’s pretty much every hero…
No one enjoys dying…

Ashe was nerfed 5 times in a row. 1 compensation buff.
Mcree? I have no idea why they love him so much though. But ashe is fine.

Ashe was nerfed 5 times in a row and is still a top contender lmao just shows how broken she was from launch. She’s basically lost nothing in the long run and has been tuned down from op to strong.

What is this, pickrate communism? :laughing:

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He has had basically the same pickrate for months now so I dont know whose pickrate you think is climbing and climbing. That is a tad under 7% which is good enough for 5th most popular hero, though most popular DPS by a comfy margin and non Overbuff terms means you have a little over a 40% chance of having him on your team compared to say a Rein who you have about an 85% chance of having him on your team.


She was fine on launch, they just gave her a bunch of buffs during double shield (4 i think) (Ashe wasn’t the only one to get buffs during DS) because they thought she was underpowered, She was undertuned for sure (0% pickrate in OWL), but not underpowered as the devs thought, Therefore, they nerfed her.

But point being, they gave her 5 nerfs. That isn’t “bias” clearly, that’s being fair. I mean, you can even see why the devs didn’t think she was overtuned, she never really surpassed the 5% mark even during her meta (poke).

Buff Cree.

Almost like Sports are balanced differently from Economies.

Meh she didn’t get gutted like others and still has one of the best dps kits in the game, that’s enough to say hero bias for me.
remove her from the game

no more like obvious issues, where 1 hero is single handedly dominating the biggest hero category, not by a normal margin…

McCree’s problem is that he’s what Roadhog would be with no hard counters and a long range game that’s just as much a strength as close range.

Except at least when you pick Roadhog, you add so much risk, counterplay, and lose a ton of team protection for the chance to get picks in that role.

Landing a flashbang combo isn’t like landing a hook combo, it’s like a longrange shield bash combo that kills anything that’s not a tank.

Even if flash + FTH was as long a cooldown as hog’s hook combo, he’s still oppressive to 90% of the cast and only is put in check by the other busted hitscans.